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Basic Human Resource Management MCQ

1. Experts advise that bad news for employees should be delivered __________ whenever possible.


Correct Answer: In person

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2. The burden of proving the necessity for a bfoq rests entirely on the ________.


Correct Answer: Employer

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3. ________ is a type of security breach that exploits human nature and human error.


Correct Answer: Social engineering

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4. All of the following issues are addressed by the fair labor standards act except ________.


Correct Answer: Termination

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5. When a finalist does not get a job offer, they are likely to perceive ________.


Correct Answer: Low distributive fairness

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6. For the severely mentally ill, the treatment of choice for the last 150 years has been ________.


Correct Answer: Hospitalization

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7. After identifying his or her general purpose, the second task of a public speaker is to _____.


Correct Answer: Understand the audience

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8. A(n) ______________ is an audio file distributed through downloads or feeds.


Correct Answer: Podcast

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9. Traditionally, the hrm department was primarily a(n) _____.


Correct Answer: Proactive agency

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10. The key to successful worker retention is to ________.


Correct Answer: Focus on top performers and determine their risk of leaving

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11. According to thamhain and wilemon, _____ is the legitimate hierarchical right to issue orders.


Correct Answer: Authority

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12. Enterprise incentive management systems enable firms to ________.


Correct Answer: Efficiently administer employee incentive programs

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13. Employment agencies, career fairs, and internet ads can all be sources of _____.


Correct Answer: Job leads.

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14. Employers use electronic monitoring to ________.


Correct Answer: Gather information about an employee's activities while on the job

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15. Employees who provide informal peer support to other users in an organization ____.


Correct Answer: Often have little or no training in user support

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16. Employees are engaged in ______ when they shape, mold, and redefine their jobs in a proactive way.


Correct Answer: Job crafting

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17. Employee involvement and participation (eip) management is a method of management where ________.


Correct Answer: Subordinates share a significant degree of decision-making power with their immediate superiors

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18. Employee data is managed in the ________ module.


Correct Answer: Human resource

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19. Employee behaviors that exceed the work-role requirements for the job are known as _____.


Correct Answer: Organizational citizenship behaviors

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20. During an economic recession, ________.


Correct Answer: More qualified candidates are available to fill fewer open positions

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21. The last step in an effective onboarding process is _____.


Correct Answer: Connection

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22. The applicant screening process would most likely be considered unfair if an hr manager ________.


Correct Answer: Focused mostly on personality issues

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23. The ____ is the group responsible for initiating the occupation of the alternate facility.


Correct Answer: Advance party

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24. In _____, an experienced manager shows a new employee how to perform job duties.


Correct Answer: On-the-job training

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25. If a rater assigns the same rating to an employee on multiple dimensions, _____ error may occur.


Correct Answer: Halo

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26. Human resource management includes ____ processes


Correct Answer: Four

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27. Average tenure of employees is classified as a _____ metric of human resource.


Correct Answer: Retention and quality

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28. All of the following are measured by aptitude tests except ________.


Correct Answer: Temperament

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29. A(n) _____ is a tool to help people identify the activities they enjoy.


Correct Answer: Holland Interest Inventory test.

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30. _____ power is getting people to do things based on a position of authority.


Correct Answer: Legitimate

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31. A(n) _____ shows the proportion of employees in different job categories at different times.


Correct Answer: Transitional matrix

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32. A(n) ________ is a special talent of a company that competitors find difficult to match.


Correct Answer: Core competency.

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33. The u.s. department of labor uses ______ to describe jobs.


Correct Answer: ONET

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34. _____ interview items have been shown to have high predictive validity.


Correct Answer: Situational

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35. Ms. garner's innovative method for selling shoes online is primarily designed to ________.


Correct Answer: Create value.

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36. A typing test for an administrative assistants job is an example of a(n) _____ test.


Correct Answer: Job preformance

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37. Today, most managers perform some functions associated with ______________.


Correct Answer: Human resource management

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38. ____ refers to all of the pay and benefits provided to employees for the completion of work.


