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Decision-Making, and HR Analytics in Human Resource management MCQ

Decision-Making, and HR Analytics in Human Resource management MCQ

1. Predictive analytics focuses on what is likely to happen in the ______ on available data


Correct Answer: Future based

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

2. The tendency for managers to rely on intuition can create a challenge for those who advocate implementation of ______.


Correct Answer: an HR analytics function

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3. ______ teams are interdisciplinary teams that advise and support HR decisions and strategy.


Correct Answer: HR analytics

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4. Adopting ______ involves analyzing the way the various aspects of HR align.


Correct Answer: a systems perspective

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5. The first three steps of ______ consist of identifying the problem, doing background research, and testing hypothesis via experimentation.


Correct Answer: the scientific process

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6. Which type of analytics focuses on what should be done based on what is known?


Correct Answer: prescriptive

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7. Which type of analytics focuses on the past?


Correct Answer: descriptive

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8. ______ provides evidence supporting the links among HR systems, policies, and practices, and employee, operational, stakeholder, and financial outcomes.


Correct Answer: HR analytics

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9. The ______ approach was the first to advocate using nonfinancial indicators when defining an organization’s success.


Correct Answer: balanced scorecard

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10. According to ______, strategic HRM plays the role of administrative expert, employee advocate, change agent, and business partner.


Correct Answer: Ulrich’s model

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11. The term human resource management reflects the evolution of the HR function from transactional and administrative to ______.


Correct Answer: transformational activities that help the organization achieve strategic organizational objectives

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12. ______ incorporates principles from other areas such as industrial relations, economics, and organizational theory.


Correct Answer: Strategic HRM

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13. How can strategic HRM assist an organization in the achievement of its business strategy and objectives?


Correct Answer: by deploying its human resource capabilities

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14. Strategic HRM is the process of aligning HR policies and practices with the strategic objectives of the organization to ______.


Correct Answer: attain and sustain a competitive advantage

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15. Associating strategy with data analytics to ______ improves the likelihood to achieve the strategic objectives and sustain a competitive advantage.


Correct Answer: make data-driven decisions

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16. A business strategy reflects the way an organization ______ to attain the planned objectives successfully in both the short and long term.


Correct Answer: coordinates activities

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17. An extension of an organization’s mission that describes what the organization will look like or be at some point in the future is known as


Correct Answer: Vision

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18. Values give us Parameters and guidelines for ________ that help an organization realize its vision


Correct Answer: decision making

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19. ______ is an analysis of the internal strengths and weaknesses of an organization and the external opportunities and threats to that organization


Correct Answer: SWOT analysis

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20. A general approach for how an organization will bring its mission, vision, and values to life this statement correct for


Correct Answer: Strategy type

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21. Strategy implementation is the enactment of a strategic plan


Correct Answer: True

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22. Strategy is a well-devised and thoughtful plan for ______


Correct Answer: achieving an objective

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23. Which of the process of aligning HR policies and practices with the objectives of the organization ?


Correct Answer: Strategic human resource management

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24. ________ is the amount of variation of a group of numeric values around their mean


Correct Answer: Standard deviation

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25. _______ is a number of different groups that an organization must appeal to, including customers and investors


Correct Answer: Stakeholders

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26. Qualitative data is a Non-Numeric information that includes _______ , such as interview transcripts


Correct Answer: Text or narrative data

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27. _______ focuses on what actions should be taken based on what is likely to happen in the future


Correct Answer: Prescriptive analytics

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28. Organizational performance to which employee learning and growth


Correct Answer: True

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29. A core need that an organization strives to fulfill and thus represents the organization’s overarching purpose is known as


Correct Answer: Mission

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30. Measures is a tool used to assess the level(s) of a theoretical concept, such as a survey used to assess employee engagement.


Correct Answer: True

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31. The average of a group of numeric values is known as


Correct Answer: Mean

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32. Structured data that are gathered in small volumes, usually for a previously planned purpose is known as


Correct Answer: Little data

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33. Human resource analytics purpose of improving decision making, achieving strategic objectives, and sustaining a competitive advantage


Correct Answer: True

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34. The knowledge, skills, and abilities that people embody across an organization is known as


Correct Answer: Human capital

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35. efine High-performance work practices


Correct Answer: Bundles of HR universal best practices, such as promoting within the organization and offering training

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36. Descriptive analytics focuses on understanding what has already happened, which implies a ________


Correct Answer: focus on the past

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37. _________ that are made based on the analysis and interpretation of relevant, accurate, and timely data


Correct Answer: Data-driven decisions

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38. Data visualization give us Pictorial and graphic representations of quantitative or qualitative data


Correct Answer: True

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39. A variable that consists of a continuum of numerically ordered values is known as


Correct Answer: Continuous variable

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40. Concept is a theoretical phenomenon or construct


Correct Answer: True

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41. _______ is a variable that consists of multiple levels, without any particular order or inherent numeric values


Correct Answer: Categorical variable

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42. which data described in terms of volume, variety, velocity, and veracity


Correct Answer: All of these

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43. Balanced scorecard is the evaluation of organizational performance based on the extent to which the organization satisfies different stakeholder needs


Correct Answer: True

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44. Ability-motivation-opportunity model is a model that proposes a system of HR practices that influences ______


Correct Answer: employee outcomes

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

Human Resource Management Subjects