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Community Corrections MCQ

Community Corrections MCQ



1. Is ban the Box policy that asks or mandates that potential employers eliminate from initial hiring applications the check box that asks individuals if they have a criminal record?


Correct Answer: True

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2. _____ is known as refers to the period of time when an offender is released from prison and returns to the community.


Correct Answer: Reentry

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3. _____ is defined as a group of officials who determine whether someone should be released from custody prior to the completion of her or his sentence.


Correct Answer: Parole Board

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4. _____ is designed to provide a transitional living arrangement for ex-offenders upon their release from jail or prison.


Correct Answer: Halfway House

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5. Is work/Study Release a type of program that allows offenders to leave the facility during the day to go to work or school and return in the evenings and on weekends to take advantage of training and rehabilitative programs?


Correct Answer: True

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6. _____ is known as requires an offender to attend a program or center during the day but allows him or her to live at home during the evening


Correct Answer: Day Reporting Center

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7. _____ is defined as a type of electronic monitoring that allows for greater opportunities to locate and track the movement of offenders.


Correct Answer: Global Positioning System (GPS) Monitoring

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8. _____ is form of supervision that involves the use of technology to follow the location of an offender.


Correct Answer: Electronic Monitoring

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9. Is house Arrest a sanction that requires that offenders remain in their homes in lieu of a jail or prison?


Correct Answer: True

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10. _____ is known as a category of interventions between probation and incarceration.


Correct Answer: Intermediate Sanction

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11. _____ is defined as refers to violations of the terms and conditions of probation.


Correct Answer: Technical Violation

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12. _____ is revocation of a probation sentence as a result of specific violations.


Correct Answer: Mandatory Revocation

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13. Is probation Revocation court hearing to potentially end probation and resentence an offender; takes place if the offender violates the terms and conditions of his or her probation or commits a new crime. Offenders receive due process protections?


Correct Answer: True

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14. _____ is known as a type of probation where individuals are generally not required to check in with a probation officer but are required to meet certain terms and conditions set forth by the court


Correct Answer: Unsupervised Probation

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15. _____ is defined as organizes a probation officer’s caseload by specific offense types.


Correct Answer: Crime-Specific Supervision

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16. _____ is form of punishment that involves the use of a short-term incarceration sentence in conjunction with a traditional probation sentence


Correct Answer: Shock Probation

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17. Is split-Sentence Probation form of punishment that involves the use of a short-term incarceration sentence in conjunction with a traditional probation sentence. Also referred to as shock probation?


Correct Answer: True

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18. _____ is known as when a person returns to criminal behavior after he or she has been punished by the criminal justice system.


Correct Answer: Recidivism

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19. _____ is defined as a form of probation sentence where probation officers closely monitor the daily activities of their offenders.


Correct Answer: Intensive Probation

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20. _____ is a type of probation sentence where the offender is required to check in either face to face or by telephone on a particular schedule.


Correct Answer: Supervised Probation

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21. Is probation form of punishment that involves the supervision of offenders in the community in lieu of incarceration?


Correct Answer: True

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22. _____ is known as refers to the practice of bringing more offenders under the jurisdiction of the juvenile and criminal justice systems.


Correct Answer: Net Widening

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23. _____ is defined as an approach that refers offenders to a program instead of processing their cases through the system.


Correct Answer: Diversion

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24. _____ is programs that supervise offenders in the community prior to their court proceedings in lieu of detention. Serves as an alternative to preventative detention and saves jurisdictions money.


Correct Answer: Pretrial Release Programs

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25. Is pretrial Detention correctional practice that occurs when an offender either is denied bail or is financially unable to make bail and must remain in custody until his or her case is resolved or his or her status changes with the court?


Correct Answer: True

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26. _____ is known as collection of programs that work with two distinct populations: those who have been sentenced for a crime and those who have been charged with offenses and are waiting for their cases to be resolved by the criminal justice system.


Correct Answer: Community Corrections

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27. Nonviolent offenders must serve only one third of their sentences before they can be declared eligible for parole.


Correct Answer: True

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28. Work/study release programs are used for offenders that are currently housed in minimum security prisons.


Correct Answer: False

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29. Diversion and house arrest are perhaps the most well-known programs in community corrections.


Correct Answer: False

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30. Jaime was arrested for a misdemeanor crime and has been jailed. He is unable to make bail. Which of the following programs would apply to this scenario?


Correct Answer: Pretrial detention

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31. According to the text, the presence of ______ programs can lead to net widening.


Correct Answer: Diversion

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32. Pretrial release programs save a significant amount of money for jurisdictions.


Correct Answer: True

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33. ______ serves a dual purpose: not only does it punish the offender but it also helps keep the community safe.


Correct Answer: House arrest

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34. Government support for ______ programs continued until the tough-on-crime philosophy of the 1980s shifted the priorities of corrections to a more retributive model.


Correct Answer: Halfway house

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35. The U.S. Supreme Court has held that people on probation cannot be jailed for failing to satisfy their financial punishment, such as failure to pay a fine.


Correct Answer: True

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36. Cassandra is required to take an anger management class in order to have her case dismissed. This is an example of a ______ program.


Correct Answer: Diversion

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

Criminal Justice (U.S.) MCQs | Topic-wise

MCQ on Basic Criminal Justice (U.S.) MCQ on Community Corrections
MCQ on Concepts of Law and Justice MCQ on Correctional Responses in the Community
MCQ on Correctional System History and Structure MCQ on Court Methods
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MCQ on Criminal Justice Research MCQ on Criminal Justice System
MCQ on Criminal Trial and Sentencing MCQ on Criminological Theory
MCQ on Current and Future Criminal Justice Issues MCQ on Defining and Measuring Crime
MCQ on Drug Abuse, Sex Trafficking, Terrorism, and Immigration MCQ on Ethical Essentials
MCQ on Explanations of Criminal Behavior MCQ on Exploring Specialized and Topical Issues
MCQ on Foundations of Law and Crime MCQ on Fundamentals of Criminal Justice
MCQ on History of Policing MCQ on Institutional Corrections
MCQ on Introduction to Criminal Justice MCQ on Issues in Corrections
MCQ on Issues in Policing MCQ on Issues in the Courts
MCQ on Juvenile Justice MCQ on Laws of Arrest, Search, and Seizure
MCQ on Nature of Crime MCQ on Patrolling and Investigating
MCQ on Police Responsibilities MCQ on Police Strategies
MCQ on Police and the Rule of Law MCQ on Police as an Organization
MCQ on Policing History MCQ on Policing Methods
MCQ on Policing Organizations and Practices MCQ on Prison Life and Life After Prison
MCQ on Prisons and Jails MCQ on Probation, Parole
MCQ on Prosecution, Defense, and Pretrial Activities MCQ on Punishing Offenders in Prisons and Jails
MCQ on Punishment and Sentencing MCQ on The Bench and the Bar
MCQ on The Courts and Judiciary MCQ on The Judicial Process
MCQ on The Juvenile Justice System MCQ on The Prisoner World
MCQ on Theories of Criminality and Crime MCQ on Transnational Criminal Justice
MCQ on Victims and the Criminal Justice System General Criminal Justice (U.S.) MCQs
Criminal Justice (U.S.) Subjects