Correct Answer: Total compensation

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39. A(n) _____ is a financial reward calculated on a weekly, monthly, or annual basis.


Correct Answer: Annual base salary

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40. The first step in the framework for defining and assigning work is _____.


Correct Answer: Finalizing the project requirements,

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41. A __________ awards pay increases in proportion to performance contributions.


Correct Answer: Stock option

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42. Feedback and coaching are part of the _____ function of an hr department.


Correct Answer: Performance management

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43. Disparate treatment focuses on _________.


Correct Answer: Allegations and evidence about intentions to discriminate

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44. In a _____________ arrangement two part-time employees fill one full-time job.


Correct Answer: Job sharing

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45. Psychologist david merril describes _____ as reactive and task-oriented.


Correct Answer: "Amiables".

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46. According to thamhain and wilemon, _____ is the ability to improve a worker?s position.


Correct Answer: Promotion.

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47. A(n) _____ is a column chart that shows the number of resources assigned to a project over time.


Correct Answer: Resource histogram

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48. _____ appraisals involve judgments about employee performance.


Correct Answer: Trait

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49. Herzberg called factors that cause job satisfaction _____.


Correct Answer: Two-factor theory

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50. According to the hot stove rule, disciplinary action should ________.


Correct Answer: Provide consistent punishment

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51. Affirmative action programs seek to make sure that employers ________ minority groups.


Correct Answer: Enhance employment opportunities for

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52. An important advantage of polycentric staffing is that it ________.


Correct Answer: Eliminates the high cost of relocating expatriate managers and their families

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53. Interviews can be reliable and valid selection tools as long as they are ________.


Correct Answer: Unbiased

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54. Hiring workers who have criminal backgrounds without proper safeguards is considered ________.


Correct Answer: Negligent hiring

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55. A typing test for an administrative assistant?s job is an example of a(n) _____ test.


Correct Answer: Job preformance

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56. A disadvantage of using professional recruiting organizations is ________.


Correct Answer: Their limited commitment to specific companies

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57. The purpose of ____________ is to increase an employee's ability to perform productively.


Correct Answer: Training and development

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58. The job characteristics model (jcm) maintains that ________ is critical to motivating workers.


Correct Answer: How jobs are designed

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59. In industry, _____ is used to establish the content validity of selection tests or test batteries.


Correct Answer: Job analysis

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60. Statistical planning models almost always have to be complemented by _____.


Correct Answer: B subjective judgments

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61. Poor attendance and voluntary turnover are most likely characteristics of ________.


Correct Answer: Decreasing employee engagement

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62. One of the most effective ways to enable users to be more self-reliant is through a ____.


Correct Answer: User training program

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63. An applicant who finds a recruiter to be rude and unhelpful is likely to perceive ________.


Correct Answer: Low interactional fairness

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64. A problem diagnosis utility suite is designed to identify problems with ____.


Correct Answer: All of these

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65. ?describe the steps in the user training process.? is an example of a(n) ____.


Correct Answer: Learning

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66. Vicarious reinforcement is most relevant to _____.


Correct Answer: Behavior modeling

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67. Trends in the external labor force affect a company's _____.


Correct Answer: Internal work force

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68. The integration of both people and technology is known as creating a _____.


Correct Answer: Sociotechnical system

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69. With respect to thinking, when students first start college they _____.


Correct Answer: Believe in the existence of clear and perfect truths

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70. Research shows that when people perceive others as attractive, they treat them _____.


Correct Answer: Better than those viewed as less attractive

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71. The first step to critical thinking is to _____.


Correct Answer: Identify the assertion or action

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72. The most important environmental factor in the hrm process is ________.


Correct Answer: The legal environment

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73. Outcomes of a high-performance work system include higher productivity and _____.


Correct Answer: Efficiency

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74. Information used to assess external equity is mostly collected through _____.


Correct Answer: Pay surveys

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75. In terms of the job characteristics model, feedback refers to the extent to which _____.


Correct Answer: A person receives clear information about performance effectiveness from the work itself

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76. High-performance work systems result in _____.


