MCQs > Crime & Justice > Criminal Justice (U.S.) MCQs > The Courts and Judiciary MCQs

The Courts and Judiciary MCQ

The Courts and Judiciary MCQ


1. Writ of Certiorari is used by appellate courts (e.g., the U.S. Supreme Court) that have discretion to review a lower court’s opinion. The writ is an order to send all the documents of a case to be reviewed.


Correct Answer: True

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2. Strict Interpretation typically deciphers the words of the Constitution as literal, discounting the current context _____ , and focusing on the plain language contained in the document and how to apply the literal meaning.


Correct Answer: All of these

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3. _____ work with particular types of offenses and offenders.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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4. The concept that Black and White individuals could legally be segregated under the Constitution given that the facilities and services available were comparable in quality for each race is known as _____


Correct Answer: Separate but Equal Doctrine

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5. Pro se is a latin for “for_____,” meaning self-representation in legal proceedings without the aid of a legal representative.


Correct Answer: Himself

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6. Missouri Plan also called the merit selection system, it is a process to elect judges that attempts to _____ politics.


Correct Answer: Eliminate

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7. The extent of a particular court’s power to make legal decisions and judgments is known as _____


Correct Answer: Jurisdiction

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8. Although the Constitution allows a Supreme Court, Congress established the federal court system and specified jurisdictions refers to Judiciary Act of _____


Correct Answer: 1789

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9. Judicial Review is a doctrine that ensures checks and balances by allowing courts to review the actions of the _____ branches of government.


Correct Answer: Both

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10. _____ is a formal charge against an individual suspected of committing a crime, typically presented by an authorized public official, such as the prosecutor.


Correct Answer: Information

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11. Indictment is a formal accusation that an individual has committed an act punishable by law, typically presented by a _____ jury.


Correct Answer: Grand

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12. Cases are typically heard en banc when_____


Correct Answer: All of these

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13. U.S. court structure wherein the federal government has a court system and procedures distinct from the states refers to _____


Correct Answer: Dual court system

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14. Double Jeopardy is the constitutional protection under the _____ Amendment that prevents the accused from facing charges or trial by the same sovereign after an acquittal or conviction for the same offense.


Correct Answer: Fifth

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15. The final court with appellate authority in a given court system. In the United States at the federal level, the _____ Court is the court of last resort.


Correct Answer: Supreme

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16. Alternative Dispute Approach is an approach to settling cases using a variety of methods to assist the disputing parties in finding a solution without relying on costly litigation.


Correct Answer: True

Note: This Question is unanswered, help us to find answer for this one

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