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Concepts of Law and Justice MCQ

Concepts of Law and Justice MCQ


1. _____ is defined as legal ruling that allows courts to hold an offender guilty for a crime but acknowledges the issues of mental illness as a cause of the criminal behavior.


Correct Answer: Guilty but Mentally Ill

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2. _____ is combines the features of the M’Naghten rule and the irresistible impulse test to establish that a defendant can be found criminally insane if, as a result of a mental disease or defect, he or she is unable to understand the difference between right and wrong or to control his or her behavior.


Correct Answer: American Law Institute Standard

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3. Is irresistible Impulse Test one of the tests of the insanity defense. Expands the M’Naghten rule with the issue of control. Describes the condition that even though an offender may know that an action is wrong, she or he is unable to refrain from engaging in the criminal act?


Correct Answer: True

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4. _____ is known as one of the standards of insanity. Refers to situations when the defendant is unable to understand the difference between right and wrong at the time of the crime.


Correct Answer: M’Naghten Rule

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5. _____ is defined as an individual is not held responsible for his or her criminal actions as a result of his or her mental state.


Correct Answer: Insanity

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6. _____ is a criminal defense that uses being under the influence of drugs or alcohol as a justification for offending.


Correct Answer: Intoxication Defense

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7. Is self-Defense a defense strategy that allows for the use of force to defend oneself against an attacker?


Correct Answer: True

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8. _____ is known as a defense strategy that describes when an individual is deceived by a government official to engage in an act that is against the law.


Correct Answer: Entrapment

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9. _____ is defined as a defense strategy that describes people who are forced to violate the law out of fear for their own safety or the safety of others around them.


Correct Answer: Duress

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10. _____ is refers to cases in which an individual had to break the law in order to prevent a more significant harm from occurring.


Correct Answer: Necessity

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11. Is defense a strategy to justify, explain, or excuse criminal behavior?


Correct Answer: True

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12. _____ is known as provides the legal structure and rules by which cases should move through the system.


Correct Answer: Procedural Criminal Law

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13. _____ is defined as defines what makes behavior a criminal act under the law.


Correct Answer: Substantive Criminal Law

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14. _____ is component of a crime that refers to the harm that is experienced as a result of the mens rea and actus reus joining together.


Correct Answer: Result

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15. Is attendant Circumstances the relationship between mens rea and actus reus. Refers to what happens within the context of the act that makes it a crime?


Correct Answer: True

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16. _____ is known as a crime that is performed with constraint or under duress.


Correct Answer: Involuntary Act

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17. _____ is defined as a crime that is the product of a conscious choice.


Correct Answer: Voluntary Act

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18. _____ is select cases where acts are crimes even if the individual lacked the mens rea or intent to commit a crime.


Correct Answer: Strict Liability

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19. Is concurrence when the mens rea and actus reus join together in a crime?


Correct Answer: True

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20. _____ is known as refers to the conscious decision to engage in a criminal act.


Correct Answer: Intent

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21. _____ is defined as one of the four required components of a criminal act. Latin for the “evil thought.” Refers to the intent of an offender.


Correct Answer: Mens Rea

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22. _____ is latin for “evil act.” One of the four required components of a criminal act.


Correct Answer: Actus Reus

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23. Is mala Prohibita latin for crimes that are illegal only because they have been defined as such under the law?


Correct Answer: True

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24. _____ is known as latin for crimes that are considered to be inherently wrong and therefore illegal.


Correct Answer: Mala in Se

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25. _____ is defined as written decisions of the court. Focus on issues of law that can be used as precedents in future cases.


Correct Answer: Opinions

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26. _____ is law that is created as a result of legal decisions by the court.


Correct Answer: Case Law

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27. Is administrative Law body of law that governs the creation and function of state and federal government agencies?


Correct Answer: True

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28. _____ is known as laws that are established by governments.


Correct Answer: Statutory Law

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29. _____ is defined as A person has the right to remain silent and does not have to respond to questions that might implicate himself or herself in a criminal offense


Correct Answer: Self-Incrimination

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30. _____ is a person cannot be tried for a crime more than once.


Correct Answer: Double Jeopardy

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31. Is constitutional Law law that is specified by either a state or the U.S. Constitution?


Correct Answer: True

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32. _____ is known as refers to the legal standard whereby future decisions are required to take into consideration previous rulings.


Correct Answer: Precedent

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33. _____ is defined as latin for “to stand by things settled.” Refers to the system of precedent.


Correct Answer: Stare Decisis

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34. _____ is latin term that refers to the theory that punishment should fit the crime. The concept derives from ancient law and is referenced in biblical texts as eye for an eye.


Correct Answer: Lex Talionis

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35. Is marijuana drug derived from the cannabis plant?


Correct Answer: True

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36. _____ is known as in order to convict a defendant of a crime, the court must find that there is little doubt according to the reasonable person standard.


Correct Answer: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt

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37. _____ is defined as the burden of proof in a civil case. Refers to when the totality of the evidence exceeds a 50% likelihood that the law was violated.


Correct Answer: Preponderance of the Evidence

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38. _____ is a person who brings a suit in a civil case.


Correct Answer: Plaintiff

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39. Is civil Law law that governs disputes between individuals or private parties and generally involves the violation of private acts?


Correct Answer: True

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40. Laws are designed to represent the interests of the government.


Correct Answer: False

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41. Joshua has just been found guilty in a civil case. Which of the following punishments is he most likely to receive?


Correct Answer: Financial

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42. In order to challenge statutory law, there needs to be an allegation that the law or its application is in the violation of the governing constitution.


Correct Answer: True

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43. The preponderance of the evidence refers to when the totality of the evidence exceeds a _____ likelihood that the law was violated.


Correct Answer: 50%

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44. State laws are generally the most limited, as they are only applied to a specific state.


Correct Answer: False

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45. Karen was deceived by a police officer into engaging in an illegal act. Which of the following defenses can Karen use to justify her actions?


Correct Answer: Entrapment

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46. In the Liebeck v. McDonald’s Restaurants (1994) case, the jury found McDonalds guilty of gross negligence, and was ordered to pay the plaintiff damages for pain and suffering, in addition to punitive damages.


Correct Answer: True

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47. According to the text, some scholars have questioned whether the ______ standard does more harm than good.


Correct Answer: Guilty but mentally ill

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48. Federal law governs activities within federal government buildings, in national parks, and on tribal lands.


Correct Answer: True

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49. In biblical texts, eye for an eye is referred to as ______.


Correct Answer: Lex talionis

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