1. Emergency funds are important because they ____________.
Correct Answer:
Are available when they are most needed, such as after a job loss.
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2. The system that "filters" blood before it enters the brain is called the __________.
Correct Answer:
Blood-brain barrier
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3. Organizational orientation informs a new employee about ________.
Correct Answer:
The history and philosophy of the organization
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4. Human resource management is concerned with ________ competent employees
Correct Answer:
Obtaining, training, motivating, and keeping.
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5. Shadowing is another term used to refer to ____________.
Correct Answer:
On-the-job training
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6. Outsourced accounting is an example of ________.
Correct Answer:
Specialized professional services
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7. Outcomes of a high-performance work system include higher productivity and _____.
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8. In terms of the job characteristics model, feedback refers to the extent to which _____.
Correct Answer:
A person receives clear information about performance effectiveness from the work itsel
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9. In a high-performance work system, task design makes jobs _____.
Correct Answer:
Efficient while encouraging high quality
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10. Feedback and coaching are part of the _____ function of an hr department.
Correct Answer:
Performance management
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11. At most small businesses, human resource management activities can best be described as ________.
Correct Answer:
Informal and flexible
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12. Another name for human resources management is ____ management.
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13. A company cannot know what training to offer employees unless it ________.
Correct Answer:
Assesses their strengths and weaknesses
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14. _____ outcomes can be used to evaluate satisfaction with training.
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15. The term ‘personnel management’ (PM) is often contrasted with the contemporary notion of HRM because
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PM represents a predominantly administrative function which contrasts with the strategic intent of HRM
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16. The area of HR activity associated with HR planning, recruitment and selection is referred to as
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17. Firms that have no formal individual or collective structures and practices for the purposes of employee management are referred to by Guest and Conway (1999) as
Correct Answer:
Black hole
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18. . Guest (1987) suggests which four elements are central to HRM
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19. The approach to HRM which is associated with the instrumental use of employees to achieve organisational objectives is referred to as
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20. ______ refers to a measurement of the quantity of an organization’s practices in comparison with similar organizations using similar metrics.
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21. A ______ is a cluster of knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) necessary to be effective at one’s job.
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22. Who oversees the personnel department or HR functions within a group?
Correct Answer:
an HR manager
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23. Who sets the tone of human resource management and how human capital is valued?
Correct Answer:
the top members of the organizational team
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24. Effective international companies’ HRM considers differences in local laws and norms to create ______.
Correct Answer:
an effective global organization
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25. A(n) ______ is characterized by the prevalence of temporary employment.
Correct Answer:
gig economy
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26. Which type of culture focuses on controlling and values being efficient, timely, and consistent?
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27. Which type of culture focuses on being entrepreneurial, flexible, and creative?
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28. Organizations increasingly understand that treating individuals in a way that makes them feel valued leads them to be ______.
Correct Answer:
more engaged and productive
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29. Which bias refers to the tendency to pursue confirmation of one’s own beliefs or expectations, discarding the exploration of other options?
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30. Which bias refers to the tendency to rely too much on the first piece of information?
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31. Which bias refers to tendency to rely more on information that is readily available when making decisions?
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32. When engaging in decision-making, research suggests that individuals ______.
Correct Answer:
use biases as shortcuts
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33. The constellation of decisions and actions associated with managing individuals throughout the employee lifecycle to maximize employee and organizational effectiveness in attaining goals is called ______.
Correct Answer:
human resource management
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34. Similar to the industrial revolution of the mid-1800s, the ______ revolution has created exciting opportunities for HRM to become invaluable within organizations in a variety of ways, including informing managers with best practices and data to aid decision-making throughout the organization.
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35. Spurious correlation observed between ______ that are not actually related
Correct Answer:
two variables
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36. Sign is the ________ direction of a relationship between variables
Correct Answer:
positive or negative
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37. The tendency for an individual to be more confident in their own beliefs than reality would suggest is known as
Correct Answer:
Overconfidence bias
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38. Which of the correct statement of Organizational culture
Correct Answer:
Assumptions shared by organization members, which affect their actions, thoughts, and perceptions
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39. Organizations with ________ are characterized by competition and as being aggressive, competitive, and customer oriented
Correct Answer:
market cultures
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40. Magnitude is the size of a relationship
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41. HRM Stands for
Correct Answer:
Human resource management
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42. Hr specialist fulfills an HR specialist function attends to all aspects of one specific HRM function
Correct Answer:
Hr specialist
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43. A person who fulfills an HR generalist function attends to multiple HR functions is known as
Correct Answer:
HR generalist
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44. Someone who serves as a consultant to management on HR-related issues
Correct Answer:
HR business partner
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45. Organizations with ______ focus on control and value being efficient, timely, and consistent
Correct Answer:
Hierarchy cultures
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46. The alteration of one’s behavior to fit what you think is wanted of you, as a result of the knowledge of being studied or observed.This statement is correct for
Correct Answer:
Hawthorne Effect
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47. Gig economy temporary employment positions, where individuals are employed as independent workers
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48. Gig is a ______ or task that a worker is hired to do on demand
Correct Answer:
single project
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49. A cluster of knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (ksaos) necessary to be effective at one’s job is known as
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50. Organizations with _______ are collaboration and people oriented and value cohesion, employee empowerment, and team players
Correct Answer:
clan cultures
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51. A system of principles that govern how businesses operate, how decisions are made, and how people are treated,this statement is known as
Correct Answer:
Business ethics
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52. Biases are a tendency, feeling, or opinion, especially one that is preconceived, unreasoned, and unsupported by evidence.
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53. Benchmarking measurement of the ______ practices in comparison with those of a peer organization
Correct Answer:
quality of an organization’s
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54. Availability bias rely more on _______ that is more readily available than alternative information
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55. Which process of attraction, selection, and attrition that defines an organization’s culture ?
Correct Answer:
A-S-A framework
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56. The tendency when making a judgment to rely on the first piece of information that one receives is known as
Correct Answer:
Anchoring bias
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57. Organizations with _______ are creation focused and emphasize entrepreneurship, flexibility, risk taking, and creativity
Correct Answer:
adhocracy cultures
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