1. Criminal justice refers to the aspects of ________ that concern violations of criminal law.
Correct Answer:
Social justice
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2. _____ is defined as the intent to kill with ill will or hatred.
Correct Answer:
Malice aforethought
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3. A crime is a violation of the____ of a political jurisdiction.
Correct Answer:
Penal code
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4. Violent Media frame finds that crime is depicted as a direct result of the violent media present in television, _____
Correct Answer:
All of these
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5. _____ are criminal offenses that are thought not to involve victims; they do not directly harm individuals other than the offenders.
Correct Answer:
Victimless crimes
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6. Victim Advocates are trained professionals who support crime victims as their cases move through the criminal justice system.
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7. USA PATRIOT Act is a 2001 Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act was signed into law by President _____ to strengthen security measures designed to protect the United States from attack.
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8. USA Freedom Act is a 2015 law that came into effect the day after the USA PATRIOT Act expired. This act restored many provisions of the PATRIOT Act but limited the collection of telecommunication metadata of citizens by the_____.
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9. Terrosrism is the complete or threatened use of coercion and/or violence against a population of people with the goal of changing _____ positions.
Correct Answer:
All of these
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10. _____ crimes are relatively common and serious, involving a victim and an offender who come together in space and time.
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11. Social Breakdown Frame indicates that crime is the result of a breakdown in _____
Correct Answer:
Both a and b
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12. Restorative Justice perspective indicates that the appropriate role of the criminal justice system is to restore justice as best as possible through repairing the harm caused by _____behavior.
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13. A view that the purpose of the criminal justice system is to rehabilitate offenders is known as _____
Correct Answer:
Rehabilitative perspective
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14. Racist System Frame indicates that the problem is not crime, but rather that _____ are racist agents of oppression.
Correct Answer:
All of these
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15. The most common forms of property crime include _____
Correct Answer:
All of these
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16. A view that the appropriate role of the criminal justice system is to be as minimal and nonintrusive as possible is known as _____
Correct Answer:
Nonintervention perspective
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17. Nolo Contendere is a plea made by a defendant in which they do not _____ guilt. It is commonly referred to as a “no contest” plea.
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18. Latin for “be unwilling to pursue,” this is commonly used by a prosecutor to willingly terminate legal proceedings _____
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19. No Bill is a decision made by a grand jury that indicates that sufficient evidence is present to proceed with the case.
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20. The presentation of a narrow view of information in the media to _____ audiences is known as Narrow Casting.
Correct Answer:
Small homogenous
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21. One of two types of illegal behavior. Mala prohibita describes behavior that is _____ by law. What constitutes mala prohibita is dynamic and has changed over time.
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22. Mala in se refers to behavior that is _____ wrong by nature.
Correct Answer:
Both a and b
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23. Law enforcement agencies are charged with _____
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24. The lawful killing of another person such as when a law enforcement officer or a citizen kills _____
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Both a and b
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25. Deviation from the literal meaning of the Constitution to take into account the present situation, including complex societal advances is known as ______
Correct Answer:
Judicial Activism
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26. Infotainment is the marketing of a highly edited and distorted combination of entertainment and information purported to be _____.
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27. Indeterminate Sentence is given to a defendant in the form of a range of _____
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28. Inalienable Rights are _____on laws or beliefs specific to a particular government or culture.
Correct Answer:
Both a and c
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29. Framing is packaging of criminal events in the media into tidy presentations that make sharing the information difficult.
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30. _____ Criminal Justice System suggests that crime occurs because of a dearth of law and order in the country and that criminals offend because they feel they can get away with it.
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31. A perspective that views the role of the criminal justice system to be to ensure that all people accused of crimes are treated fairly and equally in the system is known as Due Process Perspective.
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32. The act of ending or reducing criminal penalties associated with some _____ is known as Decriminalization.
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33. A form of illegal activity using a computer or computer networks as the primary method of commission. Examples of cybercrime include ______
Correct Answer:
All of these
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34. Criminology is an academic discipline that investigates the _____ of criminal offending and criminal victimization.
Correct Answer:
All of these
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35. Criminal Justice is the system of _____ with the goal of maintaining social control and deterring crime through sanctions and rehabilitation.
Correct Answer:
All of these
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36. Crime Control Perspective is a popular view of the role of the criminal justice system. This perspective states that the goal of the system is to _____ crime by shrewdly and harshly punishing offenders.
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37. Crime is the breaking of a law for which the criminal justice system or some other governing authority prescribes______.
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38. The courts are responsible for _____ the law.
Correct Answer:
Both a and b
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39. Corrections are functions to protect society from criminals through_____
Correct Answer:
All of these
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40. A theoretical view of the criminal justice system that highlights the collaborative nature of the system. The components of the criminal justice system work in unison to achieve justice.t This model is known as _____ Model.
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41. A theoretical view of the criminal justice system that highlights the adversarial nature of the system. Components of the criminal justice system work in competition to produce a fair outcome or justice.this is known as _____
Correct Answer:
Conflict Model
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42. Castle Doctrine is a legal doctrine that states that homeowners are no longer required to retreat if threatened by intruders. In some states it extends beyond homes.
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43. Blocked Opportunities Frame indicates that crime results from a lack of legal options. Offenders live in poverty, are, and_____ , and because of that commit crime.
Correct Answer:
All of these
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44. In general, sex by a married person with someone other than their spouse; specific laws differ by state, as does the level of criminality associated with it is known as _____
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