MCQs > Finance & Management > Human Resource Management MCQs > Developing a Pay Structure in Human resource management MCQs

Developing a Pay Structure in Human resource management MCQ

Developing a Pay Structure in Human resource management  MCQ

1. Which process used to determine the relative worth of jobs within an organization ?


Correct Answer: Job evaluation

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2. The extent to which the pay for a particular job is competitive and fair relative to the pay of the same or similar jobs at other organizations is known as


Correct Answer: External equity

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3. ______is a term that refers to those employees who do not fall under the purview of the minimum wage and overtime provisions


Correct Answer: Exempt

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4. The extent to which employees are permitted to discuss pay with each other is called ______.


Correct Answer: Pay transparency

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5. ______ reflects how much employees are actually paid for a given job in relation to the espoused pay structure and policies.


Correct Answer: The compa-ratio

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6. Which of these did the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 require?


Correct Answer: That all publicly listed companies report their pay dispersion rates

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7. In a(n) ______ pay structure, individuals who possess a particular competency or skill receive additional pay.


Correct Answer: Person-based

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8. Which of these regulates overtime pay, minimum wage, hours worked, and record keeping?


Correct Answer: The Fair Labor Standards Act

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9. Which of these is an important consideration when building an effective pay structure?


Correct Answer: Complying with legal guidelines

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10. What allows an organization to establish how competitive its pay is compared to competitors or other organizations in the industry?


Correct Answer: Matching descriptions of benchmark jobs

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11. What is a “lag-the-market strategy?”


Correct Answer: When employees are paid less than the average competitor

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12. To implement an effective ______, employees must be paid equitably with respect to other employees in the organization and with respect to employees at other organizations performing similar work.


Correct Answer: Pay structure

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13. When must managers ensure that employees have accurate information about their rewards and contributions in comparison to the rewards and contributions of others?


Correct Answer: When managing perceptions of inequity

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14. An individual who prefers conditions in which rewards are proportional to contributions is known as ______.


Correct Answer: Equity sensitive

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15. Mila’s employer, a retail jewelry store, recently moved from a commissioned to a noncommissioned pay structure. Now all front-end sales people are paid the same regardless of how much they sell. This scenario illustrates ______.


Correct Answer: Equality

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16. ______ includes wages and salaries, as well as benefits such as health care and paid time off.


Correct Answer: Total compensation

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17. To provide a competitive advantage, ______ must emphasize the attraction, motivation, and retention of individuals who can develop, sell, or provide the organization’s products or services.


Correct Answer: A reward system

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18. Research suggests there is only a small correlation between pay and ______.


Correct Answer: Job satisfaction

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19. Which of the following refers to the continual process of setting career-related goals and planning a path to achieve those goals?


Correct Answer: Career management

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20. What is the primary challenge of training evaluation?


Correct Answer: Finding practical ways to measure training effectiveness

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21. Which of these models classifies training outcomes into four categories: reactions, learning, behavior, and results?


Correct Answer: Kirkpatrick’s model

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22. Which type of training attempts to impact unconscious attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors?


Correct Answer: Diversity

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23. Research on training suggests it is best to ______.


Correct Answer: Choose multiple methods of training

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24. Which training method allows an employer to reach out to many learners at once?


Correct Answer: Lecturing

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25. Which training method allows trainees to reflect on the material, build self-efficacy, and practice on the job?


Correct Answer: Spaced learning

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26. Which concept refers to an outline or framework that helps the learner to organize the training material in order to better retain it?


Correct Answer: Schema

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27. Which of these represents a process through which an employee uses newly learned KSAOs to improve on-the-job performance?


Correct Answer: Training transfer

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28. Which theory of motivation predicts greater motivation to perform the task if people see that their efforts lead to greater performance and believe that performance will lead to a significant outcome?


Correct Answer: Expectancy theory

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29. A high level of ______ is reflected when a person believes that he or she is able to master the content of the training course and capable of transferring learned skills back to the job.


Correct Answer: Self-efficacy

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30. What strategy can help to customize training to individual employee needs?


Correct Answer: Case studies

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31. Who is key to communicating and supporting a positive culture in an organization?


Correct Answer: Supervisors and managers

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32. Which concept is used to determine the gap between the job requirements and what KSAOs the trainees currently possess, and then develop the training program based upon this gap?


Correct Answer: Training needs assessment

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33. Which assessment is a systematic evaluation of the organization, the jobs, and the employees to determine where training is most needed and what type of training is needed?


