MCQs > Languages & Communication > Communication (Interpersonal) MCQs > Interpersonal Verbal Communication MCQs

Interpersonal Verbal Communication MCQ

Interpersonal Verbal Communication MCQ

1. When we respond to a label rather than to what the label actually represents, we are exhibiting an extensional orientation.


Correct Answer: False

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2. ______ is the term coined to describe the different languages that men and women use.


Correct Answer: Genderlect

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3. ______ refers to communication that highlights or points out a person’s sex.


Correct Answer: Spotlighting

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4. When we adapt our speech style to match another’s we are using communication convergence.


Correct Answer: True

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5. The three points of the triangle of meaning are thought, word, and thing.


Correct Answer: True

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6. The ______ meaning refers to our personal or contextual meanings for words.


Correct Answer: Connotative

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7. Using either/or terms is called polarizing language.


Correct Answer: True

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8. Which code requires us to consider the context of an interaction, the interdependent nature of our relationship, and the goal of our exchange?


Correct Answer: Pragmatic

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9. A(n) ______ is a term that is used to mask the true meaning by “softening the blow” of a message.


Correct Answer: Euphemism

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10. The semantic code establishes the conventions guiding word use.


Correct Answer: False

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11. Word wall is -------- that impedes understanding.


Correct Answer: Language

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12. Word mask is ambiguous language meant to --------.


Correct Answer: Confuse

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13. A model that demonstrates the rela­tionships that exist among words, things, and thoughts is known as --------.


Correct Answer: Triangle of Meaning

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14. Conventions that guide word use are -------.


Correct Answer: Syntactic code

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15. Spotlighting is highlighting a person’s -------- for emphasis.


Correct Answer: Sex

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16. Snarl words register -----------.


Correct Answer: Social disapproval

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17. Semantic code uses ------ to communicate.


Correct Answer: Symbols

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18. A theory that proposes language influences perception by revealing and reflecting one’s worldview.


Correct Answer: Sapir–Whorf Hypothesis

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19. What are the words that register social approval?


Correct Answer: Purr words

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20. What term comes to mind by following terms:


Correct Answer: Pragmatic code

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21. Language that describes experience in -------- terms is polarizing language.


Correct Answer: Either-or

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22. The view that -------- contain unique embedded elements.


Correct Answer: Languages

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23. The view that language shapes thinking is linguistic determinism.


Correct Answer: True

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24. System of arbitrary symbols shared by a group is known as


Correct Answer: B) Language

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25. The type of orientation dis­played when one responds to what the label actually represents is called


Correct Answer: C) Intensional Orientation

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26. Deborah Tannen’s term for language differ­ences attributed to gender known as


Correct Answer: B) Genderlect

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27. The type of orientation one dis­plays when not blinded by labels known as


Correct Answer: A) Extensional Orientation

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28. Euphemism is ________ language substi­tuted for blunt language.


Correct Answer: A) Inoffensive

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29. Words that cannot be interpreted are known as Equivocal Language


Correct Answer: B) False

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30. Language that announces the user’s attitude toward a subject is called


Correct Answer: B) Emotive Language

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31. Dominant Culture has _______ power


Correct Answer: C) The most

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32. Denotative Meaning is


Correct Answer: D) Emotion free

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33. Connotative Meaning is


Correct Answer: C. personal meaning

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34. Purposeful adop­tion of a style of speaking that contrasts with a person from whom one desires to distance oneself is called.


Correct Answer: A) Communication Divergence

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35. Communication Convergence is matching of ___________ and use of pauses with another as part of building a relationship.


Correct Answer: C) Both of these

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36. A theory that asserts that we adjust our language patterns to reflect how we feel about another person is known as


Correct Answer: A) Communication Accommodation Theory

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37. Culture shared by group of people within a society is called


Correct Answer: B) Co-Culture

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38. _________ is a communication problem that occurs When individuals think they understand each other but actually miss each other’s meaning


Correct Answer: A) Bypassing

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39. Argot is the language used by members of _________ .


Correct Answer: B) Co-Culture

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