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Institutions for Politics and the Economy MCQ

A(n) ______ is created when an individual consolidates absolute political control, and a(n) ______ attempts to control every aspect of social, political, and economic life.


Correct Answer: Autocratic state; totalitarian state

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Michaels' iron law of oligarchy says that eventually, all representative democracies will transform into oligarchies because ______.


Correct Answer: Elected leaders focus most on keeping their jobs

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When the United States selects a president and vice president in a constitutionally defined process, the newly elected leaders replace the previous leaders on a scheduled date. This represents what type of power?


Correct Answer: Rational-legal domination

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The state, as defined by Weber, is a human community within a defined territory that ______.


Correct Answer: Can legitimately use physical force

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The system of governance used in the United States today is ______.


Correct Answer: Representative democracy

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In the state of nature described by Hobbes, property, such as one's personal home or farm, belongs to ______.


Correct Answer: Anyone who can defend and keep it

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Militarism, nationalism, and "therapeutic" violence are components of the economic and political system known as ______.


Correct Answer: Fascism

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The House of Romanov reigned in Russia from 1613 to 1917. This claim to power based mostly on history and unquestioned authority is an example of what type of legitimate state power?


Correct Answer: Traditional domination

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The influential decision-makers described by C. Wright Mills as the power elite are made of up the corporate elite, the political elite and the ______.


Correct Answer: Military elite

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What term refers to the systematic transformation of an economy from primarily agricultural to manufacturing-based?


Correct Answer: Industrialization

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Activist Mahatma Gandhi led a successful campaign for India's independence from British rule, and inspired many civil rights movements around the world. His legitimacy to lead was derived from ______.


Correct Answer: His personal qualities

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According to the pluralist perspective, what is the role of the state in governance?


Correct Answer: The state serves as a neutral forum for competing groups and interests to express their preferences.

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Theoretically, under what economic system does the state become unnecessary?


Correct Answer: Communism

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In a plutocracy, power is held by ______.


Correct Answer: Economic elites

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What agreement best describes the social contract?


Correct Answer: An agreement between individuals and a ruling authority to give up certain rights in exchange for protection

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Traditional Domination is Authority based on custom or tradition.


Correct Answer: True

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Social, political, and economic life is known as


Correct Answer: Totalitarianism

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The conditions of life that existed before the development of the state or any other form of civil society is called as


Correct Answer: State of Nature

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A human community that successfully claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory is called as


Correct Answer: The State

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An economic system in which the means of production are collectively owned, and economic activity is driven by a desire is called as


Correct Answer: Socialism

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Agreement by the people to give up certain individual rights to the state in exchange for protection and other benefits is called as


Correct Answer: Social Contract

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Routinization of Charisma is A process by which power is transferred from a charismatic leader to a system based on


Correct Answer: Either A or B

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A type of government in which citizens vote to elect a group of representatives is known as


Correct Answer: Representative Democracy

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Authority based on occupying a legally defined position is called as


Correct Answer: Rational-Legal Domination

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The shift away from mass production of large quantities of identical products toward the production of smaller quantities of products is known as


Correct Answer: Post-Fordism

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A network of individuals and institutions that develop and advocate for social policy reforms that will advance their funders’ interests is called as


Correct Answer: Policy-Planning Network

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A type of oligarchic government in which power is held by the economic elites is called as


Correct Answer: Plutocracy

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A structural functionalist theoretical perspective that sees the political system as a struggle is known as


Correct Answer: Pluralism

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A type of government in which power is held by a small group of elites is called as


Correct Answer: Oligarchy

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A type of government in which the state is headed by some sort of individual sovereign is known as


Correct Answer: Monarchy

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Power exercised in a manner that is supported by the community, which is also called authority.


Correct Answer: Legitimate

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A form of capitalism in which markets are not subject to regulation by the state is called as


Correct Answer: Laissez-Faire Capitalism

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Systematic transformation of an economy from agricultural production to the manufacturing of finished goods is called as


Correct Answer: Industrialization

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Power exercised without the support of the community is called ______ Power.


Correct Answer: Both of these

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The system of mass production of standardized is known as


Correct Answer: Fordism

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An authoritarian system of militaristic nationalism is called as


Correct Answer: Fascism

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A conflict theory perspective that sees power as consolidated in the hands of a small group of people is called as


Correct Answer: Elite Theory

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A system of producing and consuming goods and services is called as


Correct Answer: Economy

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The idea of Divine Right of Kings is king was given his power by His People


Correct Answer: False

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The ability of a group or an individual to overcome the opposition of others in order to achieve his or her goals is called as


Correct Answer: Distributive Power

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A type of government in which citizens directly control the entire political process is known as


Correct Answer: Direct Democracy

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A form of socialism in which the state controls public utilities is called as


Correct Answer: Democratic Socialism

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Government by the people is also known as


Correct Answer: Democracy

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A network composed of the directors, partners, and managers of various profit-seeking enterprises is called as


Correct Answer: Corporate Community

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The practice of spending money for the purpose of demonstrating or enhancing social prestige is called as


Correct Answer: Conspicuous Consumption

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An economic system in which the state determines the type, quantity, and price of goods to be produced is called _____.


Correct Answer: Command economy

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A conflict theory perspective that argues that the economic elite are able to dominate society because of their power over the workings of the economy is known as Class Domination Theory.


Correct Answer: True

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Authority based on the extraordinary personal qualities of a leader and the resulting devotion of his or her followers is known as _____ domination.


Correct Answer: Charismatic

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An economic system in which the means of production are privately owned is called as


Correct Answer: Capitalism

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Autocracy is A form of government in which absolute power is held by ______


Correct Answer: One person

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