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Criminal Trial and Sentencing MCQ

Criminal Trial and Sentencing MCQ


1. Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act is a 1994 law that requires prisoners to serve at least____ % of their sentences in order for states to qualify for federal financial aid.


Correct Answer: 85

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2. Victim Impact Statement is a statement prepared by the victim or their family to inform the judge how the crime affected them physically and _____


Correct Answer: All of these

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3. _____ Adopted in many states, it offers rights to crime victims.


Correct Answer: Victim Bill of Rights

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4. Traffic Hearings are used to deal with _____ offenses.


Correct Answer: Traffic

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5. A type of mandatory minimum that mandates long (including life) prison terms for a _____ offense is known as Three Strikes Law.


Correct Answer: Three

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6. A sentencing concept that takes into account an offender’s criminal past is known as _____


Correct Answer: Social Debt

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7. When a jury is isolated to prevent _____, which may influence the verdict,it is called Sequestered.


Correct Answer: Contact from outside

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8. Sentencing Guidelines is a type of structured sentencing based on _____, usually presented in a grid format that dictates the sentence served.


Correct Answer: Both

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9. Restoration is a sentencing goal that addresses the harm done to _____


Correct Answer: All of these

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10. Reputation Concerning Character is an exception to the hearsay rule that allows witnesses to testify under oath about the reputation of a _____


Correct Answer: Both b and c

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11. In some criminal trials, the prosecutors have the last opportunity to speak during closing arguments. Other forms of rebuttal may include _____


Correct Answer: Both

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12. Reading of the Verdict is a formal event in the courtroom in which the jury offers their verdict on the charge(s).


Correct Answer: True

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13. _____ is a sentencing concept that indicates that the severity of sentencing should correspond to the severity of the crime committed.


Correct Answer: Proportionality

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14. Presentence Investigation is an investigation that gathers information on extenuating circumstances and the criminal history of the defendant to be used when determining the _____ of the sentence.


Correct Answer: Severity

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15. Perjury is a _____ intentional swearing of a false oath or misrepresenting of an agreement to be truthful.


Correct Answer: Both

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16. _____ template to be used when charging the jury is known as Pattern Jury Instructions.


Correct Answer: Language

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17. Parole Board is a board that reviews the prior ______ of an inmate to determine when the prisoner is to be released from prison.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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18. A courtroom trial that ends prior to its _____ conclusion is known as Mistrial.


Correct Answer: Normal

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19. A form of structured sentencing that applies statutebased minimum sanctions to particular types of crime and/or when particular elements of a crime exist is known as _____


Correct Answer: Mandatory minimum

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20. Established when a prosecutor is able to persuade a judge or jury that the defendant is guilty of the criminal charges is known as _____


Correct Answer: Legal Guilt

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21. Jury Trial is a trial in which the jury____


Correct Answer: All of these

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22. Ability of a jury to ignore the law and acquit a guilty defendant is known as ______


Correct Answer: Jury nullification

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23. A jury that is unable to reach an agreement regarding the guilt or innocence of the defendant is known as _____


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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24. A basic rule that hearsay is _____ in court is known as Hearsay Rule.


Correct Answer: Inadmissible

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25. An out-of-court statement offered in court to prove the truth of the matter asserted is known as Hearsay.


Correct Answer: True

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26. Federal Sentencing Guidelines Act _____ law that eliminated parole release for federal prisoners and abolished almost all good time earned by prisoners.


Correct Answer: 1984

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27. Federal rules of Evidence guide _____


Correct Answer: Both

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28. _____ refers to whether the defendant actually committed a crime.


Correct Answer: Factual Guilt

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29. Excited utterance is an exception to the hearsay rule—a statement made by a person during a _____ event.


Correct Answer: Both a and b

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30. Equity is a sentencing concept that emphasizes that similar crimes be punished in _____


Correct Answer: Both

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31. An exception to the hearsay rule that allows the dying words of a witness to a crime to be used in court is known as _____


Correct Answer: Dying Declaration

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32. Sentencing goal that seeks to dissuade the offender and others in the public from committing crime is known as _____


Correct Answer: Direct Evidence

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33. Sentencing goal that seeks to dissuade the offender and others in the private from committing crime is known as Deterrence.


Correct Answer: False

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34. A type of structured sentencing that is established by legislative statute and rules out the possibility of alternatives to_____


Correct Answer: Prison

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35. The jury process of deciding the guilt or lack of guilt of the defendant is known as _____


Correct Answer: Deliberation

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36. _____ is a part of voir dire in capital cases in which attorneys ascertain whether the prospective juror is suitable to sit on a case that may result in the death penalty.


Correct Answer: Death qualified

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37. A hung jury that is unable to reach an agreement regarding the guilt or innocence of a defendant is said to be_____.


Correct Answer: Deadlock

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38. Trials to ascertain the guilt or lack of guilt of defendants charged with committing crimes refers to ______


Correct Answer: Criminal Trials

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39. Crime Vicitm’s Rights Act _____ law that established numerous rights for crime victims in federal cases.


Correct Answer: 2004

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40. _____ are Trials used to settle disputes between two parties that do not involve criminal misconduct.


Correct Answer: Civil

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41. Evidence that requires the fact-finding body to interpret it and draw conclusions about its meaning refers to _____ Evidence.


Correct Answer: Circumstantial

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42. Bifurcated trial is a double trial system used for capital cases. The first trial is the guilt trial, while the second determines______.


Correct Answer: Punishment

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43. Beyond a Reasonable Doubt is the level of proof required for a criminal case conviction. Refers to a reasonable person having no reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty as charged.


Correct Answer: True

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44. Bench Trial is a trial in which a judge (or panel of judges) _____ and renders a judgment.


Correct Answer: All of these

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45. Additional instructions a judge may give to a deliberating jury to discourage a mistrial is known as ______


Correct Answer: Allen Charge

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46. To render a _____ judgment about a disputed matter is known as Adjudicate.


Correct Answer: Formal

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47. To free someone from a criminal charge following a not guilty verdict is known as _____


Correct Answer: Acquit

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