Central Tendency Statistics MCQ
Central Tendency Statistics MCQ
1. Unlike the mean, the median is not shifted in either direction by outliers.
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2. When would a researcher calculate a weighted mean?
Correct Answer:
When the means of different groups are based on unequal or disproportionate numbers of scores.
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3. When would a researcher calculate a weighted mean?
Correct Answer:
When the means of different groups are based on unequal or disproportionate numbers of scores.
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4. ______ is the symbol for the sample mean, and the population mean is indicated as ______.
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5. In Weighted Mean the number of scores in each group is _____
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6. A theoretical distribution with data that are symmetrically distributed around the mean, median, and mode is known as_____
Correct Answer:
Both a and c
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7. Skewed Distribution is a distribution of scores that includes scores that fall _____most other scores in a data set.
Correct Answer:
Both a and b
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8. Skewed Distribution is a distribution of scores that includes scores that fall _____most other scores in a data set.
Correct Answer:
Both a and b
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9. The number of individuals that constitute a subset of those selected from a larger population is known as_____
Correct Answer:
Sample size
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10. Sample Mean is the sum of a set of scores in a sample, divided by the total number of scores summed.
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11. Rectangular Distribution is a distribution of scores with _____mode.
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12. Positively Skewed Distribution is a distribution of scores that includes scores that are _____ most other scores.
Correct Answer:
Larger than
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13. Population Size is the _____of individuals that constitute an entire group or population.
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14. Population Size is the _____of individuals that constitute an entire group or population.
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15. Population Mean is the sum of a set of scores in a single sample, divided by the total number of scores summed.
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16. A theoretical distribution with data that are symmetrically distributed around the mean, median, and mode is known as_____
Correct Answer:
All of these
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17. A distribution of scores where all scores occur at the same frequency is known as_____
Correct Answer:
Both a and b
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18. Negatively Skewed Distribution is a distribution of scores that includes scores that are _____ most other scores.
Correct Answer:
Smaller than
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19. A multimodal distribution has_____ modes.
Correct Answer:
More than two
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20. The value in a data set that occurs most often or most frequently is known as_____
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21. A distribution of scores, in which _____ scores occur most often or most frequently is known as Modal Distribution.
Correct Answer:
One or more
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22. The middle value in a distribution of data listed in numeric order is known as_____
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23. The middle value in a distribution of data listed in numeric order is known as_____
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24. The middle value in a distribution of data listed in numeric order is known as_____
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25. Mean is the_____ of a set of scores in a distribution, divided by the total number of scores summed.
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26. Gaussian Distribution is the theoretical distribution with data that are symmetrically distributed around the_____
Correct Answer:
All of these
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27. Central Tendency refers to the statistical measures for locating a single score that is most _____ of all scores in a distribution.
Correct Answer:
Both a and b
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28. Bimodal distribution is the distribution of _____ for each outcome of a variable with only two possible outcomes.
Correct Answer:
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29. A theoretical distribution with data that are symmetrically distributed around the mean, median, and mode is known as_____
Correct Answer:
All of these
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30. The sum of a set of scores in a distribution, divided by the total number of scores summed is known as_____
Correct Answer:
Both a and b
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31. Arithmetic Mean is the sum of a set of scores in a distribution, divided by the _____
Correct Answer:
Total number of scores summed
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Statistics (Social And Behavioral Sciences) MCQs | Topic-wise