Statistics (Social And Behavioral Sciences) Quick Quiz
Question 1 of 10
Variable manipulated or controlled by the researcher is called
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: Independent variable
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Chi square statistic that tests the difference between the distribution of observed frequencies and expected frequencies.
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: True
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A researcher records the throwing distances for 12 participants in each of four different environments. If the throwing distances for the same participants are recorded in each environment, what type of statistical design is most appropriate for this study?
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: A one-way within-subjects ANOVA
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Participants in a study for a new medicine reported significantly less pain 30 min after taking the pill than before taking the pill, t(9) = 3.804, p < .05 (w2 = 0.56). In this related-samples t test, how many participants were observed?
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: 10
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A statistical procedure that involves the use of a sample statistic to estimate a population parameter is known as_____
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: Point estimation
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Given the following values: u = 5.0, M = 6.6, n = 25, and ϭ = 5, conduct a one-sample z test at a .05 level of significance. For a one-tailed test, upper-tail critical, what is the decision?
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: To retain the null hypothesis
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Distribution of statistics for samples randomly drawn from populations is sampling distribution
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: True
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Cramér’s ɸ can be used for the test of goodness of fit but not for the test of independence.
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: False
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A researcher conducts a chi-square test of independence on education (three levels: high school, some college, and undergraduate degree) and income (three levels: low, medium, and high). What are the degrees of freedom?
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: 4
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A researcher decreases the sample size, which will:
Answer & Explanation
Correct Answer: Increase the value of standard error.
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