Organizational Change and HRM MCQ
Organizational Change and HRM MCQ
1. HRM practitioners have an important role to play in:
Correct Answer:
All of the above
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2. Resistance to change is mostly attributed to:
Correct Answer:
The desire not to lose something valuable
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3. Culture change is often required because:
Correct Answer:
The new vision implies new priorities and values
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4. Involving emotion and values can be done by using:
Correct Answer:
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5. The guiding coalition should:
Correct Answer:
All of the above
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6. Proactive change efforts are likely to be:
Correct Answer:
Planned and orderly implemented
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7. Force field analysis argues that:
Correct Answer:
Organisations are in a state of equilibrium
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8. What is a short-term win?
Correct Answer:
A change that signals positive progress towards the goal
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9. Why is it important to institutionalise new approaches?
Correct Answer:
To make sure that people won’t fall back into old habits
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10. What does Kotter mean by ‘consolidate improvements’?
Correct Answer:
Fostering determination and commitment towards the change effort
Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one
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