1. _____ is defined as federal legislation that provides victims of intimate partner violence support through the allocation of federal funds to prosecute offenders, the coordination of services for victims, and the establishment of the Office of Violence Against Women.
Correct Answer:
Violence Against Women Act
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2. _____ is alternative model of justice that provides increased opportunities for victims to have a voice in the criminal justice process.
Correct Answer:
Restorative Justice
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3. Is crime Victims’ Rights Act of 2004 federal legislation that provides victims with legal rights in federal criminal cases?
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4. _____ is known as federal legislation that established the Crime Victims Fund.
Correct Answer:
Victims of Crime Act
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5. _____ is defined as passed by Congress to provide fair treatment standards to crime victims and witnesses.
Correct Answer:
Victim and Witness Protection Act of 1982
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6. _____ is task force created in 1982 by President Ronald Reagan to develop recommendations to reform the experience of crime victims.
Correct Answer:
Presidential Task Force on Victims of Crime
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7. Is lifestyle Theory theory that explores the risk of victimization from personal crimes whereby people place themselves at risk as a result of their lifestyle choices?
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8. _____ is known as suggests that a criminal act is likely to occur when someone who is interested in committing a crime converges with a potential victim and there is an absence of something that would deter the offender.
Correct Answer:
Routine Activities Theory
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9. _____ is defined as
Enables people to make sense of the victimization and makes them feel somehow different from the person who is victimized.
Correct Answer:
Victim Blaming
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10. _____ is
A hypothesis that suggests society has a need to believe that people deserve whatever happens to them.
Correct Answer:
Just-World Hypothesis
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11. Is victimology a field of study within criminology that places the victim at the center of the discussion?
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12. _____ is known as someone who has been injured or harmed by the actions of another.
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13. In many cases, human victims of crime are reduced to tools of the justice system or pieces of evidence in a criminal case.
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14. According to the ______ theory, women have an increased risk of theft based on increased shopping activities.
Correct Answer:
Routine activities
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15. Attempts to introduce a federal amendment for victims’ rights to the U.S. Constitution have been successful.
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16. The Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000 ______.
Correct Answer:
Added protections for immigrant victims
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17. Hans von Hentig’s ______ typology of crime victims refers to individuals who are at risk of being taken advantage of due to a desire for financial advantage.
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18. Embedded in Benjamin Mendelsohn’s typology is the degree to which victims have the power to make decisions that can alter their likelihood of victimization.
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19. Which type of data is missing from the National Crime Victimization Survey?
Correct Answer:
Childhood victimization data
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20. Research on lifestyle theory suggests that people who engage in risky lifestyle choices places themselves at risk for victimization.
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21. A just-world outlook gives a sense of fear to many individuals.
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22. A victim with minor guilt is a person who, if they had given better thought or care to their safety, would not have been victims of crime.
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