Correct Answer: High product quality

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77. A manager uses the information in a job analysis for all of the following except ________.


Correct Answer: Complying with FCC regulations

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78. The most widely used sales incentive program is the ____________________ plan.


Correct Answer: Combined salary and commission

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79. In general, the labor force is becoming _____.


Correct Answer: Older

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80. According to a worldatwork survey, the primary method of job evaluation is _____.


Correct Answer: Market pricing

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81. Businesses exercise social responsibility for all of the following reasons except ________.


Correct Answer: Profits are guaranteed

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82. _____ relates to intellectual capability and general intelligence.


Correct Answer: Cognitive ability

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83. Job analysis is most important because managers use it to ________.


Correct Answer: Support all HRM activities

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84. The purpose of a beta test run of a training presentation is to ____.


Correct Answer: Identify and fix trouble spots in the presentation

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85. _____ is an administrative procedure for measuring the relative worth of an organization's jobs.


Correct Answer: Job evaluation

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86. _____ are used to group individual jobs having approximately the same job worth.


Correct Answer: Pay grades

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87. A _____ is a statement of an employee's work activity in a specific job.


Correct Answer: Task

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88. Staffing technology improves the efficiency and effectiveness of the staffing function by ________.


Correct Answer: Automating many of the steps of the staffing process

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89. A(n) ____ is a virtual folder that contains the files matching a search query.


Correct Answer: Saved search

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90. The second step in human resource planning is _____.


Correct Answer: Goal setting and strategic planning

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91. ________ is a performance measure of both the efficiency and effectiveness of employees.


Correct Answer: Employee productivity

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92. ____ are types of standing plans.


Correct Answer: Policies and procedures

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93. The ________ problem occurs when supervisors tend to rate all their subordinates consistently low.


Correct Answer: Halo effect

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94. Another name for human resources management is ____ management


Correct Answer: Personnel

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95. A ________ occurs when electricity jumps, or arcs, from one spot to another.


Correct Answer: Arc burn

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96. In a high-performance work system, task design makes jobs _____.


Correct Answer: Efficient while encouraging high quality

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97. While interviews are _____, they are generally _____ predictors of subsequent job performance.


Correct Answer: Widely used; not valid

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98. The _________________ stage of the interview is the most important.


Correct Answer: ​warm-up

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99. The last step in the problem-solving process is _____.


Correct Answer: Evaluate your work

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100. Customers, suppliers, and substitutes are part of a _____ environment.


Correct Answer: Competitive

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101. The categories for people-based services include __________.


Correct Answer: All of these

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102. ________ are a temporary involuntary termination that can last from a few weeks to several years.


Correct Answer: Layoffs

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103. Unions typically negotiate all of the following issues except ________.


Correct Answer: Unpaid medical leave

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104. _____ refers to a process of systematically developing training to meet specified needs.


Correct Answer: Instructional design

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105. Mnes are rushing into ____, whereby the local supply of top talent is limited.


Correct Answer: All of these

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106. A geocentric staffing policy is generally reserved for ________.


Correct Answer: Top-Level Managers

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107. The widespread use of ____ has affected how hr systems are delivered.


Correct Answer: Electronic technology

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108. With the work sampling technique, applicants are ________.


Correct Answer: Tested on their ability to perform several tasks crucial to performing the job of interest

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109. Turnover is best defined as the rate at which ________.


Correct Answer: Employees leave a firm

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110. Trade secrets are an example of _____ capital.


Correct Answer: Intellectual

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111. The training delivery method with the lowest cost to the organization is ____.


Correct Answer: Self-study (noncomputerized)

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112. The traditional approach to planning ________.


Correct Answer: Often uses a formal planning department to help write plans with top management

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113. The eeoc was initially established to investigate complaints about ________.


Correct Answer: Job discrimination

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114. Teams that are underbounded have __________


Correct Answer: Many external ties, but cannot bring its members together; high loyalty but an inability to integrate with others

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115. Modular organizations ____


Correct Answer: Virtual organization

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116. Managers who use goal-setting theory to motivate employees should ____.


