Mixed Methods and Research MCQ

In a qualitative leading design, the practitioner-scholar uses qualitative data to expand upon or challenge the quantitative perspectives he or she obtaine


Correct Answer: False

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Research questions are often reformulated at different points during the mixed methods research process.


Correct Answer: True

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Embedded designs are difficult to perform because they require an ongoing effort to balance qualitative and quantitative research traditions within and across all aspects of the study.


Correct Answer: True

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Which type of research design is not difficult for practitioner-scholars to perform and not used as often?


Correct Answer: Balanced mixed methods research designs

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Keisha collects qualitative and quantitative data at the same time and incorporates the findings during the analytic phase. What model of mixed methods research is Keisha using?


Correct Answer: Convergent parallel design

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Which of the following is NOT a term used to refer to mixed methods?


Correct Answer: Multi-level methods

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Jeremy chose a mixed methods design, where he first analyzes student math scores across the high schools in his district, followed by focus groups of students to understand in more detail high school students’ views about their math learning. What type of research design is Jeremy using?


Correct Answer: Quantitative-leading mixed methods research design

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The primary distinction between fixed and emergent mixed methods designs is _________.


Correct Answer: Whether or not the introduction of additional types of data was planned in advance

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Hillary is designing a study that has three phases. In the first phase, she will administer a survey to teachers. In the second phase, she will be conducting focus groups with particular teachers. In the third phase of her study, she will be collecting documents from selected teachers. What type of design is Hillary conducting?


Correct Answer: Fixed design

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Which model of mixed methods research is most similar to qualitative leading designs?


Correct Answer: Exploratory sequential design

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Within a/an _________ research design, which has phases, the practitioner-scholar focuses on one type of data and then moves to another type of dat


Correct Answer: Fixed

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Justin combines student assessment data with the transcripts from the interviews in his study into a new mixed dataset. This is an example of _________.


Correct Answer: Data consolidation

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When carrying out a mixed methods study, what step must the researcher continuously revisit or repeat?


Correct Answer: Addressing the research questions

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Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of transformative design?


Correct Answer: Use of experimental research methods

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Mixed methods research is defined as a/an __________ orientation to research.


Correct Answer: Agmatic

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Quantitative-Leading Mixed Methods Research Designs is a mixed methods research design wherein a practitioner-scholar relies on quantitative data to formulate their understanding of the research problem


Correct Answer: True

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A mixed methods research design in which the practitioner-scholar adopts a transformative theoretical lens, which draws upon critical and socially oriented perspectives is called


Correct Answer: Transformative Design

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A mixed methods research design wherein the practitioner-scholar develops a study that involves a qualitative problem of practice and relies primarily on qualitative data to investigate the problem of focus is called


Correct Answer: Qualitative-Leading Mixed Methods Research Design

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A mixed methods research design wherein the practitioner-scholar carries out separate qualitative and quantitative studies is called


Correct Answer: Multiphase Design

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A concept that refers to the position that the mixing of qualitative and quantitative approaches is not possible due to epistemological and ontological paradigm differences is called


Correct Answer: Incompatibility Thesis

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Fixed design is a mixed methods research design that establishes how data will be used at the beginning of the study.


Correct Answer: True

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Exploratory Sequential Design describes mixed methods research design that prioritizes qualitative data.


Correct Answer: True

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A mixed methods research design that is completed in two phases in which the practitioner-scholar begins by collecting quantitative data and then concludes by collecting and analyzing qualitative data is called


Correct Answer: Explanatory Sequential Design

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Which design is called mixed methods research design that introduces qualitative and quantitative data into the study as is necessary to address or respond to specific research questions.


Correct Answer: Emergent

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A mixed methods research design that treats both qualitative and quantitative research approaches equally and thus in theory does not introduce qualitative or quantitative data in phases is called


Correct Answer: Embedded design

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Dedoose is a ______ service that supports the management and analysis of qualitative and mixed methods research data.


Correct Answer: Web based

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A mixed methods research design wherein the qualitative and quantitative study are carried out simultaneously is called


Correct Answer: Convergent Parallel Design

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