1. An lsd trip peaks between __________ hours after ingestion.
2. Courts of general jurisdiction are also known as ______ courts.
3. Freud posited that the __________ consists of what we are currently thinking.
4. High-level appellate courts are also referred to as ________.
5. The sourcebook of criminal justice statistics is published by the ________.
6. The most common way for someone to become a detective is to ________
7. Women's prisons are usually not characterized by the ____ found in men's institutions.
8. A cornerstone of age-graded theory is the influence of _______________ on behavior.
9. If a grand jury is not used, the prosecutor files a(n) ________ against the accused.
10. All of the following are considered professionals in the courtroom work group, except the________.
11. The highest fine an individual can receive upon criminal sentencing is ________.
12. The best way to control events that occur outside of your vehicle is to _________.
13. Inmates develop their own _________, or language.
14. Jails have even fewer alternatives for dealing with the issue of _______ than prisons.
15. Research confirms that ____ of capital offenders released from prison have killed again.