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New Perspectives MCQ

Sociologists assert that individuals simultaneously influence, and are influenced by, society.


Correct Answer: True

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One’s personal style is entirely a reflection of individuality.


Correct Answer: False

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According to Simon Williams, sleep is the product of ______.


Correct Answer: Complex social forces

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Today there are approximately ______ U.S. men between 25 and 34 who are single, divorced, or widowed for every 100 women in the same categories compared to ______ fifty years ago.


Correct Answer: 126; 180

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Which type of suicide is likely to occur when one’s social environment is dysfunctional?


Correct Answer: Egoistic

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What is sociology?


Correct Answer: The systematic study of human societies

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Attributing people's achievements and failures to their personal qualities is known as a(n) _______ explanation.


Correct Answer: Individualistic

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Which of the following issues would a sociologist be most likely to study?


Correct Answer: Gendered disparities in labor market participation

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Who coined the term sociological imagination?


Correct Answer: C. Wright Mills

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According to Emile Durkheim, suicide is a(n) ______ rather than a ______.


Correct Answer: Manifestation of social changes; psychological defect

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The systematic study of human societies is known as


Correct Answer: Sociology

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Ability to see the impact of _____ forces on our private lives is known as Sociological imagination


Correct Answer: Social

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Way of examining human life that focuses on the immediate, everyday experiences of individuals is called


Correct Answer: Micro Level

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Way of examining human life that focuses on the broad social forces and structural features of society that exist above the level of individual people is known as


Correct Answer: Macro Level

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Individualistic explanation is tendency to attribute people’s achievements and failures to their personal qualities


Correct Answer: True

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Type of suicide that occurs when people see no possible way to improve their oppressive circumstances is known as


Correct Answer: Fatalistic sucide

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Type of suicide that occurs in settings where the individual is emphasized over group or community connections is known as


Correct Answer: Egoistic sucide

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Comparative method is research technique that compares existing official statistics and historical records across groups to test a theory about some social phenomenon


Correct Answer: True

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Type of suicide that occurs when the structure of society is weakened or disrupted and people feel hopeless and disillusioned is known as


Correct Answer: Anomic suicide

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Type of suicide that occurs where ties to the group or community are considered more important than individual identity is called


Correct Answer: Altruistic suicide

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