1. Employers must protect workers from struck-by hazards by ___________.
Correct Answer:
Providing PPE such as hard hats and safety glasses
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2. It is estimated that most disabling accidents on the job involve the _____.
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3. When work interferes with non work responsibilities is known as
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Work-to-family conflict
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4. Workplace intervention is a solution implemented within an organization that focuses on a ______ workplace well-being issue
Correct Answer:
Very specific
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5. Workplace Injuries sustained while on duty in the workplace
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6. Workplace bullying consistent ________ by others in the workplace
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7. A worker’s well-being is composed of their safety, health, satisfaction, and engagement is known as ______ .
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8. Total worker healthTM is an integrated approach to safety, well-being, and wellness
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9. Demands in the environment to which a person must respond this statement is related to ______.
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10. A person’s reaction to stressors, such as heart disease, burnout, or depression; or behavioral outcomes such as low performance and turnover is known as ______ .
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11. Safety participation behavior Employees’ willingness to support safety among their coworkers.
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12. An individual who is assigned to support safety and health issues in the workplace is known as
Correct Answer:
Safety officer
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13. Which of the correct statements about Safety motivation ?
Correct Answer:
Workers’ perceived value for safety and desire to perform safely on the job
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14. Safety knowledge is the Workers’ understanding of how to protect themselves and others on the job
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15. The extent to which workers follow the safety rules and regulations is known as ______ .
Correct Answer:
Safety officer
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16. Safety climate is the shared understanding that workers have about the importance of safety
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17. Define Safety behavior:
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The type of work behaviors that employees exhibit with regard to safety
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18. Physical environment is the ______ components of one’s surroundings.
Correct Answer:
Natural & human-made
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19. Open offices is an office arrangement in which employees work in _______ .
Correct Answer:
Open spaces
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20. Occupational safety and health administration under ______ Department of Labor
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21. Near misses is a Situations in which an accident almost occurred but did not
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22. Natural lighting provided by ______ .
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23. The federal agency that supports research on workplace safety and health and makes recommendations to employers is known as _______
Correct Answer:
National institute for occupational safety and health
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24. Which of the correct statements about Hindrance stressors ?
Correct Answer:
Negative stressors, such as workplace hassles, organizational politics, poor resources, role overload, and constraints
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25. Hierarchy of controls methods that an organization can use to _______ , organized into a hierarchy based on their degree of effectiveness
Correct Answer:
Reduce safety hazards
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26. Family-to-work conflict is When nonwork responsibilities interfere with work responsibilities.
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27. Ergonomic design Fitting the _______ of the job to the human body
Correct Answer:
Physical aspects
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28. Organizational initiatives that promote the health, fitness, and well-being of workers is known as
Correct Answer:
Employee wellness programs
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29. Challenge stressors is a Job factors like role demands and time urgency that are thought to be _______ to work engagement
Correct Answer:
Positively related
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30. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) refers to the integration of safety, well-being, and wellness programs as ______.
Correct Answer:
Total worker health™ programs
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31. An evaluation of the SHIFT intervention designed to address the health issues associated with long-haul trucking showed that participating drivers ______.
Correct Answer:
Lowered their BMI
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32. ______ programs focus on identifying and addressing personal problems that may be affecting employees’ work.
Correct Answer:
Employee assistance programs
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33. ______ programs focus on issues like exercise and better eating habits may lead to long-term benefits like reduced rates of cancer or hypertension.
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34. ______ stressors include negative stressors such as workplace hassles, organizational politics, poor resources, role overload, and constraints.
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35. The ______ model describes a number of work strains that can negatively impact work engagement and performance.
Correct Answer:
Job Demands-Resources
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36. According to a Gallup poll, what is workers’ number one complaint about their jobs?
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37. Many European countries require that office workers be exposed to ______ in their offices because of the positive effects on worker health.
Correct Answer:
Natural light
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38. Research has shown that the implementation of open offices, where employees work in open spaces, without cubicles, has been shown to lead to ______.
Correct Answer:
Decreased satisfaction and more stress
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39. Violent attacks occur against ______ nearly as much as in all other industries combined.
Correct Answer:
Health-care workers
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40. ______ is one of the most important predictors of safety behavior at work.
Correct Answer:
A strong safety climate
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41. According to Heinrich’s triangle, what usually happen before a serious accident or injury occurs?
Correct Answer:
Several unsafe behaviors and near misses
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42. Safety ______ behavior refers to the extent to which workers follow the safety rules and regulations.
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43. The implementing of ______ programs can help workers manage their existing illnesses and decrease medical costs.
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44. Worker safety, health, satisfaction, and engagement are collectively referred to as ______.
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