1. Which activities are intended to be friendly toward employees such as giving them a personalized email or call or having lunch with the new coworker ?
Correct Answer:
Welcoming Activities
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2. Which of the principles underlying a training concept in order to enhance transfer?
Correct Answer:
Transfer through principles
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3. Define Training utility reactions
Correct Answer:
Trainees’ belief that the training was actually relevant and useful to their jobs
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4. Choose best option about Training transfer
Correct Answer:
Whether the training results in changes in job performance
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5. ______ is a degree to which trainees see the training as important to their jobs
Correct Answer:
Training relevance
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6. The sustained motivation of employees during the training process, which is a predictor of training success is known as?
Correct Answer:
Trainee motivation
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7. Spaced learning occurs through several sessions over time.
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8. A person’s belief that they can accomplish a task is known as
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9. An outline or framework to help the learner organize the training material so that they will better retain the material is known as ?
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10. Role-plays act in managerial situations such as counseling a difficult subordinate.
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11. Whether the training actually translates into improved organizational outcomes this statement is related to ______.
Correct Answer:
Results criteria
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12. Reactions criteria trainees react to training such as whether they thought it was valuable.
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13. An individual’s dispositional and relatively stable pattern of cognition, behavior, and emotion is known as ?
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14. When trainees repeatedly practice a particular behavior in the training situation this type is known as _____.
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15. A specific type of training designed to help welcome, inform, and guide new employees is known as
Correct Answer:
Orientation program
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16. On-the-job training is done when a new employee works on the job in order to learn it, usually under the supervision of a more senior employee.
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17. The process of helping new employees adjust to their new organizations by imparting to them the knowledge is known as ____.
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18. A systematic evaluation of the organization, the jobs, and the employees to determine where training is most needed is known as_____.
Correct Answer:
Needs assessment
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19. Which of the correct statements about Mindfulness training?
Correct Answer:
Teaches a person to be present in the moment and to notice things around them in a nonjudgmental way
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20. Work adjustment is a Feeling comfortable at work and with one’s new tasks.
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21. When an organization has subsidiaries overseas and gives the parent company full control over its overseas operations is known as ______
Correct Answer:
Wholly owned subsidiaries
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22. ______ that have operations in multiple countries and do not view themselves as belonging to any one country.
Correct Answer:
Transnational companies
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23. Strategic alliance is a partnership with ______
Correct Answer:
other companies
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24. Self-initiated expatriate is a skilled professional who moves to a different country for a ________ with the intention of gaining overseas work experience
Correct Answer:
specific period of time
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25. A situation in which expatriates return to their country of origin and find that their country of origin does not feel like home anymore.This statement is correct for
Correct Answer:
Reverse culture shock
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26. Metacognitive skills is a person’s ability to step back and assess their own skill, performance, or learning
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27. Training that occurs in one large chunk at one point in time is known as
Correct Answer:
Massed learning
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28. Measures of whether the trainee actually gained some sort of knowledge or skill while in training is known as
Correct Answer:
Learning criteria
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29. In “Job rotation” rotating employees from one job to another, allowing them to learn new skills
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30. Define information:
Correct Answer:
Providing new employees with sources, materials, and training to help them learn what is expected of them
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31. Identical elements the training environment is the same as the _______ and thus enhances training transfer
Correct Answer:
actual work environment
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32. Goal-setting theory is the theory that setting specific, difficult, yet achievable goals for people will lead to the ______
Correct Answer:
highest performance
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33. Game or competition among employees in terms of scores on their training performance is known as
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34. ________is a type of managerial training in which teams challenge each other as if they were businesses in competition
Correct Answer:
Games and simulations
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35. Information provided to an employee regarding his/her performance is known as
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36. Expectancy theory is a theory that suggests that if a person sees that their efforts will lead to greater performance
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37. Individual advice and counseling to managers regarding their work and careers is known as
Correct Answer:
Executive coaching
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38. Elearning is training that is delivered through a physical platform via computers or mobile devices
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39. Compliance training focused on ______ and policies related to employees’ daily work
Correct Answer:
regulations, laws
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40. A process in which trainees keep track of their on-the-job behaviors is known as
Correct Answer:
Behavioral tracking
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41. Behavior criteria is an actual behavior on the job that is an outcome of training
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42. ______ is a formal training program when a person enters and learns a trade or profession
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