Correct Answer: Make sure workers truly accept organizational goals

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117. Identifying the most qualified applicants for employment is a part of _____.


Correct Answer: Human resource planning

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118. Frank and lillian gilbreth are important to management because they ____.


Correct Answer: Used motion studies to eliminate unnecessary or repetitive motions from the work process

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119. Dual-career marriages, stress management, and employee outplacement are ________.


Correct Answer: Career Challenges That Can Be Addressed With Different Programs
Provisions Included In A Collective Bargaining Agreement

Note: This question has more than 1 correct answers

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120. Demonstrating the content validity of a test can be best accomplished by showing that ________.


Correct Answer: Conditions under which the test is administered resemble the work situation

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121. At most small businesses, human resource management activities can best be described as ________.


Correct Answer: Informal and flexible

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122. An organization’s discipline system should be _________.


Correct Answer: Applied uniformly to all employees

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123. All of the following topics are typically addressed during employee orientation except ________.


Correct Answer: Wage curves

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124. All of the following requirements are typically addressed in job specifications except ________.


Correct Answer: Working conditions

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125. A company competing through sustainability is likely to _____.


Correct Answer: Provide high-quality products and services

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126. Graphology, a tool for assessing basic personality traits, is also called ________.


Correct Answer: Handwriting analysis

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127. Hospitals, schools, and religious organizations are examples of __________ buyers.


Correct Answer: Institutional

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128. Each of the following is a relatively fast method to reduce an expected labor surplus except _____.


Correct Answer: Retraining

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129. A wheelchair-bound applicant may be denied a job ________.


Correct Answer: If the job requires complete physical mobility

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130. _________ production involves the human resource called labor.


Correct Answer: Labor

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131. All of the following are guidelines for conducting an effective interview except ________.


Correct Answer: Asking the candidate questions that require yes or no answers

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132. The _____ probability function is based in part on the counting rule for combinations.


Correct Answer: Hypergeometric

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133. The _____ occurs when a rater gives all employees an average rating.


Correct Answer: Central tendency

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134. The most accurate description of the basic purpose of a selection plan is _______________.


Correct Answer: A selection plan describes predictors to be used to assess KSAOs required to perform the job

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135. A _____ is a distinct, identifiable work activity composed of motions.


Correct Answer: Task.

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136. The x chromosome is found ________. the y chromosome is found ________.


Correct Answer: Both male and female, male

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137. The use of human resource metrics is essential for ________.


Correct Answer: Evidence-based management

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138. The process of evaluating a candidate in an actual work situation is called __________.


Correct Answer: Work sampling

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139. The behavioral structured interview is built on the assumption that ________.


Correct Answer: Past

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140. The final three activities of the human resource management process ensure ________.


Correct Answer: That the organization retains competent and high-performing employees

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141. All of the following are true statements about retirement except ________.


Correct Answer: Most employees who plan to work after 65 must do so for financial reasons

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142. Which of the methods identify examples of exceptionally high and low incidents of performance ?


Correct Answer: Critical incident method

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143. Challenging (stretch) assignments is task an employee is given that is outside their current KSAOs


Correct Answer: True

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144. Case studies is a method where participants _____ and discuss a difficult business case


Correct Answer: analyze

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145. The continual process of setting career-related goals and planning a route to achieve those goals is known as


Correct Answer: Career management

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146. Retaliate is an employee who complains about discrimination or files a discrimination claim


Correct Answer: True

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147. Define Quid pro quo harassment:


Correct Answer: Involves making employment decisions contingent on sexual favors

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148. Punitive damages can't be awarded when the claimant has been excessively harmed.


Correct Answer: a) True

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149. _______ is a method used for systematic and rigorous problem solving that is predicated on the assumption that knowledge requires evidence


Correct Answer: Scientific process

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150. Proposes that a resource holds value to the extent that it is rare and inimitable this statement correct for


Correct Answer: Resource-based view

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151. Predictive analytics focuses on what is likely to happen in the ______ on available data


Correct Answer: future based

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152. Transfers effected at the request of employers are called:


Correct Answer: remedial transfers.

