Tables and Figures in Statistics MCQ

Tables and Figures in Statistics MCQ


1. Which term best describes this data set? 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8, 8, 9


Correct Answer: Bimodal

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

2. Which term best describes this data set? 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6


Correct Answer: Flat

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3. The term “normal distribution” places a value judgement on the variable.


Correct Answer: False

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4. A normally distributed variable is a bell-shaped distribution.


Correct Answer: True

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5. An instructor gives an exam on which scores can range from 0% to 100% but tells the class the number of students who scored between 0–33%, 34–66%, and 67–100%. This is most analogous (most similar) to ______.


Correct Answer: A grouped frequency distribution table

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6. Variables measured at the nominal level are typically displayed using frequency polygons.


Correct Answer: False

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7. A frequency distribution table may be used to identify outliers.


Correct Answer: True

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8. Researchers examine data before analyzing it in order to ______.


Correct Answer: Gain initial sense of the data

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9. Variables measured at the interval and ratio level are typically displayed using histograms.


Correct Answer: True

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10. If a group of scores is normally distributed the distribution would be ______.


Correct Answer: Unimodal

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11. If data were summarized in a grouped frequency distribution table, based only on the information in the table, which of the following would you be able to calculate or determine?


Correct Answer: Number of scores in an interval

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12. In a grouped frequency distribution table, the intervals should be of equal size.


Correct Answer: True

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13. Which term best describes this data set? 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9


Correct Answer: Positively skewed

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14. Which term best describes this data? 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10


Correct Answer: Unimodal

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15. An outlier is ______.


Correct Answer: An extreme score that lies outside of the range of the majority of scores in a data set

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16. Normally distributed variable is considered to be unimodal, symmetric, and neither peaked nor flat.


Correct Answer: True

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17. _____ Distribution where the data are spread evenly across the values of a variable.


Correct Answer: Flat

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18. ____ Distribution where much of the data are in a small number of values of a variable.


Correct Answer: Peak

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19. The amount of differences in a distribution of data for a variable is variability


Correct Answer: True

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20. Negatively skewed Distribution in which the higher frequencies are at the ____ end of the distribution, with the tail on the lower (left) end of the distribution.


Correct Answer: Upper

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21. Positively skewed Distribution in which the higher frequencies are at the ____ end of the distribution, with the tail on the upper (right) end of the distribution


Correct Answer: Lower

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22. ASymmetric Distribution in which the frequencies change in a different manner moving away in both directions from the most frequently occurring values.


Correct Answer: True

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23. Distribution in which the frequencies change in a similar manner moving away in both directions from the most frequently occurring values is symmetric distribution


Correct Answer: True

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24. How the frequencies of values of a variable change in relation to the most common or frequently occurring values is called


Correct Answer: Symmetry

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25. _____ Distribution where more than two values have the greatest frequency.


Correct Answer: Multimodel

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26. _____ Distribution in which two values clearly distinct from each other have the greatest frequency.


Correct Answer: Bimodal

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27. ____ Distribution where one value occurs with the greatest frequency.


Correct Answer: Unimodal

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28. Value or values of a variable that have the ____frequency in a set of data is called modality


Correct Answer: Highest

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29. Frequency polygon is ____ graph that uses connected data points to represent the frequencies of values of a variable.


Correct Answer: Line

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30. Figure that uses connected bars to represent the frequencies of values of a variable is ____


Correct Answer: Histogram

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31. _____ chart uses a circle divided into proportions to represent the percentage of the sample corresponding to each value of a variable.


Correct Answer: Pie

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32. ____ chart uses bars to represent the frequency or percentage of a sample corresponding to each value of a variable.


Correct Answer: Bar

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33. Percentage of a sample at or below a particular value of a variable is cumulative frequency


Correct Answer: True

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34. Largest value of a variable in a particular interval of values is known as


Correct Answer: Real upper limit

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35. Smallest value of a variable in a particular interval of values is known as


Correct Answer: Real lower limit

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36. Values of a variable located halfway between the top of one interval and the bottom of the next interval is known as


Correct Answer: Real limits

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37. Grouped ____ distribution table that groups values of a variable into intervals and provides the frequency and percentage within each interval.


Correct Answer: Frequency

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38. Number of participants in a sample corresponding to a value of a variable is called


Correct Answer: Frequency

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39. ____ distribution table summarizing the number and percentage of participants for the different values of a variable.


Correct Answer: Frequency

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40. Rare, extreme score that lies outside of the range of the majority of scores in a set of data is known as


Correct Answer: Outlier

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

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