MCQs > Languages & Communication > Communication (Interpersonal) MCQs > Power and Influence of Communication MCQs

Power and Influence of Communication MCQ

Power and Influence of Communication MCQ

1. Unlike leadership research, research on power tends to focus on ________.


Correct Answer: Tactics for gaining compliance

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2. Cultures that stress caring, nurturing, and sexual equality are considered masculine cultures.


Correct Answer: False

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3. A content conflict occurs when two parties disagree over matters of fact.


Correct Answer: True

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4. Which of the following suggests that small incentives are more effective than large ones at creating dissonance and inducing attitude change?


Correct Answer: Minimal justification for action

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5. A(n) ______ is defined as a mental set or readiness to respond that causes us to react in a particular way to a given stimulus.


Correct Answer: Attitude

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6. According to cognitive dissonance theory, dissonance is an aversive drive that propels us toward consistency.


Correct Answer: True

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7. When you control something valued by someone else, you have ______ power.


Correct Answer: Referent

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8. ______ are ideas about what is important in our lives.


Correct Answer: Values

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9. A person who holds a position of power has legitimate power by virtue of that position.


Correct Answer: True

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10. Attitudes provide the basis for our beliefs.


Correct Answer: False

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11. To have persuasive power, one must be an expert on the topic or in the field.


Correct Answer: False

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12. Values are one’s ideas about what is _____ in life.


Correct Answer: Important

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13. Trigger cues stimulate programmed responses to persuasive appeals.


Correct Answer: True

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14. Sexual harassment is ____ sexual behaviour.


Correct Answer: Unwelcome

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15. Reward power is _______ based.


Correct Answer: Control

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16. Power that is based on other persons’ respect for or identification with the power holder is called_____.


Correct Answer: Referent

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17. Power is the ability of one party to _____ the other party to act in a desired way.


Correct Answer: Persuade

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18. The ability of one party in a relation­ship to persuade the other party to act in a desired way is called persuasive power.


Correct Answer: True

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19. Need of reassurance is the need to seek out information to _____ a decision.


Correct Answer: Confirm

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20. The principle that small rather than large incentives are more effective at creating dissonance and inducing attitude change is called _____Justification for Action.


Correct Answer: Minimal

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21. Legitimate power is based on _____ of one on the other.


Correct Answer: Control

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22. Expert power is power derived from having special knowledge or skills.


Correct Answer: True

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23. Cognitive dissonance is an aversive drive propelling one toward _____.


Correct Answer: Consistency

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24. Coercive power is derived from force or the threat of force.


Correct Answer: True

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25. Beliefs are ______ blocks of attitudes,one knows what is true or false.


Correct Answer: Building

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26. A mode of attitude change that demon­strates the desire to live in a state of ______ is called balance theory.


Correct Answer: Equilibrium

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27. Attitude is a kind of mental set which causes one to respond in a particular way to given______.


Correct Answer: Stimulus

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