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153. Which of the following is a term used for identifying the right people in rival companies, offering them better terms, and luring them away?


Correct Answer: Raiding

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154. Which of the following statements is NOT accurate?


Correct Answer: All of the above are true

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155. 'Motivation' and 'Hygiene' factors are used in:


Correct Answer: Two-Factor theory

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156. Why might employees NOT wish to be 'empowered'?


Correct Answer: Because they may be reluctant to have to take on greater authority

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157. Which is the best definition of 'job enrichment'?


Correct Answer: Making a job more challenging and fulfilling

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158. To which type of culture identified by Arthur Carmazzi does the following definition refer: "Employees believe in the product or service provided by the organization, they approve of what their company is trying to achieve and cooperate to achieve it."


Correct Answer: Brand-congruent

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159. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of off-site training?


Correct Answer: It is more convenient for everyone to attend

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160. How can an organization retain valuable staff except by giving them promotions?


Correct Answer: All of the above

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161. Which of the following is a possible benefit of adopting a 'Democratic' management approach?


Correct Answer: Staff motivation improves<br>

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162. Which of the following is NOT a function of workforce planning?


Correct Answer: Ensuring that the organization adheres to the employment law

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163. Which of the following statements is/are true:

i)A labor union works on behalf of its members to negotiate pay and conditions.
ii)A labor union may represent its members at disciplinary hearings.


Correct Answer: Both are true

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164. Which of the following is a potential disadvantage of a 'Consultative' approach?


Correct Answer: Managers may feel their authority is undermined

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165. Which of the following tests helps analyze a person's handwriting?


Correct Answer: Graphology Test 

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166. To what does 'EQ' refer?


Correct Answer: Emotional intelligence

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167. _______________ are used when it is possible to apply work measurement to calculate the length of operations and the amount of labor required.


Correct Answer: Work-Study Techniques

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168. Vroom and Porter/Lawler propounded the:


Correct Answer: Expectancy Model

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169. Which of the following statements is/are true?

i)In a 'strong' culture, the staff need little coercion.
ii)In a 'process' culture, the employees may focus overly on how things are done rather than on what is to be achieved.


Correct Answer: Both are true

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170. The extent to which an organization is prepared to expose itself to risk is known as------------.


Correct Answer: risk appetite 

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171. When might it be appropriate for a manager NOT to delegate?


Correct Answer: All of the above 

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172. Under a 'conservative' corporate culture, which of the following statements is/are true?

i)The organization will take few risks.
ii)The organization will undertake new projects rapidly.


Correct Answer: Only (i) is true

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173. Who proposed the 'Theory X' and 'Theory Y' model?


Correct Answer: Douglas McGregor

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174. Which of the following constitute the analytical methods of job evaluation?

i)Point-ranking method
ii)Ranking method
iii)Job-grading method
iv)Factor comparison method


Correct Answer: i and iv

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175. Which of the following does NOT complete this statement? "Managers should ensure that employees' objectives are ______."


Correct Answer: free from time constraints

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176. Which of the following statements is/are true?

i)Corporate culture has no impact on bottom-line performance.
ii)Corporate culture can be quickly and easily changed.


Correct Answer: Neither is true 

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177. Which of the following terms refers to temporary separation?


Correct Answer: Lay-offs 

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178. Which of the following types of corporate culture would be most effective in a Research and Development-Oriented Organization?


Correct Answer: Innovative

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179. Which of the following approaches entails giving a series of options to an expatriate and letting him/her decide how to spend the available funds?


Correct Answer: Cafeteria Approach

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180. Which of the following statements is/are true?

i)Management by Objectives invariably limits the employees' freedom to tackle tasks as they see fit.
ii)Management by Objectives invariably de-motivates the staff, as they resent being monitored.


Correct Answer: Neither is true

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181. Organizations should aim for a level of staff turnover that:


Correct Answer: balances maintaining expertise with injecting new talent.

