Performance Management and Motivation MCQ
Performance Management and Motivation MCQ
1. Under the Forced Distribution Model, supervisors are typically required to:
Correct Answer:
Rate no more than a certain percentage of their subordinates at the high end of the scale (usually 10–15%)
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2. When supervisors use only recent performance information to evaluate subordinates, this is termed as:
Correct Answer:
Recency error
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3. Multi-source feedback typically refers to collecting information on individual performance from the following:
Correct Answer:
The employee’s supervisor, subordinate(s), clients/customers, peers
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4. According to the Leader–Member Exchange theory, supervisors:
Correct Answer:
Create in-groups and out-groups among their subordinates
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5. The motivation model can be summarised as follows:
Correct Answer:
Performance à Needs à Appraisal à Outcomes à Results
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6. What is central tendency error?
Correct Answer:
Supervisors rating all, or most, of their subordinates around the middle of the scale
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7. Which of the following is an employee ‘behaviour’, and not a trait?
Correct Answer:
Quantity of work
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8. The process of matching individuals’ competencies with job requirements, so as to achieve the best fit, is known as:
Correct Answer:
Job assignment
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9. Motivation can be defined as:
Correct Answer:
A psychological drive to behave in a particular fashion
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10. The process by which organisations ensure that employees are working towards achieving a company’s strategic objectives is known as:
Correct Answer:
Performance management
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