Chi-Square Tests in Statistics MCQ

Chi-Square Tests in Statistics MCQ

1. When dfsmaller = 1, the value for the effect size using phi coefficient will be lower than the value using Cramer’s V.


Correct Answer: False

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

2. When the chi-square test for independence is significant, this indicates that two variables are not relate


Correct Answer: False

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3. When k = 4, then the critical value for a chi-square goodness-of-fit test is 5.99.


Correct Answer: False

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4. When k = 4, then the critical value for a chi-square goodness-of-fit test is 5.99.


Correct Answer: False

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5. The larger the value of the chi-square test statistic, the less likely the discrepancy between observed and expected frequencies was due to chance or error.


Correct Answer: True

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6. Nonparametric tests are often called distribution-free tests.


Correct Answer: True

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7. A researcher reports the following results for a chi-square test: χ2(2) = 5.386, p < .05 (V = 0.224). If this test were a test for independence, then how many groups were observed?


Correct Answer: 6

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8. A researcher computes a 3 x 4 chi-square test for independence with a sample of 50 participants, with χ2 = 11.43. What is the effect size for this result?


Correct Answer: 0.33

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9. A researcher selects a sample of 150 participants and computes a phi correlation coefficient of .29. What is the value of χ2?


Correct Answer: 12.62

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10. A researcher conducts two chi-square tests. The 2 x 2 chi-square was χ2 = 3.5. The 2 x 3 chi-square was χ2 = 6.92. Which chi-square test resulted in a decision to reject the null hypothesis at a .05 level of significance?


Correct Answer: The 2 x 3 chi-square

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11. A researcher tests whether children’s flexibility in problem solving is related to which age group they are. In this study, he observes the following frequencies. If he computes a chi-square test for independence at a .05 level of significance, then what is the decision for this test?


Correct Answer: Flexibility and age are relate

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12. For an event the organizer decided to take a poll on which of two drinks (regular or decaf coffee) supplied was preferre He sampled 80 attenders and asked them to choose which they preferre If it is expected that an equal number of patrons will choose each drink, what is the decision for this test (at α .05 significance level) based on the observed frequencies given below?


Correct Answer: Decaf coffee is preferre

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13. A researcher conducts a chi-square test of independence on education (three levels: high school, some college, and undergraduate degree) and income (three levels: low, medium, and high). What are the degrees of freedom?


Correct Answer: 4

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14. Which of the following measures the size of the discrepancy between an observed and expected frequency at each level of a categorical variable?


Correct Answer: Chi-square goodness-of-fit test

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15. The chi-square goodness-of-fit test measures ________ and is a ________ test.


Correct Answer: Frequencies; nonparametric

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16. Nonparametric tests analyze data on ________ or ________ scale of measurement.


Correct Answer: Nominal; ordinal

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17. Parametric Tests are the hypothesis tests that are used to test hypotheses about parameters in a population in which the data are normally distributed and measured on _____ scale of measurement.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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18. Nonparametric Tests are used for all of these except_____


Correct Answer: To test hypotheses about parameters in a population

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19. The count or frequency of participants recorded in each category or at each level of the categorical variable is known as Frequency Expected.


Correct Answer: False

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20. An estimate of effect size for the chi-square test for independence for two categorical variables with any number of levels is known as_____


Correct Answer: Both

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21. Chi-Square Test for Independence is a statistical procedure used to determine whether frequencies observed at the combination of levels of two categorical variables are _____to frequencies expected.


Correct Answer: Similar

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22. Chi-Square Test is a statistical procedure used to test hypotheses about the _____ between the observed and expected frequencies for the levels of a single categorical variable or two categorical variables observed together.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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23. Chi-Square Goodness-of Fit Test is a statistical procedure used to determine whether observed frequencies at each level of one categorical variable are _____ the frequencies we expected at each level of the categorical variable.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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24. Chi-Square Distribution is a _____ distribution of chi-square test statistic values for all possible samples when the null hypothesis is true.


Correct Answer: Positively Skewed

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

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