Two-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) MCQ

Two-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) MCQ


1. Assuming any differences in means are significant, the data below suggests ______.Candies eaten,Group,Boy,12.50,Girl,10.00,12.50


Correct Answer: No main effects, an interaction

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

2. An interaction effect means that ______.


Correct Answer: The effect of one independent variable depends on the level of another independent variable

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3. A factorial research design with two levels of each of two factors (2 × 2 factorial design), with 8 participants in each condition would have a total of how many participants.


Correct Answer: 32

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4. A two-way ANOVA involves 2 dependent variables.


Correct Answer: False

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5. Assuming any differences in means are significant, the data below suggestsHours,exercised, per week,Group,Boy,10.00,Girl,10.00,10.00


Correct Answer: Two main effects, an interaction

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6. With a two-way ANOVA you calculate an F-ratio for the interaction effect and each of the main effects.


Correct Answer: True

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7. In a factorial research design with two levels of each of two factors (2 × 2 factorial design), you are testing for ______.


Correct Answer: The main effects of 2 factors and an interaction effect

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8. Interaction effects involve comparing both cell means and marginal means.


Correct Answer: False

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9. A simple effect ______.


Correct Answer: Is the effect of one independent variable at one of the levels of another independent variable

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10. R2, as a measure of effect size, ______


Correct Answer: Can be used when doing a two-way ANOVA

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11. How many levels are there of each factor in a 2 × 2 factorial design?


Correct Answer: 2

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12. How many F-ratios are calculated if you do a two-way ANOVA?


Correct Answer: 3

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13. Main effects involve comparing marginal means.


Correct Answer: True

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14. A factorial research design allows you to identify interactions between independent variables.


Correct Answer: True

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15. Assuming any differences in means are significant, the data below suggests ______.Candies eaten,Group,Boy,12.50Girl,15.00,15.00


Correct Answer: One main effect, no interaction

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16. Effect of one independent variable at one of the levels of another independent variable is called


Correct Answer: Single effect

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17. Factorial research design consisting of ____ independent variables is two factor research design


Correct Answer: Two

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18. Marginal Mean represents a main effect within a factorial research design.


Correct Answer: True

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19. Effect of an independent variable on the dependent variable within a factorial research design is called


Correct Answer: Main effect

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20. Effect of an independent variable on the dependent variable within a factorial research design is called


Correct Answer: Main effect

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21. Cell Mean of the dependent variable for a combination of independent variables.


Correct Answer: True

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22. Cell is a combination of ____variables within a factorial research design.


Correct Answer: Independent

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23. Effect of one independent variable on the dependent variable changes at the different levels of another independent variable is called


Correct Answer: Interaction effect

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24. Research design consisting of all possible combinations of two or more independent variables is factorial research design


Correct Answer: True

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25. Research design consisting of ____ independent variable is single factor research design


Correct Answer: One

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

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