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Crime and Criminal Justice MCQ

Crime and Criminal Justice MCQ


1. _____ is defined as model of criminal justice that believes the protection of individual rights and freedoms is the most important function of the system.


Correct Answer: Due Process Model

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2. _____ is serious crime that can be punished by more than one year in prison.


Correct Answer: Felony

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3. Is misdemeanors lower-level crimes that are punished by less than one year in jail. Punishments can also involve community-based sanctions, such as probation?


Correct Answer: True

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4. _____ is known as model that demonstrates how cases are treated differently by the criminal justice process.


Correct Answer: Wedding Cake Model

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5. _____ is defined as the understanding of what constitutes good or bad behavior.


Correct Answer: Ethics

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6. _____ is the power of criminal justice officials to make decisions.


Correct Answer: Discretion

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7. Is defendant someone who has criminal charges filed against her or him?


Correct Answer: True

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8. _____ is known as the corrections system carries out the punishment as ordered by the court.


Correct Answer: Corrections

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9. _____ is defined as the courts are responsible for determining whether an offender should be charged with a crime and also manage the process to determine whether the offender should be held criminally responsible for the crime.


Correct Answer: Courts

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10. Is police police are tasked with investigating crime and apprehending offenders?


Correct Answer: True

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11. _____ is known as an act that is against the law and causes a punishment.


Correct Answer: Crime

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12. Which of the following was identified by the author as a strong influence when the criminal codes were being developed in the United States?


Correct Answer: Religion

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13. What most people know about crime comes from personal interactions and not the experiences of others.


Correct Answer: False

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14. An individual who commits a(n) ______ is more likely to receive a 1-year or less jail sentence than imprisonment for life.


Correct Answer: Misdemeanor

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15. There is a large body of research that highlights the mistreatment of individuals at every stage of the criminal justice system based on their _____.


Correct Answer: Race or gender

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16. In the majority of criminal cases, it is up to the jury to make the decision during a sentencing hearing.


Correct Answer: False

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17. Which of the following types of cases is more likely to be handled informally than the others?


Correct Answer: A petty theft case

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18. Both prosecutors and judges are considered to be impartial moderators in the criminal justice system.


Correct Answer: False

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19. The “war on drugs” is an example of how politicians respond to community concerns about violent crime.


Correct Answer: True

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20. Who of the following is charged with reviewing the evidence presented in the court?


Correct Answer: A jury

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21. Former New York congressman Anthony Weiner’s case is an example of a ______ case.


Correct Answer: High-profile

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

Criminal Justice (U.S.) MCQs | Topic-wise

MCQ on Basic Criminal Justice (U.S.) MCQ on Community Corrections
MCQ on Concepts of Law and Justice MCQ on Correctional Responses in the Community
MCQ on Correctional System History and Structure MCQ on Court Methods
MCQ on Court Process MCQ on Courts History and Structure
MCQ on Courts and Crime MCQ on Crime Patterns
MCQ on Crime Typologies MCQ on Crime and Criminal Justice
MCQ on Criminal Justice MCQ on Criminal Justice Policy
MCQ on Criminal Justice Research MCQ on Criminal Justice System
MCQ on Criminal Trial and Sentencing MCQ on Criminological Theory
MCQ on Current and Future Criminal Justice Issues MCQ on Defining and Measuring Crime
MCQ on Drug Abuse, Sex Trafficking, Terrorism, and Immigration MCQ on Ethical Essentials
MCQ on Explanations of Criminal Behavior MCQ on Exploring Specialized and Topical Issues
MCQ on Foundations of Law and Crime MCQ on Fundamentals of Criminal Justice
MCQ on History of Policing MCQ on Institutional Corrections
MCQ on Introduction to Criminal Justice MCQ on Issues in Corrections
MCQ on Issues in Policing MCQ on Issues in the Courts
MCQ on Juvenile Justice MCQ on Laws of Arrest, Search, and Seizure
MCQ on Nature of Crime MCQ on Patrolling and Investigating
MCQ on Police Responsibilities MCQ on Police Strategies
MCQ on Police and the Rule of Law MCQ on Police as an Organization
MCQ on Policing History MCQ on Policing Methods
MCQ on Policing Organizations and Practices MCQ on Prison Life and Life After Prison
MCQ on Prisons and Jails MCQ on Probation, Parole
MCQ on Prosecution, Defense, and Pretrial Activities MCQ on Punishing Offenders in Prisons and Jails
MCQ on Punishment and Sentencing MCQ on The Bench and the Bar
MCQ on The Courts and Judiciary MCQ on The Judicial Process
MCQ on The Juvenile Justice System MCQ on The Prisoner World
MCQ on Theories of Criminality and Crime MCQ on Transnational Criminal Justice
MCQ on Victims and the Criminal Justice System General Criminal Justice (U.S.) MCQs
Criminal Justice (U.S.) Subjects