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182. Which of the following processes involves determining the basic characteristics of the successful employees, and using these as a yardstick in choosing the selection test?


Correct Answer: Predictive validity

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183. Which of the following is NOT a learning style?


Correct Answer: Osmotic 

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184. In which performance appraisal method are multiple rates involved, and appraisal is made by superiors, peers, subordinates, and clients?


Correct Answer: 360-Degree Appraisal

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185. In which of the following situations would a 'Laissez-faire' management style be most effective?


Correct Answer: Where the staff are highly-skilled and motivated

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186. Which of the following can NOT act as the 'raters' in a Performance Appraisal system?


Correct Answer: Family

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187. A Job Compatibility Questionnaire (JCQ) determines:


Correct Answer: whether an applicant's preferences match the job characteristics.

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188. Which of the following statements are true?
i)Theory X managers assume that employees care about the interests of the organization.
ii)Theory Y managers show trust in employees.


Correct Answer: Only (ii) is true

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189. _________ devised the concept of Management By Objectives (MBO) in 1954.


Correct Answer: Peter Drucker

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190. A 'Preliminary Interview' is also called:


Correct Answer: Courtesy Interview

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191. Why might staff development activities have negative consequences for an organization?


Correct Answer: Rival organizations may poach highly-skilled staff 

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192. A manager decides to allow her staff to start and finish work at times that suit them, so long as they work their contracted hours.  What change in their conditions will she be making?


Correct Answer: Introduction of flexible-hours working

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193. The introduction of a new employee to his/her job, colleagues, and organization is called:


Correct Answer: Induction

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194. Which of the following techniques are associated with Job Design?

i)Autonomous Technique
ii)Work Study Technique
iii)Work Simplification Technique
iv)Job Analysis


Correct Answer: i and iii

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195. What is the name of the rating error in which one aspect of an individual's performance influences the evaluation of the entire performance?


Correct Answer: Halo effect

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196. Which of the following is NOT an employer's responsibility?


Correct Answer: To provide reasonable prospects for promotion

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197. According to the _____________, every employee has to record his/her daily activities.


Correct Answer: Diary method  

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198. "Make or Buy" is a phrase associated with Recruitment. To what does the word "Buy" refer?


Correct Answer: Hiring skilled workers and professionals

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199. According to ERG Theory, ERG is an acronym for:


Correct Answer: Existence, Relatedness, and Growth

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200. Amit, Ben and Charlotte work in the sales department of Fortex.  Amit makes a formal complaint to their manager, claiming that Charlotte has been telling other people that his work is poor.
Under which category does the manager's response come?


Correct Answer: Handling grievances

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201. Human Resource Audit covers:

i)Audit of suppliers
ii)Audit of HR function
iii)Audit of corporate strategy
iv)Audit of financial books


Correct Answer: ii and iii

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202. Horizontal Promotion refers to:


Correct Answer: increase in responsibilities, hike in pay, and change in designation, but no change in job classification.

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203. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which needs are described as higher order needs?


Correct Answer: Self actualization, esteem, and social needs

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204. Which of the following are expenses associated with recruitment?


Correct Answer: All of the above

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205. Which of the following is at the top of the hierarchy in Maslow's hierarchy of needs?


Correct Answer: Self-actualization 

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206. In which Human Resource Audit approach do the auditors identify another company as a model for evaluation?


Correct Answer: Comparative Approach

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207. At the end of a new recruit's probationary period, an employer may:


Correct Answer: do any of the above. 

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208. A set of statements describing the behaviors that an organization regards as important, is known as the organization's ________.


Correct Answer: values

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209. Which of the following statements is true?


Correct Answer: A labor union may picket company premises during a strike.

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210. The jobs of project teams, temporary task forces, and assembly teams are _________ in nature.


Correct Answer: pooled

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211. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of the use of group work in training activities?


Correct Answer: All participants get to contribute equally

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212. Which of the following statements is/are true?

i)Accountability can be given without consultation.
ii)Responsibility can be given without consultation.


