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Data Management in Human resource management MCQ

Data Management in Human resource management  MCQ

1. A ____ can often facilitate the forecasting of the supply of human resources.


Correct Answer: Human resource information system

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

2. A ______ is a data object that provides a user interface with which to enter, edit, and/or display data contained within a database.


Correct Answer: Form

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3. Which type of database contains different subsets or collections of data integrated through pieces of information residing within the data themselves?


Correct Answer: Relational

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4. A ______ is a collection of organized data designed to facilitate the functioning of business processes.


Correct Answer: Database

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5. Kurt Lewin’s simple model of change involves three steps: unfreezing the current system and checking to see that individuals are ready for change, enacting the change, and ______, the new system so that it becomes the permanent replacement for the way things used to be done.


Correct Answer: Refreezing

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6. ______ involves determining the most effective way to translate business processes into software and hardware solutions that make those processes a reality.


Correct Answer: Physical design

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7. ______ is the translation of business requirements into improved business processes.


Correct Answer: Logical design

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8. It is crucial to consider various ways to merge and join data from different databases when conducting ______.


Correct Answer: A needs assessment

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9. ______ refers to a digital technology infrastructure that maintains a fully encoded database and serves as a ledger where all transactions are recorded and stored.


Correct Answer: Blockchain

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10. ______ allow(s) HR professionals and managers to understand, predict, explain, and communicate the human capital challenges and opportunities encountered.


Correct Answer: Data visualizations

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11. Which concept refers to storing a vast amount of raw data in its native format?


Correct Answer: Data lake

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12. The key to quality data is ______.


Correct Answer: Sound measurement

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13. Which system provides employees access to their HR systems 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?


Correct Answer: An HR information system

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14. HRIS is where ______ and ______ come together.


Correct Answer: Human resource management; information technology

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15. ______ is an integrated business-management software intended to coordinate and integrate processes and data across different functional areas of an organization?


Correct Answer: Enterprise resource planning

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16. Which approach leverages people data to make data-driven decisions that improve the management of human capital in an organization?


Correct Answer: HR analytics

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17. The process of _______ the current system and checking to see that individuals are ready for change


Correct Answer: Unfreezing

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18. Two-step authentication is an extra layer of security that requires an additional piece of information that only the _______


Correct Answer: Only user would know

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19. A database object used to store data about cases and to add structure to the data is known as


Correct Answer: Table

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20. torytelling with data focus on simplicity and ease of interpretation and comprehension


Correct Answer: True

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21. Saas allows data to be accessed from _______ with an internet connection and a web browser.


Correct Answer: any device

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22. Programs designed to scour and pull data from websites and other electronic sources in a systematic manner this statement is used for


Correct Answer: Scraping and crawling tools

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23. A database object that is used to organize, summarize, format, and present data residing in the database is known as


Correct Answer: Report

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24. A specific type of database in which different subsets or collections of data are integrated through pieces of information residing within the data themselves is known as


Correct Answer: Relational database

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25. _______ the new system in place so that it becomes the permanent replacement for the way things used to be done


Correct Answer: Refreezing

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26. Record is a case in a database


Correct Answer: True

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27. question that is posed to a database is known as


Correct Answer: Query

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28. Physical design is actual software and hardware solutions used to _______ processes into an actual information system


Correct Answer: translate business

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29. Personally identifiable data is a data readily linked to specific individuals


Correct Answer: True

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30. Data associated with various groups of humans that are associated with an organization, such as employees and other stakeholders is known as


Correct Answer: People data

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31. Multi Factor authentication that requires an additional piece of information that only the user would know


Correct Answer: True

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32. The translation of business requirements into improved business processes is known as


Correct Answer: Logical design

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33. Provides the information necessary to construct the relationships between tables and to join (or merge) data from different tables is known as


Correct Answer: Key variable

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34. Human resource information system used to collect, store, manage, analyze, retrieve data


Correct Answer: True

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35. A database object that provides a user interface with which to enter, edit, and/or display data in a database is known as


Correct Answer: Form

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36. A column in a table that represents a unique characteristic is known as


Correct Answer: Field

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37. ERP is stands for


Correct Answer: Enterprise resource planning

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38. e-HRM is a Internet-based information systems and technology that span ________ levels


Correct Answer: across organizational

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39. Database management system used to manage and maintain a database or multiple databases.


Correct Answer: True

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40. Protective measures taken to prevent unauthorized access to employee data and to preserve the confidentiality and integrity of the data is known as


Correct Answer: Data security

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41. Individuals’ control over the collection, storage, access, and reporting of their personal data is known as


Correct Answer: Data privacy

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42. Data lake Stores a ______ of raw data in its native (and often unstructured) format


Correct Answer: vast amount

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43. Define Data flow diagrams


Correct Answer: Depict the logical design of how data move from one entity to the next and how data are processed within an information system

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44. Database is a collection of data that is both stored and accessed electronically


Correct Answer: True

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45. Data security applied to information accessible through the Internet is known as


Correct Answer: Cybersecurity

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46. _______ is an information for which individuals’ identities are known by the researchers due to the linking of a name or code but are not generally disclosed or reported


Correct Answer: Confidential data

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47. Which is the correct statement about Change ?


Correct Answer: The second step in the Lewin model of change, this refers to enacting the change

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48. Blockchain maintains a fully encoded database that serves as a ledger where all transactions are recorded and stored


Correct Answer: True

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49. Pieces of information that cannot be linked to any information that might identify an individual, thereby disclosing the individual’s identity is known as


Correct Answer: Anonymous data

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

Human Resource Management Subjects