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Sampling in Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Research MCQ

Quota sampling is The researcher determines the appropriate sample sizes or quotas for the groups identified as important and takes convenience samples from those groups


Correct Answer: True

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Selecting what are believed to be average cases is called _____


Correct Answer: Typical case sampling

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A set of clusters is randomly selected and then a random sample of elements is drawn from each of the clusters selected in stage one is called _____


Correct Answer: Two stage cluster sampling

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Refers to whether the samples are taken concurrently or sequentially is called time orientation criterion


Correct Answer: True

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Occurs when additional data collection is no longer producing new or refined concepts or requiring additional theory modification is called


Correct Answer: Theoretical saturation

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Continual data collection to maximize the chance to identify and understand important concepts and produce a good theory is called


Correct Answer: Theoretical sampling

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A list of numbers that fall in a random order is table of random numbers


Correct Answer: True

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In which sample obtained by determining the sampling interval, selecting a random starting point between 1 and k, and then selecting every kth element?


Correct Answer: Systematic

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A non experimental “research method” that relies on questionnaires and/or interviews for data collection is survey research


Correct Answer: True

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In which sampling dividing the population into mutually exclusive groups and then selecting a random sample from each group


Correct Answer: Stratified

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The variable on which the population is divided is called


Correct Answer: Stratification variable

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A numerical characteristic of a sample is _____


Correct Answer: Statistics

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A randomly selected number between 1 and k is _____ point


Correct Answer: Starting

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In which sampling each research participant is asked to identify other potential research participants?


Correct Answer: Snowball

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A sample drawn by a procedure in which every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected is simple random sample


Correct Answer: True

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The population size divided by the desired sample size is sampling interval


Correct Answer: True

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A list of all the elements in a population is sampling frame


Correct Answer: True

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The difference between the value of a sample statistic and the corresponding population parameter is sampling _____


Correct Answer: Error

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The process of drawing a sample from a population is _____


Correct Answer: Sampling

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Sample relationship criterion refers to whether the samples, taken in combination, are identical, parallel, nested, or multilevel.


Correct Answer: True

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A set of elements or cases taken from a larger population is known as


Correct Answer: Sample

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The percentage of people in a sample who participate in a research study is called


Correct Answer: Response rate

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A sample that resembles the population is representative sample


Correct Answer: True

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Randomly selecting a group of people from a population is random selection


Correct Answer: True

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A computer program that produces random numbers used in random assignment and random selection is called


Correct Answer: Random number generator

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A procedure that makes assignments to conditions on the basis of chance and in this way maximizes the probability that the comparison groups will be equated on all extraneous variables; randomly assigning a set of people to different groups is called


Correct Answer: Random assignment

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The researcher specifies the characteristics of the population of interest and locates individuals with those characteristics is called purposive sampling


Correct Answer: True

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A type of stratified sampling in which the sample proportions are made to be the same as the population proportions on the stratification variable is called proportional stratified sampling


Correct Answer: True

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A type of two-stage cluster sampling in which each cluster’s chance of being selected in stage one depends on its population size is called probability proportional size


Correct Answer: True

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The large group to which a researcher wants to generalize the sample results; the complete set of cases is called


Correct Answer: Population

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The presence of a _____ in the sampling frame is called periodicity


Correct Answer: Cyclic pattern

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A numerical characteristic of a _____ is called parameter


Correct Answer: Population

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Selecting cases when the opportunity occurs is called opportunistic sampling


Correct Answer: True

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A set of clusters is randomly selected, and all the cases in the selected clusters are included in the sample is called


Correct Answer: One stage cluster sampling

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Selecting cases that are expected to disconfirm the researcher’s expectations and generalizations is called


Correct Answer: Negative case sampling

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The sample size is represented by


Correct Answer: N

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The population size is represented by


Correct Answer: N

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The 10 sampling designs that result from crossing the time orientation criterion and the sample relationship criterion is mixed sampling designs


Correct Answer: True

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The mixing of more than one sampling strategy is mixed purposeful sampling


Correct Answer: True

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Purposively selecting a wide range of cases is maximum variation sampling


Correct Answer: True

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_____ is size of the sampling interval


Correct Answer: K

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Selecting a small and homogeneous case or set of cases for intensive study is______ sample selection


Correct Answer: Homogenous

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______ is to make statements about a population based on sample data


Correct Answer: Generalize

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Identifying the extremes or poles of some characteristic and then selecting cases representing these extremes for examination is extreme case sampling


Correct Answer: True

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Any sampling method in which each member has an equal chance of being selected is equal probability of selective method


Correct Answer: True

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______ basic unit that is selected from the population


Correct Answer: Element

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A type of stratified sampling in which the sample proportions are made to be different from the population proportions on the stratification variable is called


Correct Answer: Disproportional stratified

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Selecting what are believed to be particularly important cases is called


Correct Answer: Critical case

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Including people who are available, volunteer, or can be easily recruited in the sample is called


Correct Answer: Convenience

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Which Including all cases in the research study?


Correct Answer: Comprehensive

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Which type of sampling in which clusters are randomly selected?


Correct Answer: Cluster

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A collective type of unit that includes multiple elements is ______


Correct Answer: Cluster

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A study based on data from the whole population rather than a sample is ______


Correct Answer: Census

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A sample that is systematically different from the population is called


Correct Answer: Biased sample

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If the researcher makes sure that each member of the population has the same chance of being included in the sample, then the approach is known as a simple purposive sample.


Correct Answer: False

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The textbook recommended that you include the entire population in your research study when the population is 100 or less.


Correct Answer: True

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Convenience or purposive sampling is most commonly used in experimental research.


Correct Answer: True

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The sampling method used when the researcher determines the sampling interval, selects a random starting point between 1 and k, and then selects every kth element is cluster sampling.


Correct Answer: False

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Stratified sampling is a random sampling technique.


Correct Answer: True

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If we took the 400 people making up a local corporation, divided them by gender, and then took a random sample of females and a random sampling of males, the variable on which we divided the population is called the ______.


Correct Answer: Stratification variable

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Probability proportional to size is:


Correct Answer: An adjustment made to ensure that all people in the population have an equal chance of selection

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In his research study William drew two samples from the population of college juniors. For one sample he looked at their GPAs at the end of their junior year. For the other he looked at the compositions they wrote in English 101 in their freshman year. What type of mixed sampling design did he use?


Correct Answer: Parallel sequential

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Which of the following is the most efficient sampling method (i.e., it would generally require the smallest sample size)?


Correct Answer: Proportional stratified sampling

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Which of the following is a sampling method unique to mixed research?


Correct Answer: Parallel concurrent sampling

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Which of the following is a qualitative research sampling method?


Correct Answer: Extreme-case sampling

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The sampling method where each participant identifies at least one other potential research participant is ______.


Correct Answer: Snowball sampling

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The purpose of random assignment is:


Correct Answer: Make groups that are similar on all possible factors before the research begins.

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Which of the following statements is true regarding the sample size you need in a research study?


Correct Answer: The larger the sample size, the smaller the sampling error.

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In which of the following sampling methods does each member of the population have an equal chance of being selected into the sample?


Correct Answer: Simple random sampling

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