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Juvenile Justice MCQ

Juvenile Justice MCQ


1. According to _____ theory, delinquent youths are loners who do not form attachments to others.


Correct Answer: Social Bond Theory

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2. ______________ theories of distributive justice attempt to maximize benefits for overall society.


Correct Answer: Utilitarian

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3. Is discretionary Waiver legal process that requires the juvenile court to hold a hearing to determine whether the youth could still benefit from the resources of the juvenile court in its decision to transfer a case to the criminal court?


Correct Answer: True

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4. _____ is known as legal process that requires the juvenile court to hold a hearing to determine whether the youth could still benefit from the resources of the juvenile court in its decision to transfer a case to the criminal court


Correct Answer: Judicial Waiver

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5. _____ is defined as the process by which a prosecutor files a case involving a juvenile offender in criminal court.


Correct Answer: Direct File

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6. _____ is a type of juvenile waiver that relies on the decision of the prosecutor whether to file charges in the juvenile or criminal court.


Correct Answer: Prosecutorial Waiver

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7. Is legislative Waiver a type of juvenile waiver that involves laws specifying a minimum age at which cases are automatically sent to criminal court for certain crimes?


Correct Answer: True

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8. _____ is known as legal process whereby cases are transferred to the adult criminal court for processing.


Correct Answer: Juvenile Waiver

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9. _____ is defined as a term created by DiIulio that described a new wave of kids who would not have any sense of remorse for their crimes. Predictions about the superpredator had a significant impact on policies and practices related to juvenile crime.


Correct Answer: Superpredator

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10. _____ is federal legislation that called for the deinstitutionalization of status offenders and requires states to address issues of disproportionate minority contact and gender-responsive services.


Correct Answer: Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act

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11. Is aftercare similar to parole in the adult system?


Correct Answer: True

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12. _____ is known as a form of short-term intervention modeled after military-style basic-training programs.


Correct Answer: Boot Camps

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13. _____ is defined as similar to a sentencing hearing in adult court, this is held to determine the plan of action for the case once a juvenile is adjudicated delinquent


Correct Answer: Disposition Hearing

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14. _____ is legal filing that allows for the juvenile court to retain jurisdiction in a case.


Correct Answer: Delinquency Petition

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15. Is adjudication Hearing similar to a trial in the adult court?


Correct Answer: True

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16. _____ is known as entry point for juvenile cases.


Correct Answer: Intake

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17. _____ is defined as when a youth is sent to live in a temporary home, such as a group home, with a foster family, or with another family member.


Correct Answer: Physical Custody

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18. _____ is legal status in which the court is now responsible for all the decisions made about the child.


Correct Answer: Legal Custody

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19. Is dependency Refers to cases that involve youth who have been harmed or neglected by their parents and therefore are being removed from the parents’ custody?


Correct Answer: True

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20. _____ is defined as refers not only to those acts that would be considered criminal under the law but also to status offenses.


Correct Answer: Delinquency

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21. _____ is defined as legal doctrine that translates to “the best interests of the child.” It was used to justify removing youth from their families and placing them under the care of institutions.


Correct Answer: Parens Patriae

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22. _____ is belief that certain classes of the poor were dishonest, lazy, and manipulative individuals.


Correct Answer: Pauperism

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23. Is transfer (Remand) the movement or assigning of a juvenile offender to an adult court, because the youth’s behavior is such that he or she is not amenable to the juvenile court’s rehabilitative philosophy?


Correct Answer: True

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24. _____ is known as a crime committed by a juvenile that would not be a crime if committed by an adult; examples would be purchasing alcohol and tobacco products, truancy, and violating curfew.


Correct Answer: Status Offense

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25. _____ is defined as the notion that certain policies and practices push schoolchildren, particularly those who are most at risk, out of classrooms and into the juvenile and adult criminal justice and prison systems.


Correct Answer: School-To-Prison Pipeline

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26. _____ is a detention facility designed to reform individuals—historically juveniles.


Correct Answer: Reformatory

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27. Is presumption Of Innocence the premise that a defendant is assumed to be innocent until guilt is established beyond a reasonable doubt?


Correct Answer: True

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28. _____ is known as Usually a juvenile thought to be on the verge of becoming a delinquent.


