Research Ethics MCQ

A research participant may withdraw his/her consent to participate in a research study at any time.


Correct Answer: True

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If you are a principal conducting a research project in your school, you should inform teachers that they are required to participate in your research study.


Correct Answer: False

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You do not need to disclose a potential conflict of interest when you are seeking approval for a research study from an Institutional Review Boar


Correct Answer: False

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Why are educational research studies often exempt from full IRB review?


Correct Answer: They are minimally risky for participants.

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Which of the following is NOT a way to secure your dataset?


Correct Answer: Storing electronic files on a password-protected computer

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Who provides third-party consent for minors participating in research studies?


Correct Answer: Their parents or guardians

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Which of these is an example of fabricating data?


Correct Answer: Writing field notes for observations that did not occur

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When working collaboratively with other researchers, it is important to discuss issues of ________________________ before writing up the research report.


Correct Answer: Authorship

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For which of these groups of research participants would it be most appropriate to obtain verbal assent for participation in a research study?


Correct Answer: Pre-school students

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A conflict of interest may occur when a researcher could benefit _______________________ from the research he/she is conducting.


Correct Answer: Financially

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Which of these is a method for protecting participant privacy and confidentiality?


Correct Answer: Assigning pseudonyms to all participants

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Which of the following is an example of massaging the data for a research study?


Correct Answer: Leaving unfavorable data out of the findings

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Which of the following aspects of your research study would be required to be reviewed by an Institutional Review Board if you were conducting research in a school?


Correct Answer: The procedures for selecting participants

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For which of these groups of research participants would it be appropriate to obtain direct consent for participation in a research study?


Correct Answer: Superintendents

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Research that is funded by the U.S. government must be reviewed by a(n) ___________________________.


Correct Answer: Institutional Review Board

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A population that includes anyone that could be rendered powerless because of their current age, disability, or situation, and thereby potentially less capable of understanding the potential risks of participating in a study is called


Correct Answer: Vulnerable population

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Third party consent occurs when someone other than the individual being asked to ___ in the study gives consent on the participant’s behalf.


Correct Answer: Participate

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The deliberate use of someone else’s words, ideas, or thoughts is called


Correct Answer: Plagiarism

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Occurs when a practitioner-scholar intentionally or unintentionally misrepresents their dataset is called


Correct Answer: Massaging

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Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a group of individuals who are authorized by an institution, such as a university, to determine whether a proposed research study complies with federal and institutional research regulations and ethical professional standard


Correct Answer: True

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Refers to the process of informing the participant about his or her rights as a research participant is called


Correct Answer: Informed Consent

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Fabricating Occurs when a practitioner-scholar makes up or creates data in order to support their ___


Correct Answer: Results

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This type of consent is the preferred form of consent wherein the individual being asked to participate in a research study gives their consent directly to the researcher is called


Correct Answer: Direct Consent

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The process of informing and getting agreement from a research participant to participate in the study is called


Correct Answer: Consent

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Conflict of interest occurs when a researcher may benefit financially from the research that s/he is conducting


Correct Answer: True

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Refers to an individual’s ability to understand and retain information, which becomes particularly important when sharing the purpose of a study with a potential participant is called


Correct Answer: Capacity

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Assent describes the process whereby a minor agrees to participate in a research study.


Correct Answer: True

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The process of removing any identifiable characteristics from a dataset that could potentially (if the data were disclosed publicly) identify the participants in your study is called


Correct Answer: Anonymizing

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