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The Bench and the Bar MCQ

The Bench and the Bar MCQ


1. _____ is the test of legal insanity, asking whether the defendant understood the nature and quality of his or her act and, if so, if he or she understood it was wrong.


Correct Answer: Right-Wrong Test

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2. Is public Defender an attorney whose full-time job is to represent indigent defendants?


Correct Answer: True

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3. _____ is known as One who brings prosecutions, representing the people of the jurisdiction.


Correct Answer: Prosecuting Attorney

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4. _____ is defined as a means of selecting judges whereby names of interested candidates are considered by a committee and recommendations are then made to the governor, who then makes the appointment; known also as the Missouri Plan.


Correct Answer: Merit Selection

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5. _____ is means by which judges are selected for the bench, to include election, a nominating commission, or a hybrid of these methods.


Correct Answer: Judicial Selection (Methods Of)

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6. Is judicial Misconduct inappropriate behavior by a judge?


Correct Answer: True

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7. _____ is known as police tactics that unduly encourage or induce an individual to commit a crime he or she typically would not commit.


Correct Answer: Entrapment

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8. _____ is defined as the prosecution of an accused person twice for the same offense; prohibited by the Fifth Amendment except under certain circumstances.


Correct Answer: Double Jeopardy

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9. _____ is one whose responsibility it is to see that the rights of the accused are upheld prior to, during, and after trial; the Sixth Amendment provides for “effective” counsel, among other constitutionally enumerated rights that defense attorneys must see are upheld.


Correct Answer: Defense Attorney

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10. Is defense the response by a defendant to a criminal charge, to include denial of the criminal allegations in an attempt to negate or overcome the charges?


Correct Answer: True

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11. _____ is known as the criminal justice professionals who work together to move cases through the court system.


Correct Answer: Courtroom Work Group

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12. _____ is defined as the response to a criminal charge in which the defendant admits to committing the act charged but argues that for some mitigating reason he or she should not be held criminally responsible under the law.


Correct Answer: Affirmative Defense

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13. Which of the following is true of the methods of judicial selection?


Correct Answer: No two states use exactly the same selection method.

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14. Which of the following duties generally takes up a majority of a judge’s time?


Correct Answer: Managing administrative tasks

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15. The primary responsibility of a prosecuting attorney is to win criminal cases.


Correct Answer: False

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16. In which method of judicial selection do voters cast ballots for judicial candidates in the same way they would for other political candidates?


Correct Answer: Partisan election

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17. What is an example of psychological discomfort commonly experienced by new judges?


Correct Answer: Being concerned that they did not levy a right or fair sentence

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18. In the ______ system for providing legal representation to indigent defendants, the defense attorneys are not private workers, but rather are employees of the government.


Correct Answer: Public defenders

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19. Respect paid by the actors in the courtroom work group and their level of professional courtesy to each other are related to which concept?


Correct Answer: Courtroom civility

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20. Why are some concerned about judicial elections?


Correct Answer: These may compromise judicial impartiality.

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21. Why is the prosecutor considered the most powerful person in the courtroom work group?


Correct Answer: The prosecutor has the power to decide who will stand trial and enjoy extensive discretion.

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22. Individuals in the courtroom work group are more likely to be cooperative rather than adversarial because they ______.


Correct Answer: Work together to manage a heavy caseload, ensuring the right to a speedy trial

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23. In 2016, a man named Denver Fenton Allen, who had been charged with murder, made obscene remarks to Georgia Superior Court Judge Bryant Durham Jr. In the vulgar 11-min exchange, Judge Durham initially tried to discipline Allen, but eventually responded with highly inappropriate and vulgar remarks of his own. Which of the following concepts describe Judge Durham’s behavior?


Correct Answer: Judicial misconduct

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24. The ______ is responsible for organizing and categorizing paperwork, manages exhibits introduced into evidence, and administers the oath to witnesses before they take the stand to testify.


Correct Answer: Clerk of court

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25. The primary responsibility of the ______ is to ensure the defendant’s rights are preserved.


Correct Answer: Defense attorney

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26. Which of the following statements is true for new judges?


Correct Answer: They attend orientation and training in addition to continuing education.

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27. _____ is a necessity for “good judging,” which means that judges must recognize that what they think they know may be incorrect.


Correct Answer: Intellectual humility

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Criminal Justice (U.S.) Subjects