1. According to your text, couples who are separates view their relationship as __________.
Correct Answer:
A matter of convenience rather than as a result of their mutual love or closeness
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2. Patrick says to Clarice, “Really? You love Cohen Brothers movies? So do I!” This is ______.
Correct Answer:
Affinity seeking
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3. When you reset the rules of your system with another person you ______.
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4. After 2 years together, Sam and Liz thought it best that they move on. This represents Knapp’s ______ stage.
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5. Which coming apart stage of Knapp’s model occurs when people try to stay out of the same physical environment?
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6. Asking a question like, “Do you want to go to the wedding with me?” is ______.
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7. Giving each other a candy kiss packed in our lunches is part of our ______.
Correct Answer:
Relational culture
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8. “Our love is like a battlefield” is a ______.
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9. ______ helps us understand our relationships by comparing them to other phenomena.
Correct Answer:
Figurative language
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10. What can be expected on a first date has to do with ______.
Correct Answer:
Relational scripts
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11. Carl may be Sam’s employer, but they still hang out socially. This means that role and close relationships can ______.
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12. Behaving in a way that keeps the initial conversation going is called
Correct Answer:
● Sustaining
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13. A systems principle meaning that you can’t understand a system by taking it apart and understanding each of its parts in isolation from one another is called wholeness
Correct Answer:
● True
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14. Stage 5 of Knapp’s Coming Apart Model, it’s when the relational partners have decided, either jointly or individually, to part permanently is called
Correct Answer:
● Terminating stage
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15. The theory underscoring the complex interrelationships existing between and among phenomena. One element of the system necessarily affects and influences other elements of a system is called
Correct Answer:
● Systems theory
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16. Behaving in a way that keeps the initial conversation going is called
Correct Answer:
● Sustaining
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17. Larger, higher level systems is called
Correct Answer:
● Supra systems
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18. Smaller, lower level systems.
Correct Answer:
● Sub systems
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19. Stage 3 of Knapp’s Coming Apart Model, it’s when the partners no longer talk much is called
Correct Answer:
● Stagnating stage
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20. Interactions that are relaxed, pleasant, uncritical, and casual is called
Correct Answer:
● Small talk
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21. A judgment of relationship potential that propels us into beginning a relationship with someone is called
Correct Answer:
● Short-term attraction
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22. A strategy for dealing with dialectic tensions by choosing one of the opposites and ignoring your need for the other is called
Correct Answer:
● Selection
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23. A strategy for dealing with dialectic tensions by allowing people to isolate separate arenas for using each of the poles of the dialectic tension is called
Correct Answer:
● Segmentation
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24. Partners are interdependent while accomplishing a specific task is called
Correct Answer:
● Role relationships
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25. Those parts of being in a relationship that are pleasurable to people is called
Correct Answer:
● Reward
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26. When people in close relationships betray, deceive, and say hurtful things to each other is called relational transgressions
Correct Answer:
● True
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27. Explains that in our relationships we want to have conflicting, seemingly incompatible, things and we try to deal with the tensions raised by this conflict is called
Correct Answer:
● Roughly Dialectics Theory (RDT)
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28. The partners’ shared understandings, roles, and rituals that are unique to their relationship is called
Correct Answer:
● Relational culture
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29. Rethinking the opposition and redefining the tension so it no longer is a tension. (Chapter 10) is called
Correct Answer:
● Reframing
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30. When a system resets its rules is called
Correct Answer:
● Recalibrated
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31. An external dialectic centering on how much of the friendship is demonstrated in public and what parts are kept private is called
Correct Answer:
● Public and private dialectic
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32. When both partners pay attention to the relationship even when it’s not experiencing trouble is called preventative maintenance
Correct Answer:
● True
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33. In Systems Theory, feedback that produces change is called
Correct Answer:
● Positive feedback
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34. A primary dialectic that focuses on our desire to self-disclose our innermost secrets to a friend, while also wanting to keep quiet to protect ourselves from the chance that our friend will somehow use the information against us is called Openness and protection dialectic
Correct Answer:
● True
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35. Putting yourself in a good position for another to approach you is called
Correct Answer:
● Offering
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36. A primary dialectic that manifests in our simultaneous desires for excitement and stability is called Novelty and predictability dialectic
Correct Answer:
● True
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37. Neutralizing is a strategy for dealing with dialectic tensions that involves compromising between the two oppositions.
