Linear Regression and Multiple Correlation in Statistics MCQ
Linear Regression and Multiple Correlation in Statistics MCQ
1. A correlation analysis requires that the data be either ________ data or _______ data.
Correct Answer:
Interval, ratio
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2. The multiple correlation coefficient, represented by R, measures the relationship between ______.
Correct Answer:
Two or more predictor variables and a criterion variable
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3. The formula for the multiple correlation coefficient varies depending on the number of predictors in the analysis.
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4. In the equation Y' = a + bX, the b represents ______.
Correct Answer:
The slope
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5. In the equation Y' = a + bX, the Y' represents ______.
Correct Answer:
The predicted value for Y
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6. Regression involves making predictions when there is no correlation.
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7. In linear regression, the Y-intercept a is the predicted value for the Y variable when X is equal to zero.
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8. A Venn diagram ______.
Correct Answer:
Can be used as a visual representation of the relationships between three variables
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9. When there is no relationship between two variables, the most accurate prediction we can make, regardless of the score on one variable, is ______.
Correct Answer:
The mean of the other variable
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10. It is not possible to determine whether a multiple correlation R is statistically significant.
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11. When no relationship is found between two variables, a linear regression equation cannot be created.
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12. Multiple correlation ______.
Correct Answer:
Is more efficient than the Pearson correlation
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13. The stronger the relationship between the two variables, ______.
Correct Answer:
The greater the slope
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14. Using high school GPA and extracurricular participation to predict college success is an example of ______.
Correct Answer:
Multiple correlation with two predictors
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15. In the equation Y' = a + bX, the a represents ______.
Correct Answer:
The Y-intercept
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16. When we use the relationship between two or more correlated variables to predict values of one variable from values of other variables, this is referred to as ______.
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17. Constant representing the rate of change in a criterion Variable ____ associated with changes in a predictor variable is regression coefficient
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18. Mathematical equation predicting a criterion variable from two or more predictor variables is multiple regression equation
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19. Statistic measuring the relationship between two or more predictor variables and a criterion variable is multiple correlation coefficient
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20. Table of Pearson correlations between variables is called
Correct Answer:
Correlation matrix
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21. Family of statistical procedures assessing the relationship between two or more predictor variables and a criterion variable is known as
Correct Answer:
Multiple correlation
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22. Mathematical equation that predicts ____ variable from another variable is linear regression equation
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23. Linear regression is Statistical procedure in which a straight line is fitted to a set of data to best represent the relationship between ____ variables.
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24. ____ is the use of a relationship between two or more correlated variables to predict values of one variable from values of other variables.
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