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Explanations of Criminal Behavior MCQ

Explanations of Criminal Behavior MCQ


1. _____ is defined as provides a life course perspective from a feminist approach and highlights how trauma and abuse contribute to offending behavior.


Correct Answer: Feminist Pathways Approach

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2. _____ is alternative to traditional theories of crime, which often did not consider how the lives of women are different from those of men and, as a result, may explain the differences in offending behaviors.


Correct Answer: Feminist Criminology

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3. Is age-Graded Developmental Theory explains how one might engage in crime as a result of one’s life events?


Correct Answer: True

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4. _____ is known as looks at how delinquent behaviors either persist or desist throughout one’s life and how life events might encourage shifts in behavior.


Correct Answer: Life Course Theory

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5. _____ is defined as focuses on self-control as the factor that explains delinquent and criminal behavior.


Correct Answer: General Theory of Crime

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6. _____ is focuses on why people might desist from criminal behavior.


Correct Answer: Social Bond Theory

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7. Is differential Reinforcement theory that looks at behavior as a balance between increasing the rewards that come with engaging in deviant or criminal behaviors while minimizing the potential consequences and punishments?


Correct Answer: True

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8. _____ is known as new behaviors are learned from observing others.


Correct Answer: Modeling

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9. _____ is defined as suggests that people learn from observing the behaviors of others around them.


Correct Answer: Social Learning Theory

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10. _____ is refers to acts of deviance that occur as a result of assuming the identity of a label.


Correct Answer: Secondary Deviance

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11. Is self-Fulfilling Prophecy Describes the process whereby individuals who may not have been engaging in serious acts initially may subsequently be drawn to these negative behaviors as a result of being labeled as an offender?


Correct Answer: True

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12. _____ is known as Refers to minor acts that are often not serious yet result in being labeled as an offender.


Correct Answer: Primary Deviance

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13. _____ is defined as focuses on how being labeled as delinquent or criminal can influence future behaviors, regardless of the accuracy of the label.


Correct Answer: Labeling Theory

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14. _____ is focuses on how relationships, particularly peer relationships, influence delinquent behavior


Correct Answer: Differential Association Theory

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15. Is general Strain Theory looks at individualized psychological sources as correlates of criminal behavior?


Correct Answer: True

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16. _____ is known as someone who rejects both the socially approved goals and means and replaces them with alternatives.


Correct Answer: Rebel

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17. _____ is defined as someone who is neither interested in the traditional measures of success nor willing to engage in hard work.


Correct Answer: Retreatist

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18. _____ is someone who embraces the socially approved goals but rejects the means to get there.


Correct Answer: Innovator

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19. Is ritualist someone who rejects socially approved goals but engages in the processes that society mandates?


Correct Answer: True

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20. _____ is known as Conformists are people who accept both the socially approved goals and the means to achieve them.


Correct Answer: Conformist

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21. _____ is defined as theory that refers to a sense of normlessness that societies experience as a result of a breakdown in social cohesion.


Correct Answer: Anomie

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22. _____ is focuses on stress and frustration as a cause of criminality.


Correct Answer: Strain Theory

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23. Is social Disorganization Theory theory that investigates how neighborhood environments contribute to criminal behavior?


Correct Answer: True

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24. _____ is known as macro-level theories that look at how larger social structures can help explain criminal behavior.


Correct Answer: Sociological Theories of Crime

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25. _____ is defined as combine features of biological theories of crime and how they interact with social environments to produce criminal behaviors.


Correct Answer: Biosocial Theories of Crime

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26. _____ is Level three of Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of cognitive development and crime where young adults begin to consider their worldview in light of their own moral compass.


Correct Answer: Postconventional Level

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27. Is conventional Level level two of Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of cognitive development and crime, where youth begin to identify with the social norms of law-abiding behavior?


Correct Answer: True

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28. _____ is known as level one of Lawrence Kohlberg’s theory of cognitive development and crime. Refers to the stage when children develop obedience and are introduced to the concept of punishment.


Correct Answer: Preconventional Stage

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29. _____ is defined as theories that suggest offenders have failed to develop the capacity to make moral judgments.


Correct Answer: Cognitive Development Theories

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30. _____ is explore how characteristics related to childhood development, cognitive development, and personality can be used to explain criminal behavior.


Correct Answer: Psychological Theories of Crime

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31. Is biological Theories of Crime Look at how genetic characteristics can be used to explain crime?


Correct Answer: True

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32. _____ is known as a circular structure placed at the center of a larger complex that is under surveillance, such as a prison. Allows an individual or small group of people to set up an observation point and watch over the larger surrounding area.


Correct Answer: Panopticon

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33. _____ is defined as suggests that people will avoid potentially pleasurable acts if the pain or fear of punishment is significant.


Correct Answer: Deterrence

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34. _____ is individuals choose their behaviors based on the amount of pleasure versus pain derived.


Correct Answer: Pain–Pleasure Principle

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35. Is penology A subfield of criminology that focuses on punishment, incarceration, and rehabilitation?


Correct Answer: True

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36. _____ is known as perspective that involves a data-driven approach to understanding criminal behavior.


Correct Answer: Positivist School of Criminology

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37. _____ is defined as posits that people engage in criminal behavior of their own free will and that people choose to engage in illegal acts.


Correct Answer: Classical School of Criminology

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38. _____ is similar to a hypothesis but is not limited to investigating causation. Research questions provide a path of study or investigation.


Correct Answer: Research Question

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39. Is hypothesis Term that describes the research process that investigates if a factor or variable causes an outcome?


Correct Answer: True

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40. _____ is known as describes two variables or factors that are linked or related in some way.


Correct Answer: Correlation

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41. _____ is defined as implies that there is something that directly influences or is responsible for people engaging in criminal behavior.


Correct Answer: Causation

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42. _____ is focus on large-scale social or structural explanations of crime.


Correct Answer: Macro Theories of Crime

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43. Is micro Theories of Crime focus on individual differences between law-abiding and law-violating behaviors?


Correct Answer: True

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44. _____ is known as a set of ideas used to explain a particular phenomenon or concept.


Correct Answer: Theory

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45. The degree to which one participates in conventional activities, such as studying or playing sports is referred to by Hirschi as ______.


Correct Answer: Involvement

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46. Which of the following characteristics are typically associated with the male gender


Correct Answer: Control

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47. To date, there is very little data on LGBTQ offending.


Correct Answer: True

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48. Which of the following refers to the bond that people have with family, friends, and social institutions, such as education and religion?


Correct Answer: Attachment

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49. Differential association looks at behavior as a balance between increasing the rewards that come with engaging in deviant or criminal behaviors and minimizing the potential consequences and punishments.


Correct Answer: False

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50. Which of the following stages of cognitive development children identified by Piaget begins at 12 and continues into adulthood?


Correct Answer: Formal operational

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51. Sociological theories are predominately focused on individual acts of crime.


Correct Answer: False

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52. The concept of masculinity refers to qualities that are typically associated with the male gender.


Correct Answer: True

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53. Which of the following occurs during the formal operational stage identified by Piaget?


Correct Answer: Children begin to diversity their thoughts

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54. Rebels resign themselves to a particular life, in that they likely won’t achieve high levels of wealth and status, thereby reliving strain.


Correct Answer: False

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