1. The asian american segment of the population ________.
2. B. f. skinner emphasized the importance of ________ in language acquisition.
3. Cuban immigration increased tremendously ________.
4. An action common to the latissimus dorsi, teres major, and lower pectoralis major is _____.
5. The structure of ballad of birmingham by dudley randall is described best as __________.
6. A(n) _________ activity has more than one dependency arrow flowing from it.
7. The colors opposite each other on the color wheel are ____.
8. A(n) ____ ratio measures the proportion of an activity consumed by a product.
9. A network diagramming technique in which boxes represent activities is known as a(n) _____.
10. Alexandre cabanels birth of venus is an example of a(n) ________ painting.
11. The medical term myoptic (adj.) literally means_____ and actually means____:
12. Pierre-auguste renoirs moulin de la galette is set ________.
13. A trephine would be used to remove ___
14. The language you use in discussing a serious topic is called _____.
15. Former washington post reporter jose vargas is controversial for ______.
16. An adult trade book is ______.
17. Target stores identify pregnant women who might want baby product coupons by ______.
18. There are _____ morphemes in the word chimps.
19. Sources should be relevant, credible, timely, representative, and ____________________
20. With the overflow property, ____ is the default value.
21. Richard wagner's last opera was ______.
22. Margarita ____ ______ el pelo con el champ. (lavarse)
23. Metonymy is best defined as a figure of speech in which __________.
24. Formal language is found in __________.
25. The text suggests that immunization rate is _____ correlated with infant mortality rate.
26. Paul czanne used ________ in his work mont sainte-victoire.