Correct Answer: PINS (Person In Need Of Supervision)

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29. _____ is defined as a doctrine according to which the state is the ultimate parent of the child (and will step in to provide and care for the child if parents neglect those duties)


Correct Answer: Parens Patriae

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30. _____ is a penalty or sentence imposed under which an inmate is to serve a life sentence without eligibility for parole


Correct Answer: Life Without Parole

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31. Is juvenile Court a court that has original jurisdiction to hear juvenile crime matters?


Correct Answer: True

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32. _____ is known as a doctrine according to which the state will act in place of the parents if they fail in their duties to protect and provide for the child.


Correct Answer: In Loco Parentis

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33. _____ is defined as legislation that established the first juvenile court in the United States.


Correct Answer: Illinois Juvenile Court Act (1899)

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34. _____ is the differences between juvenile and adult criminal justice processes, to include treatment and terminology.


Correct Answer: Idealistic Contrast

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35. Is houses Of Refuge workhouses established in the early 1800s as a means of separating juvenile offenders from adult offenders?


Correct Answer: True

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36. _____ is known as an outcome of a criminal or juvenile court process signifying that the matter is completed


Correct Answer: Disposition

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37. Violating curfew is an example of a status offense.


Correct Answer: True

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38. What would be the juvenile court equivalent of a court verdict?


Correct Answer: Decision

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39. What are states doing in response to the perception that juveniles are committing more violent crimes?


Correct Answer: They are making it easier to prosecute juveniles as adults.

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40. What is the most frequently used measure to combat gangs?


Correct Answer: Targeted patrols

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41. At what point in the juvenile justice process are sentencing recommendations presented to the judge?


Correct Answer: Disposition

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42. The U.S. is the only country in the world that permits youth to be sentenced to life without parole.


Correct Answer: True

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43. What does research suggest is true of most youth who join gangs?


Correct Answer: They only join for a short period of time.

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44. The philosophy that the state has the authority to act in place of a parent is tied to which concept?


Correct Answer: Parens patriae

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45. What was the major ruling in the U.S. Supreme Court case of Kent v. U.S. (1966)?


Correct Answer: Juveniles have a right to an attorney.

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46. What was the major ruling in the U.S. Supreme Court case of J.D.b. v. North Carolina (2011)?


Correct Answer: Police must read juveniles their Miranda warnings.

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47. Which of the following custodial options uses a paramilitary approach?


Correct Answer: Boot camps

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48. Which of the following is one of the provisions of the Illinois Juvenile Court Act?


Correct Answer: It required that juveniles be separated from adults when placed in the same institution.

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49. Under what circumstances would a juvenile court detain a youth in a juvenile detention facility?


Correct Answer: When the court believes it is in the best interests of the youth and society

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50. Which of the following was a feature of houses of refuge?


Correct Answer: Children worked 8 hours per day at various trades and attended school for 4 hours.

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51. What is one way that educators can begin to address the “school-to-prison pipeline” problem?


Correct Answer: They can realize that suspension doesn’t work.

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52. The disposition hearing takes place during which of the following stages?


Correct Answer: Adjudication

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53. A direct file means that the traditional practices and sentencing options that are normally available to juvenile offenders are eliminated.


Correct Answer: True

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54. The majority of youth incarcerations are institutionalized for status offenses.


Correct Answer: False

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55. In a dependency case, the court considers information from a variety of different sources, including social workers, teachers, police, doctors, etc.


Correct Answer: True

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56. The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) called for an institutionalization of juvenile delinquents.


Correct Answer: False

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57. Incarceration in a juvenile court is referred to as ______.


Correct Answer: Commitment

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58. In which of the following cases did the Court rule that all offenders who were sentenced to LWOP for a crime that they committed as a juvenile need to be either resentenced to a specific term of incarceration or rendered eligible for parole?


Correct Answer: Montgomery v. Louisiana

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59. Data from 2014 shows that the most common category for ______ youth is crimes against persons.


Correct Answer: Black

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60. The myth of the juvenile superpredator did not have a significant impact on the public’s fear of potential future crime.


Correct Answer: False

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61. Data regarding how many juvenile cases are waived to the adult court is hard to compile.


Correct Answer: True

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