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Stratification in Race and Ethnic Groups MCQ

Pluralism Occurs when each ethnic or racial group in a country maintains its own culture and separate set of institutions but has recognized equality in the society


Correct Answer: True

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The subordination of one group to another that holds power and authority is called subjugation


Correct Answer: True

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Practices in one institutional area that have a negative impact because they are linked to practices in another institutional area is side effect discrimination


Correct Answer: True

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___ is a socially created concept that identifies a group as “different,” usually based on ancestry or certain physical characteristics


Correct Answer: Race

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Preconceived attitudes about a group, usually negative and not based on facts is prejudice


Correct Answer: True

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The removal, often forced, of a minority group from a region or country is population transfer


Correct Answer: True

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Practices from the past that may no longer be allowed but that continue to affect people today is past in present discrimination


Correct Answer: True

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Groups of people with distinct physical or cultural characteristics who are singled out from others in their society for differential and unequal treatment is minority groups


Correct Answer: True

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Any meso-level institutional arrangement that favors one racial group over another; this favoritism may result in intentional or unintentional consequences for minority groups is institiatiomal racial discrimination


Correct Answer: True

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___ is the systematic effort of one group, usually the dominant group, to destroy a minority group by killing them


Correct Answer: Genocide

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____ group within the human species that is based on cultural factors: language, religion, dress, foods, customs, beliefs, values, norms, a shared group identity or feeling, and sometimes loyalty to a homeland, monarch, or religious leader


Correct Answer: Ethnic groups

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Differential treatment and harmful actions against minorities is called


Correct Answer: Discrimination

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The structural and cultural merging of minority and dominant groups is called


Correct Answer: Assimilation

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______ racism refers to discrimination that is hidden within the system and remains in place because of symbolic racism.


Correct Answer: Institutional

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Prejudice and discrimination always occur simultaneously.


Correct Answer: False

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______ racism refers to the insistence when a person states that he or she is not prejudiced or racist, while at the same time he or she opposes social policies that would eliminate racism and make equality of opportunity possible.


Correct Answer: Symbolic

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Sociologically speaking, race is a ______ construct.


Correct Answer: Social

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Individuals are not racist as long as they do not believe that groups of people are innately inferior to one another.


Correct Answer: False

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Prejudice refers to ______.


Correct Answer: Attitudes

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Sociologists tend to identify the problems arising from race relations as having ______ origins.


Correct Answer: Social

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What occurs when each ethnic or racial group in a country maintains its own culture and separate set of institutions, but has recognized equality in the society?


Correct Answer: Pluralism

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Which of the following was a primary conclusion of the United Nations’ “Declaration on Race”?


Correct Answer: Racism creates international conflict

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Which of the following is a characteristic of a minority group?


Correct Answer: Exclusion from the institutions of society

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