1. The word cache means 'hidden store'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
2. The word phial means 'a small glass bottle'. Which of the following words Is closest in pronunciation to this word?
The word placebo means 'a medicine given without any scientific link to the cure'. What is the correct pronunciation of this
4. The word facade means 'the face of a building'. What is the correct pronunciation of this wOrd?
5. The word siege means ‘to compel surrender'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
6. The word rendezvous means 'meeting place“. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
7. The word troupe means ‘a group of performers. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
8. The word deluge means 'a great flood'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
9. The word charlatan means 'quack doctor'. What Is the correct pronunciation of this word?
10. The word dove means 'a breed of bird. Which of the following does this word rhyme with?
11. The word dementia means 'madness'. What Is the correct pronunciation of this word?
12. The word feline means “cat like‘. What Is the correct pronunciation of this word?
13. The word Achilles means 'a tendon In the heel'. What Is the correct pronunciation of this word:
14. The word swab means 'an absorbent material for cleaning'. Which of the following options is most correct regarding the pronunciation of this word?
15. The word effigy means ‘a portrait'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
16. The word lacquer means 'bright polish’. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
17. The word pronunciation means ‘the correct way to speak a word“. What Is the correct pronunciation of this word?
18. The word finale means 'the final'. What is/are the correct pronunciations of this word?
19. The word siesta means 'midday nap'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
20. The word demure means 'sober‘. What Is the correct pronunciation of this word:
21. The word belfry means 'bell tower'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
22. The word belle means 'beautiful woman'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
23. The word forte means 'strength'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
24. The word eunuch means 'castrated male'. What Is the correct pronunciation of this word?
25. The word haphazard means 'unorganized'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
26. The word reservoir means 'a water tank'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
27. The word orchid means 'a variety of flower'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
28. The word succor means "to come to the assistance of‘. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
29. The word beifry means 'beil tower‘. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
30. The word quorum means the ’fixed number of members that must be present'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
31. The word chastise means 'to punish‘. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
32. The word sieve means 'a sorting utensil with perforated bottom'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
33. The word silhouette means ’outline of a person‘s portrait’. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
34. The word grotesque means 'ugly’. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
35. The word fete means 'carnival'. This word rhymes with:
36. The word yacht means 'a sailing boat'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
The word résumé means a document used by a person to present his/her background and skills. What is the correct
pronunciation of this word?
The word fiend means 'devil. What Is the correct pronunciation of this word?
fahynd (rhymes with find)
39. The word Mach means ’speed of sound'. Which of the following words Is closest in pronunciation to this word?
40. The word architect means ‘designer of buildings‘. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
41. The word deluge means '3 great flood'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
42. The word phoebus means ‘the Greek sun god'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
43. The word hierarchy means 'graded organization'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
44. The word fallacy means 'erroneous argument'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
45. The word monarchy means 'royalty’. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
46. The word coagulate means “change from liquid to solid state'. is the first ‘a' in this word silent?
47. QcThe word accession means ‘taking over the reins of power'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
48. The word phlegm means ’a substance that accumulates in the throat'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
49. The word Machiavelli means 'unscrupulous schemer'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
50. The word suave means 'soothing‘. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
51. The word chop suey means 'a Chinese dish'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
52. The word chivalry means ‘bravery‘. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?
53. The word charisma means ‘flamboyant personality'. What is the correct pronunciation of this word?