Correct Answer:
● True
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38. Finding out information about a person from a third party is called
Correct Answer:
● Networking
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39. In Systems Theory, feedback that maintains the status quo is called
Correct Answer:
● Negative feedback
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40. Communicating about communication is called
Correct Answer:
● Meta-communication
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41. An attraction that makes us want to continue a relationship over time and sustains and maintains relationships is called long term attraction
Correct Answer:
● True
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42. A dialectic found in friendships that involves the competing desires of criticizing a friend and accepting them is called Judgment and acceptance dialectic
Correct Answer:
● True
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43. Tensions that occur because of how the partners communicate with one another is called
Correct Answer:
● Internal dialectics
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44. A systems principle that says members of systems depend on each other and are affected by one another is called
Correct Answer:
● Interdependence
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45. Stage 3 of Knapp’s Coming Together Model, it’s when the relationship deepens in intimacy is called
Correct Answer:
● Intensifying stage
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46. Stage 4 of Knapp’s Coming Together Model, it’s when the partners form a clear identity as a couple is known as
Correct Answer:
● Integrating stage
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47. Stage 1 of Knapp’s Coming Together Model; it’s when two people notice one another and indicate to each other that they are interested in making contact.
Correct Answer:
● Initiating stage
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48. When one partner plays the parts of both partners in a mental rehearsal of the communication they expect their partners will exhibit.
Correct Answer:
● Imagined conversations
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49. An external dialect revealing the tension between an idealized vision of the relationship and the real relationship that one has.
Correct Answer:
● Ideal and real dialectic
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50. A quality of online relationships resulting from participants’ ability to strategically present themselves, highlighting their positive qualities.
Correct Answer:
● Hyperpersonal
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51. A systems principle stating that smaller systems are embedded in larger systems is called
Correct Answer:
● Hierarchy
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52. Tensions that occur because of how partners negotiate the more public aspects of their relationship is called
Correct Answer:
● External dialectics
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53. Stage 2 of Knapp’s Coming Together Model, it’s when people become acquainted by gathering information about one another is called
Correct Answer:
● Experimenting stage
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54. A systems principle stating that systems have the ability to achieve the same goals (or ends) by a variety of means is called
Correct Answer:
● Equifinality
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55. A strategy for dealing with dialectic tensions that allows people to cope with tensions by exempting certain issues from the general pattern.
Correct Answer:
● Disqualifying
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56. Stage 1 of Knapp’s Coming Apart Model, it’s when the partners highlight their differences and individuality is called
Correct Answer:
● Differentiating stage
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57. A strategy for dealing with dialectic tensions by featuring the oppositions at alternating times is called cyclic alternation
Correct Answer:
● True
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58. Those things in relational life that people judge as negative is called
Correct Answer:
● Costs
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59. Skills applied to correct a relational problem is called Corrective maintenance or repair
Correct Answer:
● True
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60. Comparing the costs and rewards of a current relationship to the possibility of doing better in a different relationship is called Comparison level for alternatives
Correct Answer:
● True
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61. A person’s expectations for a given relationship is called
Correct Answer:
● Comparison level
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62. Relationships that endure over time, consist of interdependent partners who satisfy each other’s needs for connection and social inclusion that feel an emotional attachment to each other, are irreplaceable to one another, and enact unique communication patterns is called
Correct Answer:
● Close relationships
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63. Stage 2 of Knapp’s Coming Apart Model, it’s when the partners restrain their communication behaviors so that fewer topics are raised (for fear of conflict) and more issues are out of bounds is called circumscribing stage
Correct Answer:
● True
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64. A system principle focusing on how systems set their rules, check on themselves, and self-correct is called
Correct Answer:
● Calibration
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65. A systems principle stating that we create boundaries around each separate system, making it distinct from others but information passes through these boundaries or openness
Correct Answer:
● True
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66. Stage 5 of Knapp’s Coming Together Model, it’s when the partners make a public commitment to the relationship is called
Correct Answer:
● Bonding stage
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67. Stage 4 of Knapp’s Coming Apart Model, it’s when partners try to stay out of the same physical environment is called
Correct Answer:
● Avoiding stage
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68. A primary dialectic that centers on our desire to be independent or autonomous while simultaneously wanting to feel a connection with our partner is called Autonomy and connection dialectic
Correct Answer:
● True
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69. Actually going up to a person or smiling in that person’s direction to give a signal that you would like to initiate contact is called
Correct Answer:
● Approaching
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70. Statements containing an expression of remorse, a promise not to repeat the transgression, an acknowledgment of fault, a promise to make it up to the victim, and a request for forgiveness is called
Correct Answer:
● Apologies
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71. Emphasizing the commonalities you think you share with the other person is called
Correct Answer:
● Affinity seeking
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72. A dialectic found in friendships that poses a tension between framing your friendship with someone as an end in itself (affection) or seeing it as a means to another end (instrumentality) is called Affection and instrumentality dialectic
Correct Answer:
● True
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73. Explanations for transgressions is called
Correct Answer:
● Accounts
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