Statistical Testing One Sample Mean MCQ

Statistical Testing One Sample Mean MCQ


1. Robust is Ability of a statistical procedure to withstand moderate violations of the assumption of normality.


Correct Answer: True

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2. For which of the following would the t distribution most closely resemble the standard normal distribution?


Correct Answer: N = 1000

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3. If a researcher reports that “p < .05,” we assume that ______.


Correct Answer: P is not less than .01

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4. Increasing sample size tends to increase the likelihood of rejecting the null hypothesis.


Correct Answer: True

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5. Which of the following would be typical of information provided by statistical software?


Correct Answer: P = .03

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6. If the decision has been made to not reject the null hypothesis, we would say that ______.


Correct Answer: The result is non-significant

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7. You are interested in determining if an exercise program to improve cardiovascular fitness has any influence on flexibility. You want to conduct your test using α = .01. Which would be the appropriate critical value for the z-statistic?


Correct Answer: +/– 2.58

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8. If the decision has been made to reject the null hypothesis, we would say that ______.


Correct Answer: The result is statistically significant

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9. You are doing hypothesis testing with a non-directional alternative hypothesis, and α = .01. Which of the following would be a critical value for the z-statistic?


Correct Answer: +/– 2.58

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10. If you increase sample size, the standard error of the mean will also increase.


Correct Answer: False

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11. You are doing hypothesis testing with a non-directional alternative hypothesis, and α = .05. Which of the following would be a critical value for the z-statistic?


Correct Answer: +/– 1.96

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12. Increasing alpha has the effect of ______.


Correct Answer: Increasing the likelihood of rejecting the null hypothesis

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13. The notation p > .05 would be associated with a decision to not reject the null hypothesis.


Correct Answer: True

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14. A t-test is used instead of the z-test ______.


Correct Answer: A t-test is used instead of the z-test ______.

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15. The sampling distribution of the mean consists of samples of varying sizes.


Correct Answer: False

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16. The degrees of freedom for one sample is N + 1.


Correct Answer: False

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17. Standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the mean; average deviation of a sample mean from the population mean is standard error of mean


Correct Answer: True

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18. Statistical procedure testing the difference between a sample mean and a hypothesized population mean when the population standard deviation is not known is t test for ___ mean


Correct Answer: One

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19. Number of values or quantities free to vary when a statistic is used to estimate a parameter is degrees of ____


Correct Answer: Freedom

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20. Distribution of the t statistic based on an infinite number of samples of size N randomly drawn from the population is student t distrbution


Correct Answer: True

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21. Assumptions of _____ that scores for a variable are approximately normally distributed in the population.


Correct Answer: Normality

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22. Assumptions of _____ that scores for a variable are approximately normally distributed in the population.


Correct Answer: Normality

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23. Assumption of interval of ratio scale of measurement that variables being analyzed are measured at the interval or ratio scale of measurement.


Correct Answer: True

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24. Assumption that a sample is created by random selection from the population is called assumption of ____ sampling


Correct Answer: Random

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25. Statistical procedure testing the difference between a sample mean and a population mean when population standard deviation is known is population standard error of mean


Correct Answer: True

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26. Statistical procedure testing the difference between a sample mean and a population mean when population standard deviation is known is ___ test for mean


Correct Answer: Z

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27. Theorem stating that sample means are approximately normally distributed for an ____ number of random samples drawn from a population is central limit theorem


Correct Answer: Infinite

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28. Standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the mean; average deviation of a sample mean from the population mean is standard error of mean


Correct Answer: True

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29. Distribution of statistics for samples randomly drawn from populations is sampling distribution


Correct Answer: True

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30. Distribution of sample means for an infinite number of samples of size N randomly selected from the population is sampling distribution of mean


Correct Answer: True

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