Correct Answer: Only (i) is true

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213. Which of the following is an employer legally obliged to do in the recruitment process?


Correct Answer: Provide the person appointed with a written statement of their conditions of service 

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214. Which of the following, according to Frederick Herzberg, is NOT a 'motivator'?


Correct Answer: Salary

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215. Which of the following assesses an individual's achievement and motivational levels?


Correct Answer: Thematic Appreciation Test (TAT) 

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216. Which of the following is a disadvantage of an 'Authoritarian' management style?


Correct Answer: It may demotivate subordinates

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217. The tendency to give extreme ratings (i.e. on Performance Appraisals), often resulting in rating inflation.


Correct Answer: Leniency

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218. What is NOT a major component of Training Needs Analysis?


Correct Answer: Resource Analysis

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219. Steve earns more commission as his sales increase. For example, for sales of up to $25,000, he receives a commission of 2%. For sales between $25,001 and $50,000, he receives a commission of 2.5%, and so forth. What type of compensation structure does Steve receive?


Correct Answer: Graduated Commission

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220. What is NOT a core element of Management by Objectives?


Correct Answer: Individual targets are set by senior leadership

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221. True or false: All investigation interviews should be recorded.


Correct Answer: False

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222. Workers' compensation is regulated by the


Correct Answer: States.

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223. Which of the following are customarily excluded from a bargaining unit?


Correct Answer: Supervisory employees

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224. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act


Correct Answer: Limited preexisting condition restrictions.

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225. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), the minimum age for employment in non-agricultural employment is:


Correct Answer: 14

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226. A standard employment practice that seems to be fair, yet results in discrimination against a protected class is a description of:


Correct Answer: Disparate impact.

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227. Which of the following is a productivity type of statistical HR measurement.


Correct Answer: Revenue per employee.

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228. The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 grants employees the right to do all of the following except:


Correct Answer: View detailed reports of all workplace accidents.

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229. A job design strategy that increases the variety of responsibilities but requires the same skill level is referred to as


Correct Answer: Job enlargement.

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230. Which of the following is NOT a compensable factor?


Correct Answer: Seniority.

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231. Which one of the following is not an organisational structure?


Correct Answer: Autocratic stucture

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232. Pay compression can be created by several means, including:


Correct Answer: Emphasizing external competitiveness over internal equity.

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233. Which learning curve is common when an employee is learning a difficult task that also requires specific insight?


Correct Answer: S-shaped curve

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234. Which contributes to FICA?


Correct Answer: Social Security and Medicare Tax

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235. Which of the following pieces of legislation is NOT directly related to benefits?


Correct Answer: Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

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236. Forced Ranking Performance Appraisals ranks against


Correct Answer: Others in department

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237. Which of the following activities is typical of a transactional leader?


Correct Answer: Intervenes when standards are not met.

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238. When providing employment verification over the phone, many employers will provide


Correct Answer: Dates of employment and title

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239. Which of the following is an example of disparate treatment?


Correct Answer: Members of a protected group are subject to stricter attendance rules.

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240. A general Company Orientation may not include


Correct Answer: Department Processes

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241. Form W2 and 1099 Forms must be mailed on or before which date?


Correct Answer: January 31st

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242. Who has the MOST responsibility for providing and carrying out solutions to performance related issues and behaviors?


Correct Answer: Immediate supervisor

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243. Which is critical when judging the objectivity of Performance Appraisals?


Correct Answer: Awareness of rating biases

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244. Which of the following is true under the Equal Pay Act?


Correct Answer: Employees doing equal work should receive the same pay.

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245. Which fits a remote Independent Contractor Best?


Correct Answer: Must use own equipment

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246. Internal recruiting method that allows current employees the chance to respond to announcements of positions;


Correct Answer: Job posting

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247. How long should files of terminated employees be held?


Correct Answer: At least 3 years

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248. True or false? Health benefit deductions are an after tax deduction.


Correct Answer: False

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249. What is the difference between training activities and developmental activities?


Correct Answer: Training activities prepare employees for their present jobs; developmental activities prepare employees for future jobs.

