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Protecting the Environment MCQ

______ can be summarized as the act of purchasing items to show off a person’s power.


Correct Answer: Conspicuous consumption

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Which statement best describes the demographic transition that occurs in modernization?


Correct Answer: Death rate decreases and birth rate initially stays the same before it decreases to match the death rate.

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The focus of a constructivist’s analysis of the environment is the ______.


Correct Answer: Role of ideology and knowledge in understanding environmental conditions

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What best describes a collective solution to an environmental problem?


Correct Answer: A person supports a town ban on littering.

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What studies the relationship between natural systems and social systems?


Correct Answer: Environmental sociology

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What are the two parts of a sociological approach to environmental problems?


Correct Answer: Identifying the actors involved and creating social conditions which support environmentalism

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Raphael heard on the radio that his favorite store contributes to deforestation of the rainforest. Upset by this news, he decides to stop buying items from the store until it changes its policies. Raphael’s reaction is an example of ______.


Correct Answer: Green consumption

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______ is a geographic area where a company moves the dirtier aspects of production.


Correct Answer: Sacrifice zone

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Which statement best summarizes the concept of climate justice?


Correct Answer: Climate justice illustrates how climate change and inequality are related.

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The concept of wilderness has influenced social or political policy in the United States as demonstrated by ______.


Correct Answer: The federal government establishing a national park

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Which scenario best describes an example of an inverted quarantine?


Correct Answer: A person avoids buying local produce because she is worried about toxins from the local landfill.

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What are the two types of externalities?


Correct Answer: Positive and negative

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______ is measured in units of “planet Earth.”


Correct Answer: Ecological footprint

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Which statement best summarizes the “human exemptionalist paradigm?”


Correct Answer: Humans are supposed to rule the Earth.

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______ is the theory that an organization has to utilize and destroy natural resources at a greater and greater rate to maintain profits.


Correct Answer: “Treadmill of production”

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The highest ideal of nature, a product of America’s frontier mentality is called _____.


Correct Answer: Wilderness

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On the capitalist treadmill, firms must use and degrade natural resources to sustain their profits is called the Treadmill of production.


Correct Answer: True

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Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is called ____ development


Correct Answer: Sustainable

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A social-economic system that can function within the earth’s ecological constraints is called _____.


Correct Answer: Sustainability

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The areas in developing countries where companies have moved the dirty parts of their business to appear to be making progress in developed countries are called ____ zones.


Correct Answer: Sacrifice

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The tendency to evaluate the danger of a situation not in purely rational terms but through the lens of individual biases and cultures is called ____ perception


Correct Answer: Risk

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The shift in views toward the environment from the human exemptionalist paradigm, which reflects an anthropocentric relationship is called Paradigm shift theory.


Correct Answer: True

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Using resources at a pace more than the earth’s regenerative capacity is called ____.


Correct Answer: Overshoot

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A public relations campaign that promotes an environmentally friendly, positive image of an organization whose environmental practices are not line with the images is called greenwashing.


Correct Answer: True

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Allows consumers to “vote with their pockets” and to engage in social change through the marketplace is called _____.


Correct Answer: Green consumption

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All the side effects—things people fail to incorporate in their decision making—of economic activities are called _____.


Correct Answer: Externalities

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Focuses on the interaction between social and natural systems is called Environmental _____.


Correct Answer: Sociology

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When environmental hazards are disproportionately borne by racial and ethnic minority groups it is called Environmental _____.


Correct Answer: Racism

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The goal of ending the practice of using poor and racial and ethnic minority areas as dumping grounds for environmental hazards is called the Environmental Justice Movement.


Correct Answer: True

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A term used to document social inequality in the environmental realm is called Environmental _____.


Correct Answer: Justice

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The idea that material conditions—the challenges of sustainability—have led us to reshape our social institutions and to adapt to environmental changes is called Ecological _____.


Correct Answer: Footprint

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The productive area required to provide the resources humanity is using and to absorb its waste is called Ecological footprint.


Correct Answer: True

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When societies begin to have lower birth and death rates after industrialization is called _____ transition.


Correct Answer: Demographic

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Focuses on the role of ideology and knowledge in understanding our environmental conditions is called Constructivist Analysis of the Environment.


Correct Answer: True

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Highlights the fact that climate change relates to global inequality, in its creation and its impact is called _____


Correct Answer: Climate justice

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An economic system in which the means of production are privately owned, and economic activity is driven by the pursuit of profit in a competitive market is called _____.


Correct Answer: Capitalism

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When we think one way and act another is called _____ split


Correct Answer: Both of these

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