1. What is one way to educate yourself about intercultural communication with recent immigrants from Central America?
Correct Answer:
Attend a lecture by an author from Central America who has written about her culture.
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2. Which example represents someone communicating within their in-group?
Correct Answer:
A person who identifies as bisexual volunteers at an LGBT community center.
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3. The statement “Asian students are good at math” is an example of ______.
Correct Answer:
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4. If you travel to a country where the culture is high in power distance, what should you expect?
Correct Answer:
There will be clear distinctions between people of different statuses, and people will accept these distinctions.
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5. People sometimes use a “symphony” or a “mosaic” as a metaphor to describe the diversity of cultures in the United States. What is meant by these metaphors?
Correct Answer:
People identify as members of a national group while maintaining cultural differences.
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6. What is the demographic imperative for studying intercultural communication?
Correct Answer:
Relating better to an increasingly diverse population
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7. What is meant by the statement “Culture has multiple levels”?
Correct Answer:
Culture exists on levels other than national background.
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8. In a journal article about intercultural communication, you read the term coculture. What does the author mean by this term?
Correct Answer:
A distinct culture within a larger culture
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9. The shared life experiences of a group of people who have a common set of values and traditions is ______.
Correct Answer:
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10. In worldview a personal framework to view the events surrounding us.
Correct Answer:
● True
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11. The theory suggesting that our understanding of ourselves and of the world is shaped by our interactions with those around us is known as
Correct Answer:
● Symbolic interactionism theory
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12. Categorizing individuals according to a fixed impression, whether positive or negative, of an entire group to which they belong is called
Correct Answer:
● Stereotyping
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13. Individuals who remain central in our lives is specialized others
Correct Answer:
● True
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14. Memory that is stored sequentially, meaning that something is linked up to a previously recognized memory is called
Correct Answer:
● Short-term memory
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15. ______ is the biological makeup of an individual (male or female).
Correct Answer:
● Sex
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16. How we feel about our talents, abilities, knowledge, expertise, and appearance is known as
Correct Answer:
● Self- worth
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17. Actively thinking about and controlling our public behaviors and actions is known as
Correct Answer:
● Self- monitoring
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18. Predictions or expectations about our future behavior that are likely to come true because we believe them and thus act in ways that make them come true in self fulfilling prophecies
Correct Answer:
● True
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19. An evaluation of who we perceive ourselves to be known as
Correct Answer:
● Self-esteem
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20. A relatively stable set of perceptions we hold of ourselves is called
Correct Answer:
● Self concept
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21. Our understanding of who we are is known as
Correct Answer:
● Self awareness
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22. Recalling information that agrees with our perceptions and selectively forgetting information that does not is called
Correct Answer:
● Selective retention
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23. Directing our attention to certain stimuli while ignoring other stimuli is called
Correct Answer:
● Selective perception
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24. The fourth stage of the perception process in which we recall information stored in our memories is called
Correct Answer:
● Retrieving stage
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25. People who support and trust us as we improve our self-concept is called
Correct Answer:
● Relational uppers
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26. A mental framework or memory structure that we rely on to understand experience and to guide our future behavior in relationships is called
Correct Answer:
● Relational schema
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27. The result of placing positive qualities (e.g., warm, sensitive, and intelligent) together is called
Correct Answer:
● Positive halo
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28. Our desire to be liked by significant people in our lives and have them confirm our beliefs, respect our abilities, and value what we value is calle
Correct Answer:
● Positive face
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29. The process of using our senses to understand and respond to stimuli. The perception process occurs in four stages: attending and selecting, organizing, interpreting, and retrieving includes in perception
Correct Answer:
● True
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30. Attributes an individual should possess is known as
Correct Answer:
● Ought self
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31. The second stage of the perception process in which we place what are often a number of confusing pieces of information into an understandable, accessible, and orderly arrangement is called organizing stage
Correct Answer:
● True
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32. The result of grouping negative qualities (e.g., unintelligent, rude, and temperamental) together is called
Correct Answer:
● Negative halo
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33. Our desire that others refrain from imposing their will on us, respect our individuality and our uniqueness, and avoid interfering with our actions or beliefs is called
Correct Answer:
● Negative face
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34. Having the ability to engage our senses so that we are observant and aware of our surroundings is called
Correct Answer:
● Mindful
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35. The fifth stage of the perception process entailing storing information for later retrieval is called
Correct Answer:
● Memorizing stage
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36. Memory storage over an extended period of time. Theoretically, the capacity of LTM is unlimited and indefinite and it can range from a few minutes to a lifetime includes in long term memory
Correct Answer:
● True
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37. The third stage of the perception process, in which we assign meaning to what we perceive is called
Correct Answer:
● Interpreting Stage
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38. Conclusions derived from a fact, but they do not reflect direct observation or experience is known as
Correct Answer:
● Inferences
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39. A component of Social Information Processing Theory; the unconscious or strategic effort to influence another’s perceptions is called
Correct Answer:
● Impression management
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40. We rely on a set of a few characteristics to draw inferences about others and use these inferences as the basis of our communication with them on the implicit personal approach
Correct Answer:
● True
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41. An electronic extension of who someone is (e.g., screen name) is called
Correct Answer:
● Identity marker
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42. A notion that explains the manner in which you handle your “self” in various circumstances; it includes competency, identity, and face is called identity management
Correct Answer:
● True
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43. Attributes an individual ideally possesses is called
Correct Answer:
● Ideal self
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44. The result of matching like qualities with each other to create an overall perception of someone or something is called halo effect
Correct Answer:
● True
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45. A mental framework we use to process and categorize beliefs, ideas, and events as either masculine or feminine in order to understand and organize our world is called
Correct Answer:
● Gender Schema
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46. The process by which women and men learn the gender roles appropriate to their sex. This process affects the way the sexes perceive the world in the gender role socialization
Correct Answer:
● True
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47. The learned behaviors a culture associates with being a_______ generally referred to as masculinity or femininity in gender
Correct Answer:
● Male and female
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48. A piece of information that is verifiable by direct observation is called
Correct Answer:
● Facts
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49. The set of coordinated behaviors that help us either reinforce or threaten our competence is called
Correct Answer:
● Facework
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50. The image of the self we choose to present to others in our interpersonal encounters is called
Correct Answer:
● Face
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51. The first stage of the perception process requiring us to use our visual, auditory, tactile, and olfactory senses to respond to stimuli in our interpersonal environment in attending and selecting stage
Correct Answer:
● True
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52. _______Attributes of an individual.
