Construct a Questionnaire MCQ
Participants read and complete a survey instrument that is developed for and located on the Internet is known as
Correct Answer:
Web surveys
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Has participants verbalize their thoughts and perceptions while engaged in an activity is think aloud technique
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A multi-item scale that has the responses for each person summed into a single score is ______ rating scale
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The tendency to provide answers that are socially desirable is social desirability response set
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A scaling technique in which participants rate a series of objects or concepts is semantic differential
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An item on which a lower score indicates a higher level on a construct of interest is ______ worded item
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The tendency to respond in a specific direction regardless of content is response set
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A continuum of response choices is rating scale
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The ordering of responses in ascending or descending order is called
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A self-report data-collection instrument filled out by research participants is called
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A questionnaire based on closed ended items and typically used in confirmatory or quantitative research is ______ questionnaire
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A questionnaire based on open ended items and typically used in exploratory or qualitative research is ______ questionnaire
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Providing exactly the same stimulus to each research participant is principle of standardization
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The preliminary test of your questionnaire is called
Correct Answer:
Pilot test
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A question that allows participants to respond in their own words
Correct Answer:
Open ended
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A rating scale that includes a set of numbers with anchored endpoints is numerical rating scale
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On a questionnaire or interview protocol, ______ exclusive refers to response categories that do not overlap.
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A questionnaire that includes a mixture of open-ended and closed-ended items is ______ questionnaire
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A question containing emotionally charged words
Correct Answer:
Loaded question
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A type of summated rating scale invented by Rensis Likert is likert scale
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A question that suggests a certain answer
Correct Answer:
Leading question
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The set of words forming a question or statement is item stem
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A rating scale on which all points are anchored is fully anchored rating scale
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______ is refers to response categories that include all possible responses
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A sentence construction that includes two negatives is called
Correct Answer:
Double negative
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A question that combines two or more issues or attitude objects is ______ barreled question
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An item that directs participants to different follow-up questions depending on their response is ______ question
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A question that forces participants to choose from a set of predetermined responses is ______ ended question
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A list of response categories that respondents check if appropriate is called
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A written description for a point on a rating scale is called
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Acquiescence response set is tendency either to agree or disagree .
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The type of item used to direct participants to different follow-up questions depending on their responses is a differential question.
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Your text recommends always using 10 points for rating scales?
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The tendency to either agree or to disagree with a series of items on a questionnaire is called an acquiescence response set.
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Double-barreled questions require a response to two or more issues or attitudes.
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Closed-ended questions are used most commonly in qualitative research.
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A ______ is a self-report data-collection instrument that each research participant completes in a research study.
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Which of the following steps in questionnaire construction comes first?
Correct Answer:
Design the layout and overall questionnaire
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Which of the following sets of anchors is clearly faulty?
Correct Answer:
Strongly disagree, somewhat agree, mostly agree, strongly agree
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Which of the following is false about developing a questionnaire?
Correct Answer:
You should try to fit all of your questions onto a single page.
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Which of the following is true regarding open-ended questions?
Correct Answer:
White space should be provided where participants are to write their answers.
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According to questionnaire construction experts and professional survey researchers, demographic questions should go where in your questionnaire?
Correct Answer:
At the end
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A type of summated rating scale is ______.
Correct Answer:
Likert-type scale
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Which of the following is recommended when constructing a questionnaire except?
Correct Answer:
Understand who your research participants will be.
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Which of the following statements is true?
Correct Answer:
Open-ended questions provide qualitative data in the participants’ own words.
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