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250. FMLA does not grant leaves for:


Correct Answer: Siblings

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251. Which may not be in a company's Annual Performance Appraisal processes?


Correct Answer: Managers can change review after meeting with employee

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252. When working with Unions, how long should HR prepare for contract negotiations prior to end of a collective bargaining agreement?


Correct Answer: Up to several months in advance

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253. When determining Employee vs. Contractor you must look at:


Correct Answer:  Degree of control over work

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254. Which of the following is one of the elements of a SMART goal?


Correct Answer: Action-oriented.

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255. Skills inventory is used to


Correct Answer: Determine experience and abilities of workforce

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256. A window manufacturer guarantees its installers a base wage plus an extra $25 for each job completed to specifications. The employer is using a:


Correct Answer: Productivity-based system

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257. Which is not a purpose of a written job description?


Correct Answer: List several department roles

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258. Investigation interviews should result in:


Correct Answer: Written statements that are signed by those interviewed

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259. In the United States with regards to HIPPA and ADA, it is best practice to


Correct Answer: Keep employee medical records separate from personnel records

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260. True or false? A Company is responsible for payroll taxes for Contractors.


Correct Answer: False

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261. When an employee comes to HR to discuss a concern with a Supervisor which is best practice?


Correct Answer: Assure conversation will be kept confidential

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262. Who may not be eligible for benefits?


Correct Answer: Contractors

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263. Which is considered a bad question during the interview process?


Correct Answer: How old are you?

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264. What action can help reduce company risk when dealing with unemployment claims?


Correct Answer: Document the events leading to termination

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265. An Employee Handbook:


Correct Answer: Should be signed by all employees

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266. An HR audit is designed to help management


Correct Answer: All of these.

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267. An interviewer believes that older workers are more difficult to train and make more mistakes than younger workers. This form of performance appraisal error is


Correct Answer: Bias.

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268. What is a good way to increase organizational performance?


Correct Answer: Acting on employee surveys

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269. True or false? The length of time employee records must be kept varies, according to federal and state laws.


Correct Answer: True

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270. True or false? Non-Exempt employees must be paid for hours worked overtime.


Correct Answer: True

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271. Which is a good observation when developing an Employee Recognition Program?


Correct Answer: Employees may have different motivators

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272. When recruiting for an openned position, which is best practice?


Correct Answer: Contact most qualified candidates to schedule 1st interviews

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273. What is the best way to increase Performance Appraisal process satisfaction? 


Correct Answer: Allow the employee and supervisor to set goals

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274. True or false? A good HR Manager may not always know the right answer, but will know how to find it.


Correct Answer: True

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275. True or false? Role playing is a training technique used to develop skills.


Correct Answer: True

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276. Standard Operating Procedures are useful for


Correct Answer: Both new and existing employees

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277. A good safety program should include:


Correct Answer: All of these.

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278. To help reduce the risk of discrimination, it is best practice to:


Correct Answer: Have fair and enforceable policies and procedures

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279. True or false? A Matrix Organization is characterized as one that is diverse and interconnected.


Correct Answer: True

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280. True or False: Organizational Development (OD) is a process used to enhance the effectiveness of an organization and the well-being of its members through planned interventions.


Correct Answer: True

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281. When creating a new position which is best?


Correct Answer: Conducting an assessment of the department's needs

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282. When evaluating compensation, it is best to look at


Correct Answer: External and Internal Equity

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283. With frequent regulation changes, it is best to:


Correct Answer: Evaluate policies regularly

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284. Which is not considered a payroll tax?


Correct Answer: Garnishments

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285. The best way to prevent unionization is to:


Correct Answer: Prevent unhappy employees by treating them well

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286. Which is a soft skills topic for Leadership Training?


Correct Answer: Time Management

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287. One important role of the HR Manager is to:


Correct Answer: Assess risks as it relates to employees

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288. True or false? Harassment can occur in all work environments between opposite and same sex employees.


Correct Answer: True

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Human Resource Management Subjects