One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) MCQ

One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) MCQ


1. You are conducting a study which involves 4 groups of participants and you have 8 participants in each group. What is dfBG?


Correct Answer: 3

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2. You are conducting a study which involves 3 groups of participants and you have 9 participants in each group. You are doing a one-way ANOVA using α = .05. What is the critical value for the F-ratio?


Correct Answer: 3.40

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3. Based on the information in the following ANOVA summary table, and using α = .05, the decision would be to reject the null hypothesis.Source,SS,F,Test group,70.00,6.88,Error,81.32Total,151.32


Correct Answer: True

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4. An F-ratio can be either positive or negative.


Correct Answer: False

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5. The amount of between-group variability must be significantly greater than the amount of within-group variability to reject the null hypothesis.


Correct Answer: True

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6. Based on the information in the following ANOVA summary table, how many total participants were there?Source,SS,F,Test group,70.00,6.88,Error,81.32,Total,151.32


Correct Answer: 28

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7. Based on the information in the following ANOVA summary table, and using α = .05, what would be the critical value for the F-ratio?Source,SS,F,Test group,70.00,6.88,Error,81.32 Total,151.32


Correct Answer: 3.01

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8. You are conducting a study which involves 4 groups of participants and you have 12 participants in each group. You are doing a one-way ANOVA using α = .05. What is dftotal?


Correct Answer: 47

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9. An F-ratio is ______.


Correct Answer: Between-group variance/within-group variance

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10. A one-way ANOVA is used to test the difference between the means of 2 groups with two or more independent variables.


Correct Answer: False

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11. Which of the following would be a correct statement for the alternative hypothesis when doing an ANOVA?


Correct Answer: Not all µs are equal.

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12. (# groups –1) is ______.


Correct Answer: DfBG

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13. You are conducting a study which involves 3 groups of participants and you have 9 participants in each group. What is dfWG?


Correct Answer: 24

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14. With a one-way ANOVA, R2 is a measure of effect size.


Correct Answer: True

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15. Based on the information in the following ANOVA summary table, how many groups were there?Source,SS,FTest group,70.00,6.88Error,81.32Total,151.32


Correct Answer: 4

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16. Statistical procedure used to control familywise error when conducting all possible simple comparisons between groups is tukey's test


Correct Answer: True

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17. Statistical procedure used to control familywise error when conducting all possible simple and complex comparisons in a set of data is scheffe's test


Correct Answer: True

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18. Analytical comparisons involving more than two groups is ___ comparisons


Correct Answer: Complex

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19. Analytical comparisons between two groups is ____ comparisons


Correct Answer: Simple

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20. Statistical procedure used to control familywise error when comparing each group with a single reference group is dunnett's test


Correct Answer: True

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21. Probability of making at least one Type ____ error across a set of comparisons is familywise error


Correct Answer: I

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22. Comparisons not having been built into a research design prior to data collection is unplanned comparisons


Correct Answer: True

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23. ____ comparisons built into a research design prior to data collection.


Correct Answer: Planned

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24. Comparisons between groups that are part of a larger research design is called


Correct Answer: Analytical

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25. Percentage of variance in the dependent variable associated with differences between groups comprising an independent variable is __ squared


Correct Answer: R

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26. Table summarizing the calculations of an analysis of variance is ANOVA summary table


Correct Answer: True

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27. Statistic used to test differences between group means is called


Correct Answer: F ratio

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28. Statistical procedure used to test differences between the means of three or more groups comprising a single independent variable is ___ ANOVA


Correct Answer: One way

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29. Analysis of variance is a Family of statistical procedures used to test differences between ___group means.


Correct Answer: Two or more

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

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