Nature of Crime MCQ

Nature of Crime MCQ


1. Worldwide Incident Tracking System is an FBI database containing information on completed terrorist attacks since_____.


Correct Answer: 1996

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

2. UCR program, started by the International Association of Chiefs of Police and then moved under the umbrella of the FBI in_____ , is a compilation of crime data.


Correct Answer: 1929

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3. SHR refers to Supplemental reports to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports that gather details about homicides in the United States, including information about _____


Correct Answer: All of these

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4. The original aggregated crime data collected under the _____ Uniform Crime Reporting Program.


Correct Answer: FBI

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5. Common examples of series victimizations are _____


Correct Answer: Any of these

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6. Designation of crime types under the UCR’s Summary Reporting System. Part I crimes are more common and less serious, while Part II crimes are less common and more serious.


Correct Answer: False

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7. A large and complex national data collection system designed to gather incident-based crime information from law enforcement is known as _____


Correct Answer: NIBRS

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8. A nationally representative survey of victims of property and personal violence in the United States is known as _____


Correct Answer: NCVS

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9. The NCS was first implemented in_____.


Correct Answer: 1972

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10. NCS-X is a collaborative effort between the BJS and _____ (and other organizations) that will produce nationally representative incident-based statistics on crimes using both data reported to law enforcement agencies and a sample.


Correct Answer: FBI

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11. Hierarchy Rule is used to facilitate counting crime, this rule ranks crimes from least to most serious.


Correct Answer: True

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12. Group A consists of _____ crimes covering 46 offenses, including homicide and robbery. Group B consists of 11 offenses such as loitering and drunkenness.


Correct Answer: 22

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13. Global Terrorism Database is a database housed at the University of Maryland that contains a broad range of data on _____ terrorist attacks since 1970.


Correct Answer: All of these

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14. Dark Figure Of Crime refers to crimes that fail to come to the attention of the police, because _____


Correct Answer: All of these

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15. _____ is the saturated media presentation of crime that leads to a public that believes there is more crime than there is.


Correct Answer: Crime Multiplier

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

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