1. A common perception held by the organization′s members; a system of shared meaning is referred to as:
2. The taken for granted notions of how something should be in an organization are called:
3. The Mary Kay annual award meeting publicly recognizes outstanding sales performance and reinforces the key values of the organization and its goals, thus it is considered a:
4. The key characteristic of organizational culture that assesses the degree to which organizational activities emphasize maintaining the status quo in contrast to growth is:
5. The dominant culture is:
6. A strong organizational culture increases behavioural consistency and, therefore, can act as a substitute for:
7. Today, the role of culture in influencing employee behaviour seems to:
8. The ultimate source of an organization′s culture is:
9. The force(s) that play a part in sustaining a culture include all of the following except:
10. If there is a basic conflict between the individual′s expectations and the organization′s expectations, the employee is most likely to be disillusioned and quit during which stage?
11. According to the socialization process, the stage when a new employee adjusts to his/her work group′s values and norms is called:
12. In which entry socialization option would role models be deliberately withheld?
13. Goffee and Jones argue that the two dimensions that underlie organizational culture are sociability and solidarity. High sociability people will:
14. A communal culture is best described as one where people:
15. If you possess good social skills and empathy and like to forge close relationships, you are cut out for this type of culture:
16. ________ cultures value hard work and promote entrepreneurial risk taking.
17. ____ is the set of key values, beliefs, and attitudes shared by members of an organization.
18. ______are cultures that form around geographic or organizational units in a company.