MCQs > Business & Organization > Organizational Behavior MCQs > Emotions, Attitudes, and Stress MCQs

Emotions, Attitudes, and Stress MCQ

The autonomic nervous system regulates the ________ that accompanies different emotions.


Correct Answer: Physiological arousal

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A program that promotes health and well-being is called a ______ in our text.


Correct Answer: Wellness program

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Using positive language and distracting techniques creates ______, according to our text.


Correct Answer: Emotion-focused coping

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Coping is the effort to manage, reduce, or minimize ______.


Correct Answer: Stress

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Which of the following is a characteristic of a wellness program?


Correct Answer: They should be educational and effective but don’t need to be fun.

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According to the text, which of the following lists problem-focused and emotion-focused stress-coping mechanisms?


Correct Answer: Understand the problem, seek practical ways to resolve the problem, use positive language

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Eustress consists of a moderate level of stressors that have constructive and positive effects on effort and performance. Conversely, distress involves high levels of stressors that have destructive and negative effects on effort and performance. Select the answer with the three elements of distress.


Correct Answer: Physiological element, psychological element, and job burnout.

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Which of the following describe challenge and hindrance, the two main types of stressors?


Correct Answer: Positive and negative

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Which of the following is a characteristic of stress in the workplace?


Correct Answer: Cognitive dissonance-induced stress

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Which of the following lists counterproductive work behaviors?


Correct Answer: Disrupting, harming, sabotaging, or creating conflict with the organization

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Select the answer that is included in the job satisfaction list.


Correct Answer: Recognition received for work completed

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Which of the following can one do to alleviate the psychological discomfort associated with cognitive dissonance?


Correct Answer: Change one’s beliefs, attitudes, values, or behaviors or rationalize the inconsistency

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Which of the following is the strongest predictor of actual behavior?


Correct Answer: Behavioral intention

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Which of the following are the four dimensions of emotional intelligence?


Correct Answer: Social awareness, self-awareness, self-management, and relationship management

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Select the answer that is a characteristic of emotional intelligence.


Correct Answer: The ability to understand emotions in ourselves and others in order to effectively manage our own behaviors and our interpersonal relationships

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Which antecedent-focused strategy consists of refocusing your attention to an area of a situation that results in a more positive emotional outcome?


Correct Answer: Attention deployment

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Which of the following creates an environment in which people work better together, experience less conflict, and experience higher levels of work performance?


Correct Answer: Positive emotional contagion

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Which is a potential repercussion from being in a heightened, negative emotional state?


Correct Answer: Lack of improvement in work performance

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Which of the following describes a mood?


Correct Answer: Less intense and more generalized feelings not directed at a specific object or person

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Wellness program is a personal or organizational effort to promote health and wellbeing through providing access to services like _____.


Correct Answer: All of these

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______ is a person suppresses their true feelings while displaying the organizationally desirable ones.


Correct Answer: Surface acting

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____ is the physiological and psychological reactions to stress.


Correct Answer: Strain

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____ is an environmental stimuli that place demands on individuals


Correct Answer: Stressors

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A type of coping that aims at reducing or eliminating stressors by attempting to understand the problem and seeking practical ways in which to resolve it is known as Problem-focused coping.


Correct Answer: True

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A mood dimension that consists of emotions such as excitement, _______, and cheerfulness at the high end and boredom, sluggishness, and tiredness at the low end.


Correct Answer: Self-assurance

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Discretionary and voluntary behavior that is a part of the employee’s specific role requirements and is formally rewarded.


Correct Answer: False

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A mood dimension that consists of emotions such as boredom, ______and depression.


Correct Answer: Lethargy

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Generalized positive or negative feelings of mind is known as ___.


Correct Answer: Moods

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The degree to which an generally feels positive or negative about a job


Correct Answer: False

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_______Moderate levels of stressors that have constructive and positive effects on effort and performance.


Correct Answer: Eustress

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A connection with the organization and passion for one’s job is known as ____.


Correct Answer: Employee engagement

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An effort to try to change a person’s emotional reaction to a stressor by using negative language and distracting techniques.


Correct Answer: False

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Intense feelings indirect at a specific object or person.


Correct Answer: False

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A set of processes through which people influence their own emotions and the ways in which they experience and express them is known as _____.


Correct Answer: Emotional regulation

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_____is the process of managing one’s feelings to present positive emotions even when they are contrary to one’s actual feelings.


Correct Answer: Emotional labor

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____ is a discrepancy between the emotions a person displays and the emotions he or she actually feels.


Correct Answer: Emotional dissonance

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A phenomenon in which emotions which are experienced by mostly people of a work group are spread to the others.


Correct Answer: False

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Low levels of stressors that have destructive and positive effects on effort and performance is known as distress.


Correct Answer: False

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Basic norms that govern which emotions should be displayed and which should be suppressed is known as ?


Correct Answer: Display rules

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Deep acting Efforts do not change your actual emotions to better match the required emotions of the situation.


Correct Answer: False

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Counterproductive work behaviors are Voluntary behaviors that _____ disrupt or harm the organization


Correct Answer: Purposefully

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Coping is the effort to _____


Correct Answer: All of these

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Cognitive dissonance is the inconsistency between_____.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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A learned tendency to consistently respond positively or negatively to people or events is known as?


Correct Answer: Attitude

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The range of bad feelings in the form of emotions and moods that people experience is known as affects .


Correct Answer: False

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