Mixed Research MCQ

The standard you meet when you provide very good evidence is warranted assertability


Correct Answer: True

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Converting qualitative data into quantitative data is called


Correct Answer: Quantitizing

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A _____ driven design in which the quantitative perspective or way of thinking is emphasized and some qualitative data are added to the study


Correct Answer: Quantitatively

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Converting quantitative data into qualitative data is called


Correct Answer: Qualitizing

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A _____ driven design in which the qualitative perspective or way of thinking is emphasized and some quantitative data are added to the study


Correct Answer: Qualitatively

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In which philosophy that says to use what works in particular situations and contexts ?


Correct Answer: Pragmatist

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Research that involves the mixing of quantitative and qualitative methods or other paradigm characteristics is called


Correct Answer: Mixed research

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Advises researchers to thoughtfully and strategically mix or combine qualitative and quantitative research methods, approaches, procedures, concepts, and other paradigm characteristics


Correct Answer: True

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The version of pragmatism specifically focused on listening to multiple paradigms and interdisciplinary perspectives is dialectical pragmatism


Correct Answer: True

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A metaparadigm and philosophical process theory that assumes reality is plural and relies on dialectical, dialogical, hermeneutical, and “both-and” approaches to learn from others and produce team-based research products is dialectical pluralism


Correct Answer: True

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The idea that quantitative and qualitative approaches can be thoughtfully combined in a research study is _____ thesis


Correct Answer: Compatibility

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According to the book, a purpose or rationale for a mixed research design is complementarity.


Correct Answer: False

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In a QUAL + QUAN mixed design, qualitative and quantitative are given equal status but the qualitative phase occurs before the quantitative phase.


Correct Answer: False

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A commonly used synonym of the term mixed research is mixed methods research.


Correct Answer: True

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According to Johnson and Christensen, mixed research designs vary along the two dimensions of sampling design and paradigm emphasis.


Correct Answer: False

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Strengths of mixed research include words, pictures, and narrative can be used to add meaning to numbers.


Correct Answer: True

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______ involves converting qualitative data into quantitative data and ______ involves converting quantitative data into qualitative data. (Select the pair of terms that fills in the blanks in the correct order.)


Correct Answer: Quantitizing; qualitizing

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______ is the name given when the researcher uses the results from one method to help inform the other method. ______ refers to discovering paradoxes and contradictions as well as providing different perspectives that may lead to a reframing of the research question or results. (Select the pair of terms that fills in the blanks in the correct order.)


Correct Answer: Development; Initiation

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The steps in mixed research ______.


Correct Answer: Allow for reformulating research questions during the research study

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Triangulation ______.


Correct Answer: Seeks convergence, correspondence, and corroboration of results

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Which of the following is the version of pragmatism focused on listening to multiple paradigms and interdisciplinary perspectives?


Correct Answer: Dialectical pragmatism

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Which of the following is the version of pragmatism focused on listening to multiple paradigms and interdisciplinary perspectives?


Correct Answer: Dialectical pragmatism

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What would this mixed method design be called: QUAN --> qual?


Correct Answer: Quantitative dominant, sequential design

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What does the combination of symbols QUALquan mean?


Correct Answer: Qualitative paradigm is dominant and quantitative component follows the qualitative.

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Which of the following is a strength of qualitative research?


Correct Answer: Data are based on the participant’s own categories of meaning.

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Which of the following is a limitation of quantitative research?


Correct Answer: The researcher’s theory might not reflect local constituencies’ understandings.

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Which of the following philosophies do mixed researchers typically use?


Correct Answer: Pragmatism

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