Correct Answer: Training needs assessment

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34. Total compensation is a Package of compensation and _______ that employees receive


Correct Answer: Benefits

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35. Reward system used by an organization to determine the amount and types of returns individuals


Correct Answer: True

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36. Relational returns nonmonetary incentives and rewards, such as _______ and developmental opportunities


Correct Answer: new learning

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37. Which method approach “subject matter experts evaluate the job descriptions and specifications for a selection of jobs”


Correct Answer: Ranking method

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38. Product market is the final sale of products and services in the marketplace


Correct Answer: True

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39. Procedural justice is used to determine how an ______ or resource is determined and distributed.


Correct Answer: Outcome

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40. A common job evaluation approach in which a team of subject matter experts systematically identifies, scales, and develops weights for compensable factors is known as ______ .


Correct Answer: Point-factor method

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41. Person-based pay structures is a pay structure that emphasizes individuals’ unique competencies or skills


Correct Answer: True

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42. Pay transparency is the extent to which an organization communicates _______ and the extent to which employees are permitted to discuss pay with each other


Correct Answer: pay information

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43. Pay structure is the way in which an organization applies pay rates to different jobs, skills, or competencies.


Correct Answer: True

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44. The extent to which an organization has policies and practices aimed at suppressing pay information is known as______ .


Correct Answer: Pay secrecy

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45. Pay policy line representing how an organization translates information about its internal job structure and external pay rates.


Correct Answer: True

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46. A more severe form of pay compression that occurs when a newer, less-experienced employee in a given job earns this statement is related to


Correct Answer: Pay inversion

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47. A group of jobs with similar job evaluation point values that are then assigned common pay midpoint, minimum, and maximum values is known as _____ .


Correct Answer: Pay grade

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48. A ________ Occurs when recently hired employees with less experience earn nearly as much or the same as more experienced


Correct Answer: Pay compression

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49. Organizational justice theory is a theory that focuses on perceptions of fairness in the workplace


Correct Answer: True

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50. A term that refers to those employees who are directly affected by minimum wage and overtime provisions is known as ______ .


Correct Answer: Nonexempt

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51. Stipulates that employees protected under the act have a right to discuss pay as part of activities related to collective bargaining and protection, thereby providing an avenue through which employees may uncover pay discrimination


Correct Answer: National Labor Relations Act

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52. The process of collecting pay data for benchmark jobs from other organizations is known as _____


Correct Answer: Market review

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53. Market pricing is When an organization bases its pay levels and pay structure directly on its ________ pay levels and pay structures.


Correct Answer: competitors

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54. Market pay line is the relationship between the _______ structure of the organization for benchmark jobs and the external pay practices of other organizations


Correct Answer: Internal job

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55. Labor market is the availability of talent outside of an organization, which can be viewed through the lens of talent supply and demand


Correct Answer: True

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56. The ranking of jobs within an organization based on their respective worth is known as


Correct Answer: Job structure

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57. Internal revenue code Stipulates income and payroll tax regulations


Correct Answer: True

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58. The fairness of pay rates across jobs within an organization is known as______.


Correct Answer: Interactional justice

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59. Individual equity is the fairness of how pay is administered and distributed to ______ working similar jobs within the same organization .


Correct Answer: individual employees

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60. Fair Labor Standards Act Enacted in _____-?


Correct Answer: 1938

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61. Executive Order that carry the force of law


Correct Answer: True

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62. Which theory provides a way of understanding how an individual’s sense of fairness is influenced by others with whom they compare themselves is known as ______ .


Correct Answer: Equity theory

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63. Distributive justice include rewards, punishments, or other organizational consequences.


Correct Answer: True

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64. The process by which the hierarchy in an organizational structure is reduced is known as


Correct Answer: Delayering

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65. Compensation Includes base pay and variable pay and is sometimes referred to as direct pay


Correct Answer: True

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66. The common dimensions by which jobs vary in terms of worth is known as


Correct Answer: Compensable factors

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67. Compa-ratio used to assess whether systematic compression or inversion are occurring


Correct Answer: True

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68. The classification method in which upper and lower limits of interval is also in class interval itself is called


Correct Answer: inclusive method

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69. Broadbanding is the process of collapsing multiple pay grades into one large grade with a single ________.


Correct Answer: minimum and maximum

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70. Employee rewards, which are a type of indirect pay, that include health, life, and disability insurance; retirement programs; and work–life balance programs are known as ______ .


Correct Answer: Aging

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71. A process whereby previously collected market pay data are adjusted and updated based on market changes is known as


Correct Answer: Aging

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Human Resource Management Subjects