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Rewarding Performance in Human Resource Management MCQ

Rewarding Performance in Human Resource Management MCQ

1. Define Traditional-pay programs:


Correct Answer: Employees receive compensation based on a fixed hourly pay rate or annual salary.

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2. The extent to which pay-for-performance programs motivate employees is known as ______ .


Correct Answer: Incentive effects

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3. Planning for unanticipated labor costs associated with pay-for-performance programs can be supported through ______.


Correct Answer: Statistical modeling

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4. Employees who ______ are most likely to be attracted to a pay-for-performance program.


Correct Answer: Have a higher need for achievement

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5. Research has found that subjective performance measures often exhibit ______.


Correct Answer: Lower interrater reliability

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6. Employees who receive additional retirement benefits based on how much money their company makes are participating in a(n) ______.


Correct Answer: Profit-sharing program

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7. Evidence suggests that team rewards are most likely to lead to higher performance when ______.


Correct Answer: The team tasks are complex in nature

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8. Employees who are paid a percentage of the revenue of each product they sell are receiving ______.


Correct Answer: A sales commission

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9. Providing ______ for the fulfillment of certain goals can direct employees’ attention to the business objectives considered most critical for company-wide success.


Correct Answer: Financial incentives

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10. The SMART acronym illustrates best practices for ______.


Correct Answer: Setting goals

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11. ______ theory proposes an explanation for understanding how and why certain objectives lead to higher motivation and performance.


Correct Answer: Goal-setting

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12. ______ theory suggests that the amount of pay influences individuals’ perceptions of valence, such that higher pay is likely to be viewed as more attractive and ultimately more motivating.


Correct Answer: Expectancy

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13. In terms of motivation, ______ refers to the perceived connection between individuals’ effort and performance.


Correct Answer: Expectancy

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14. Which theory proposes that if a reward is withheld when an individual displays an undesired behavior, then the individual will be less likely to perform the behavior again in the future?


Correct Answer: Reinforcement theory

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15. The direction of motivation refers to ______.


Correct Answer: The goals or results on which an individual focuses attention

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16. Pay-for-performance programs are highly associated with ______.


Correct Answer: Motivation

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17. _____ aim to reward employees for the results or goals that they achieve.


Correct Answer: Pay-for-performance programs

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18. The extent to which individuals perceive a reward as being attractive or important is known as


Correct Answer: Valence

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19. Stock options partial owners of the organization by allowing them to purchase a certain number of stock shares at a fixed price in a given time frame


Correct Answer: True

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20. Standard-hour plans in which employee pay is based on the _______ .


Correct Answer: completion of a particular task within a predetermined time period

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21. A type of after-the-fact recognition that is often reserved for exceptional levels of performance on a project or for exceptionally high overall job performance.this type is related to


Correct Answer: Spot awards

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22. Sorting effects are the associated processes of ________ that occur when employees gravitate toward jobs with reward systems


Correct Answer: All of these

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23. ________ pay-for-performance programs that reward the sale of a product or service as opposed to the production of a product or provision of a service.


Correct Answer: Sales commissions

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24. Reinforcement theory provides a useful framework for understanding pay as an extrinsic motivator, particularly .


Correct Answer: True

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25. A pay-for-performance program in which employees share in their organization’s profits is known as ______ .


Correct Answer: Piecework plans

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26. Piecework plans is an individual-incentive program in which employees are compensated based on their respective production levels


Correct Answer: True

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27. Pay-for-performance programs Compensation programs that reward employees based on the _____ at work and the results or goals they actually achieve


Correct Answer: Both a & b

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28. Financial rewards offered in exchange for meeting certain levels of performance or achieving certain goals.This statement related to ______


Correct Answer: Pay for performance

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29. Motivation is a ________ that propels an individual (or a group of individuals) to enact certain behaviors or to strive for a goal


Correct Answer: psychological force

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30. Which of the correct statements about Merit pay ?


Correct Answer: Pay distributed to employees and integrated into their base pay as a reward for the ratings and/or feedback they

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31. Intrinsic motivation is a force that originates inside an individual and compels the individual to action because they perceive the action as innately rewarding.


Correct Answer: True

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32. The extent to which an individual perceives that achieving higher performance will lead to reward attainment is known as______.


Correct Answer: Instrumentality

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33. Individual incentives is the distribution of pay in response to the attainment of certain predetermined and objective levels of performance


Correct Answer: True

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34. Goal-setting theory achievable goals for people will lead to the _______ .


Correct Answer: highest performance

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35. A type of group pay-for-performance program that rewards a group of employees for collectively achieving certain goals or objectives is known as _____ .


Correct Answer: Gainsharing

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36. Extrinsic motivation is an external, environmental force that compels an individual to action


Correct Answer: True

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37. A theory that suggests that if a person sees that their efforts will lead to greater performance is known as


Correct Answer: Expectancy theory

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38. Expectancy is when an individual perceives that applying effort will lead to ______ .


Correct Answer: higher performance

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39. Which type of pay-for performance defined contribution plan in which the bulk of contributions are invested in an employer’s stock?


Correct Answer: Employee stock ownership plans

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40. When the identical (same) rate of incentives are paid to the employees for each Unt of goods produced by them, it is called


Correct Answer: Differential piecework plan

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41. A form of variable pay distributed as a one-time payout in recognition of performance is known as


Correct Answer: Bonuses

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

Human Resource Management Subjects