Performance Management in Human resource management MCQ
Performance Management in Human resource management MCQ
1. . Some commentators discern between corporate and organisational culture because
Correct Answer:
The former is deliberately constructed whilst the latter evolves ‘naturally’
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2. The dual objectives of performance appraisals – to review prior performance and to prepare for future performance – can result in a tension for line managers between which of the following roles
Correct Answer:
Judge and coach
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3. Which of the following groups do not typically provide feedback in 360-degree appraisals
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4. Which of the following is not a characteristic of SMART performance objectives
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5. Broadly understood, performance management represents organisational attempts to do which of the following
Correct Answer:
To align individual or team performance with organisational objectives
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6. When is it most likely for the measurement of employee performance to be perceived as unfair?
Correct Answer:
When trust is absent between employees and managers
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7. What is an important aspect of coaching employees?
Correct Answer:
Modeling the right behaviors
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8. Having managers keep records of employee performance in a diary has been shown to improve ______.
Correct Answer:
Rating accuracy
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9. Research suggests that an effective way to reduce rating errors and increase accuracy is to ______.
Correct Answer:
Have raters observe performances and tell them the “true scores”
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10. Research suggests that when raters know they will have to explain their ratings to the employee they are rating, ______.
Correct Answer:
Raters are more likely to be lenient
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11. Which of these can result in unintentional biases in performance rating?
Correct Answer:
Holding favorable attitude toward the ratee
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12. How can employees influence the performance ratings managers give them?
Correct Answer:
Impression management
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13. A key characteristic of a SMART goal is that it is ______.
Correct Answer:
Time bound
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14. Which method is considered one of the best for increasing performance?
Correct Answer:
Goal setting
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15. It is critical to collect data from multiple sources and gather qualitative information about employees’ behaviors in different contexts to ______.
Correct Answer:
Provide feedback to employees
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16. What happens if the users of the performance appraisal system find it difficult to use, time-consuming, and burdensome?
Correct Answer:
Employee and manager motivation to embrace the system will be low
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17. When is a performance rating system considered accurate?
Correct Answer:
When it demonstrates reliability and validity
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18. To become an adequate motivational tool, performance appraisal reviews and the feedback they generate must be ______.
Correct Answer:
Accepted by employees
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19. To implement a successful performance management system, research suggests that performance feedback should be provided ______.
Correct Answer:
On a regular basis
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20. What promotes employee engagement, retention, and achievement of organizational objectives?
Correct Answer:
A successful performance management system
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21. A team evaluation in which systems, goals, and performance are evaluated at the team level is known as
Correct Answer:
Team appraisals
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22. When a rater rank orders all employees from best to worst.This ranking is known as _____ .
Correct Answer:
Straight rankings
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23. SMART goals are goals that are specific, measurable, aggressive, realistic, and time-bound
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24. The tendency to rate almost all rates low is known as _____.
Correct Answer:
Severity error
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25. Recency error focuses on the most recent employee behaviors they have observed rather than focusing on the entire rating period .
Correct Answer:
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26. The process of measuring, communicating, and managing employee performance in the workplace is known as _____
Correct Answer:
Performance management
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27. Plan aimed at helping poor performers be accountable to meeting performance standards is known as_____.
Correct Answer:
Performance improvement plan
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28. Performance appraisal is an evaluation of employee performance
Correct Answer:
Performance appraisal
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29. In ______ comparing two employees at the same time until every unique pair of employees has been compared and then compiling the results.
Correct Answer:
Paired comparisons
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30. One-on-one meetings spend with their direct reports on a ______ , to discuss performance goals, progress, and related issues.
Correct Answer:
regular basis, usually week
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31. Which management strategy in which organizational goals are translated into department- and individual-level goals
Correct Answer:
Management by objectives.
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32. Leniency error is the tendency of a rater to rate most employees highly
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33. KPI stands for
Correct Answer:
Key performance indicators
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34. The principle that performance standards are administered consistently across all employees is known as
Correct Answer:
Judgment based on evidence
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35. Ratings on one dimension negatively influencing how the employee is perceived on other dimensions is known as ‘
Correct Answer:
Horns error
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36. Ratings on one dimension negatively influencing how the employee is perceived on other dimensions is known as ‘
Correct Answer:
Horns error
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37. Basing performance ratings on one or two performance dimensions, with one prominent dimension positively affecting how the employee is perceived on other dimensions this statement is related to_____
Correct Answer:
Halo error
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38. Frame of reference (for) training involves raters observing specific instances of performance through videotapes or vignettes .
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39. rced distribution is also known as _____.
Correct Answer:
stack rankings
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40. Focal date reviews is a performance reviews that take place _______ for all employees
Correct Answer:
on the same date
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41. In which employees and managers feel comfortable giving and receiving feedback ?
Correct Answer:
Feedback culture
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42. A formal review meeting explaining to the employee why and how a particular rating was given.This formal review is known as _____.
Correct Answer:
Fair hearing
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43. Diary keeping is the practice of recording employee performance on a regular basis ?
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44. A performance review conducted for the purpose of improving performance is known as ______ .
Correct Answer:
Developmental purposes
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45. The tendency to rate most employees in the middle category is known as ______.
Correct Answer:
Central tendency error
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46. When groups of managers come together and discuss the ratings they will give their employees before ratings are finalized.this meetings is known as
Correct Answer:
Calibration meetings
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47. An employee is rated _______ of their start date with the organization.
Correct Answer:
on the anniversary
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48. Administrative purposes are used to _______ in the organization.
Correct Answer:
make decisions
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49. Adequate notice employees evaluated using criteria and standards that were clearly communicated to them in advance
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50. 360-degree feedback presents employees with feedback from ________ and has the potential to provide useful, rich information.
Correct Answer:
different stakeholders
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