Patients, Patents, and Pharmaceutical Industry MCQ
The acronym sludge helps identify the effects of ________ drugs on the autonomic nervous system.
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Privacy is one way of protecting ourselves from physical, emotional, and economic harm. What level of security is this?
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How did the Orphan Act encourage the pharmaceutical industry to invest in treatments for rare diseases?
Correct Answer:
By providing federal funding of grants
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Why is cDNA patentable and DNA is not?
Correct Answer:
CDNA is not a product of nature.
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The ______ of natural DNA does not alter its inherent characteristics; isolated DNA remains a product of nature.
Correct Answer:
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What is Valeant's defense on the cost of drugs?
Correct Answer:
It is appropriate to maintain high drug prices for maximum profits and to make it more difficult for generic manufacturers to gain access to drug formulations.
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What did Pfizer do when they heard doctors were less likely to prescribe new drugs if the cost was over $10,000?
Correct Answer:
Lowered the price of their drug to $9850 for profit
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For a patented drug to be eligible for a new patent, the pharmaceutical company has to ______.
Correct Answer:
Modify the drug’s delivery mechanism
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What does “patent cliff” mean to pharmaceutical industries?
Correct Answer:
Their product is no longer protected from competition.
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How did the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act change drug manufacturing?
Correct Answer:
By requiring labeling requirements and warnings
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Which act did Congress pass that is dedicated to food safety and prohibits misbranding of drugs?
Correct Answer:
Wiley Act
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What type of patent protects any new, useful, and nonobvious process, machine, or article of manufacture?
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This term refers to major pharmaceutical companies dominating the sale and distribution of prescriptions.
Correct Answer:
Big Pharma
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The pharmaceutical industry depends more heavily on patents to protect its ______ and thereby ensure a return on its investment.
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No matter what form of patent, the law requires ______ years before any other company may reproduce that patent.
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A machine is an example of a ______.
Correct Answer:
Product patent
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James, an employee of L&S Pharmaceuticals, creates a formula that changes the composition of specific drugs. What type of legal protection will he look for?
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What are the requirements for a patent to be granted?
Correct Answer:
Utility, new, and nonobvious
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What are the three forms of patents?
Correct Answer:
Design, utility, and plant
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What did the judge mean when he remarked “a patent is not a hunting license,” as he refused a patent?
Correct Answer:
Patents that have no useful results are not acceptable.
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A(n) ______ is a form of legal protection given to individuals who create an invention or process.
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For an original idea to be eligible for ______, it must be expressed in some tangible medium.
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What type of intellectual property would an author need to legally protect their book?
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How is nonrivalrous related to nonexclusive?
Correct Answer:
Both are public goods.
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Copyright, trademarks, and patents are three ways ______ property is legally protected.
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Public goods are _____ objects.
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Which kind of property consists of intangible assets and objects?
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Vertically integrated is the structure of a company that performs all value chain activities in house, from research and development to manufacturing and marketing?
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Protection of any new, useful, and nonobvious process, machine, or article of manufacture is known as ?
Correct Answer:
Utility patent
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________(it is difficult or even impossible to exclude or “fence out” people)?
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Protection of inventions or functional devices such as machines,__________, or “compositions of matter”
Correct Answer:
Articles of manufacture
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Protection of a means of doing something is known as?
Correct Answer:
Process patent
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The ______ expiration of patents on well-known blockbuster drugs?
Correct Answer:
Patent cliff
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A ______ is a form of legal protection given to individuals who create an invention or process?
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_________ any intangible objects or assets (such as software programs, music, or books)?
Correct Answer:
Intellectual property
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An attempt to “refresh” a patented product by making a modification to the drug’s delivery mechanism, its dosage, or other characteristics is known as ?
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_______is a Protection of any new, original, and ornamental design for an article of manufacture?
Correct Answer:
Design patent
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