Correct Answer:
● Actual Self
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53. _______ is a personal framework to view the events surrounding us.
Correct Answer:
● Worldview
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54. In uncertainty avoidance cultural mind-set that indicates how tolerant (or intolerant) a culture is of uncertainty and change.
Correct Answer:
● True
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55. _______Fixed mental images of a particular group; communicating with an individual as if they were a member of that group.
Correct Answer:
● Stereotypes
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56. The part of one’s self that is based on membership in a particular group is called
Correct Answer:
● Social Identity
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57. How a culture perceives and distributes power is called
Correct Answer:
● Power distance
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58. A practice in which a nation sends work and workers to a different country because doing so is cost-efficient is called
Correct Answer:
● Outsourcing
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59. _______Groups to which a person feels they do not belong.
Correct Answer:
● Out-groups
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60. A culture that emphasizes characteristics _______ associated with masculine people, such as achievement, competitiveness, strength, and material success in masculine cultures
Correct Answer:
● Stereotypically
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61. A culture in which there is a high degree of difference among members and in which the meaning of a message must be explicitly related, usually in words is called
Correct Answer:
● Low-context cultures
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62. Communication between and among individuals and groups from different cultural backgrounds is called
Correct Answer:
● Intercultural communication
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63. _______ which a person feels he or she belongs.
Correct Answer:
● In-groups
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64. A cultural mindset that emphasizes self-concept and personal achievement and that prefers competition over cooperation, the individual over the group, and the private over the public in the individualism
Correct Answer:
● True
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65. High context Cultures in which there is a high degree of similarity among members and in which the meaning of a message is drawn primarily from its context, such as one’s surroundings, rather than from words.
Correct Answer:
● True
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66. The concept that all societies, regardless of size, are connected in some way. The term also can be used to describe how communication technology ties the world into one political, economic, social, and cultural system is called
Correct Answer:
● Global Village
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67. Feminine Cultures that emphasize characteristics stereotypically associated with feminine people, such as sexual equality, nurturance, quality of life, supportiveness, affection, and a compassion for the less fortunate
Correct Answer:
● True
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68. The process of judging another culture using the standards of one’s own culture is called
Correct Answer:
● Ethnocentris
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69. Enculturation is the process that occurs when a person—either consciously or unconsciously—learns to identify with a particular culture and a culture’s thinking, way of relating, and worldview.
Correct Answer:
● True
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70. _______ is a conflict over cultural expectations and experiences.
Correct Answer:
● Culture clash
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71. The shared, personal, and learned life experiences of a group of individuals who have a common set of values, norms, and traditions is called
Correct Answer:
● Culture
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72. Cultural variability theory that describes the four value dimensions (uncertainty avoidance, distribution of power, masculinity–femininity, individualism–collectivism) that offer information regarding the value differences in a particular culture.
Correct Answer:
● True
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73. _______ is the process and practice whereby individuals, companies, and/or the media impose their way of thinking and behaving upon another culture.
Correct Answer:
● Cultural imperialism
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74. The learned ability to accurately understand the experiences of people from diverse cultures and to convey that understanding responsively is called
Correct Answer:
● Cultural empathy
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75. Context orientation theory that meaning is derived from either the setting of the message or the words of a message and that cultures can vary in the extent to which message meaning is made explicit or implicit.
Correct Answer:
● True
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76. The common understandings among people who are committed to coexisting is called
Correct Answer:
● Community
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77. A cultural mindset that emphasizes the group and its norms, values, and beliefs over the self is called
Correct Answer:
● Collectivism
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78. _______ is a culture within a culture.
Correct Answer:
● Co-culture
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79. The process that occurs when a person learns, adapts to, and adopts the appropriate cand rules of a host culture.
Correct Answer:
● Behaviors
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