Normal Distributions in Statistics MCQ

Normal Distributions in Statistics MCQ

1. If the mean of a normal distribution is 106, and the standard deviation is 17, what percentage of scores are between 93 and 121?


Correct Answer: 58.70%

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

2. With a normal distribution, over 99% of the z-scores will fall between –3.00 and +3.00.


Correct Answer: True

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

3. If a person’s score on a test is equal to the mean, then their z-score will be 1.


Correct Answer: False

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

4. In a normal distribution, 50% of the scores are below the mean.


Correct Answer: True

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

5. What percentage of z-scores are within three standard deviations of the mean?


Correct Answer: 99.74%

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6. If the mean of a normal distribution is 70, and the standard deviation is 10, what percentage of scores are between 50 and 90?


Correct Answer: 95.44%

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

7. A z-score between 0 and –1.0 will always correspond to a raw score that is below the mean.


Correct Answer: True

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8. If the mean of a normal distribution is 80, and the standard deviation is 5, what percentage of scores are between 75 and 80?


Correct Answer: 34.13%

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9. Assume the data to be normally distributed. If X = 80, µ = 74 and σ = 6, what percentage of the scores are above 80?


Correct Answer: 15.87%

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10. Assume the data to be normally distributed. If X = 87 and expressed as a z-score it is z = +2.12, what percentage of the scores are below 87?


Correct Answer: 98.30%

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11. A z-score in the standard normal distribution can be interpreted as distance from the mean in standard deviation units, but gives no information of its location relative to the entire distribution.


Correct Answer: False

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12. Assume the data to be normally distributed. If X = 79 and expressed as a z-score it is z = –1.73, what percentage of the scores are above 79?


Correct Answer: 95.82%

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

13. Normal distributions are ______.


Correct Answer: Symmetrical

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14. Lindsey scores an 82 on her Latin exam. The class mean for the Latin exam was 88 with a standard deviation of 2. Lindsey scored a 58 on her Chinese exam. The class mean for the Chinese exam was 62 with a standard deviation of 8. Based on her performance relative to her classmates, on which exam did she demonstrate the best performance?


Correct Answer: Chinese

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15. Assume µ = 30 and σ = 10. If X = 32, what is X expressed as a z-score?


Correct Answer: .20

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16. Mathematical transformation of a variable comprising addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division is linear transformation


Correct Answer: True

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17. ____score within a standardized distribution is standardized scores


Correct Answer: Z

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18. Distribution of z-scores for scores in a frequency distribution is standardized distribution


Correct Answer: True

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19. Table containing the percentage of the standard normal distribution associated with different z-scores is normal curve table


Correct Answer: True

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20. ____ Scores for the standard normal distribution measured in standard deviation units.


Correct Answer: Z

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21. Standard Normal distribution measured in standard deviation units with a mean equal to 0 and a standard deviation equal to ___


Correct Answer: 1

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22. Normal Distribution based on a population of an infinite number of scores calculated from a mathematical formula


Correct Answer: True

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

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